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Functional Behavioral Assessment

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SCBH’s process in developing a behavioral treatment plan includes completing a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA). “An FBA is an approach that incorporates a variety of techniques and strategies to diagnose the causes and to identify likely interventions intended to address problem behaviors. In other words, the FBA looks beyond the demonstrated behavior and focuses, instead, upon identifying biological, social, affective, and environmental factors that initiate, sustain, or end the target behavior. This approach is important because it leads the observer beyond the “symptom” (the behavior) to the underlying motivation for it.” ( New Mexico Teachers Manual**** get correct citation***). There are several components that are involved prior …show more content…
Motivation or preference assessments are designed to determine chain of command under a specific set of conditions in which they are conducted. These types of assessments are observations or trial-based evaluations that allow clinicians to determine a preference hierarchy. A preference chain of command indicates which items are highly-preferred items, moderately-preferred items, and low-preferred items ( ). An ABC data form is an assessment tool used to gather information that should evolve into a positive behavior support plan. A is the antecedent which are the events, action, or circumstances that occur before a behavior. B is the behavior. C is the consequences which are the action or response that follows the behavior. The ABC data form is considered a direct observation format because one has to be directly observing the behavior when it occurs. This form is given to the staff as an external observer who during their shift has the time and ability to observe and document behaviors during specified periods of the day which is time and staffs …show more content…
Candy has learned to behave (or misbehave) in ways that satisfy a need for her or to get what she wants. If she learns that a new behavior will effectively give her what she desires, the response can become effective and efficient. An FBA is a problem solving method which looks beyond the person’s behavior to identify the role environment and social conduct play into the behavior with the specific behaviors outline in the plan. The FBA is the foundation for the IBSSP, or treatment plan, so understanding the “why” of Candy’s behavior or misbehavior is most essential to treatment

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