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Gender Stereotypes Analysis

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Psychological researchers are placing a growing importance on the transactional, or interactive, relationship between kids and their playthings. the great majority of doll analyses proceed without talking to or observing children themselves, and neglect to tackle the issues of race and class. There is no fat, abused, or pregnant Barbie, questions that were shaped by their being young black girls living in a poor and working-class, racially segregated neighborhood. These multiple facets of kids' identities are fixed neither internally nor socially; elsewhere it’s alarming how different geographic sites reconfigure the relationship and relevance of gender, race, and class in children's experience(Chin, 1999).
The primary appeal toy makers offer with their correct playthings is the idea that such toys can help minority kids to feel more at home in the world through allowing them to play with toys-and especially dolls that look like them. By framing the representation problem as being one only of race, makers of ethnically correct toys miss …show more content…
Through engaging chonga images, I demonstrate the need for a reevaluation of hypersexual representations in order to trouble academic work that aims to "empower" girls of color by disassociating them from harmful stereotypes to the point that their sexual agency becomes effaced and viewed as primarily dictated by males and mainstream culture. My conceptualization of agency here draws from anthropologist Laura Ahearn's (2001) definition of it as the "socioculturally mediated capacity to act" (112). Sexuality cannot be divorced from social context, yet it must be recognized that girls play various roles in framing the meanings associated with their sexual identities and

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