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General Olds Characteristics

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1. “I remember my first interview with McConnell, I walked briskly through the door, stopped and snapped a salute. He walked up to me, stuck a finger under my nose and said, ‘Take it off!’ And I said, ‘Yes, sir!’ And that was the end of that.” These were the words of Brigadier General Robin Olds in relation to his characteristic handlebar mustache that he grew while overseas. General Olds may sound like a familiar name, after all he is the reason why the Air Force celebrates the tradition of Mustache March. General Olds had quite a colorful past and a very successful military career followed by troubling issues in his personal life. This paper will explore General Olds’ past as well as some leadership characteristics that he embodied including his willingness to step up and fight regulations he deems unfit, his dedication to making the Air Force a successful fighting force, and his ability to lead by his own example.

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General Olds was a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force during both World War II and Vietnam. Olds flew aircraft such as the P-80 Shooting Star, Gloster Meteor, F-86A Sabre, F-101 Voodoo, and F-4C Phantom. He earned 17 victories in these wars and earned the status of “triple ace.” General Olds was awarded the Air Force Cross, the second highest honor (below the Medal of Honor) of which a member of the Air Force can earn. Serving in many different roles throughout his career, Olds was able to receive assignments with the British Royal Air Force, serving as a commander of the No. 1 Squadron and the US Air Force’s 81st Tactical Fighter Wing in

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