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Genesis Two Creation Stories


Submitted By Suzie12
Words 470
Pages 2
Genesis Two Creation Stories
I was not aware there were two different creation stories in Genesis “beginning” until taking this course. It is extremely interesting that in both stories basically the same thing is accomplished, the creation of the world. However, how this is described and accomplished is where the differences become noticeably different in the two stories. After reading both creations stories several times, I believe that each story simply gives a different prospective as the individuals who wrote them were different people.
In the first creation the author is speaking out Gods thoughts as they appeared each day. Genesis 1.1 – 1.31 tells us how through the six days he created light and darkness, water above and below with dry land, lights in the dome in the sky, water creatures, birds in the sky, living creatures that move and then the creation of humans. Humans were then told by God to “Be fruitful and multiply” and that they were created in God’s own imagine. And in 2.1 of Genesis the author is letting us know that after six days of creation, God rested on the seventh from all the work he had done.
In the second creation, the author leads us to believe that there were already pre-existing material on earth, dust and the ground. Genesis 2.7 says “then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils and the breath of life; and the man became a living being.” We learn here that the name giving to man “Adam” is formed from the dust of the ground called Adamah. Unlike in the first creation where humans were created, woman is created in the second creation from the rib of Adam.
Another noticeable difference in the creations is not just how the story is told. It is in the way the author of each version uses words. In the first creation the author uses “God” while in the second creation the author uses “Lord God.”

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