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High School Service Hours Research Paper

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In our everyday lives, we are always being judged. No other time in our life exemplifies this truth more clearly other than college applications. Colleges are always looking for the brightest, most well-rounded students in the nation. All through High School teachers, loved ones, and friends constantly remind you of the looming decisions to be made in the near future with their constant questions. Where are you going to apply? What are you going to do? What are you going to major in? How much money will that major make? Most importantly, what school will accept you? Colleges look mainly at grades, SAT or ACT scores, and service hours. The sign of a well-rounded, complete student is a high level of achievement in each of these three categories. Service hours play a major role in getting accepted into college as well as receiving scholarships. On top of college acceptance and scholarships, there are a couple benefits to serving in the community — work and life experience, connections, and a broader worldview. At this point in my life, these can be an essential part of my college career as well as after college in finding jobs. Work and life experiences are important in trying to find something you love to do. Without those experiences, your decisions about a major can become pointless. Secondly, connections can result in job placement, friendships, …show more content…
All other service hours must be completed during the school year. For example, the required hours for a senior is sixteen and only eight can be completed during the summer. So, if one wants to perform more than sixteen hours they must perform those hours during the school year. This causes any extra hours completed in the summer over the maximum number of eight to become void and not appear on one's transcript. For a three-sport athlete like myself, this can get difficult on top of holding a part-time

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