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Ghetto Narrative

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“I’m done with his ass!” , Jolissa hollered as she sat on her full sized bed laced with Tommy Hilfiger quilt and flowered sheets. How’d many times I said that? Too many I sappose but this time I meant it. I deserve better than what im receivinf from this man. Im a woman, attractive, successful an intelligent black and strong willed. I deserve a man of equal stature to lie next to at night. But dddddddarn it, why did I have to be 32 years old and alone? You’re probably wondering whats wrong wirh me being that age. Well, I can sum up the answer with one word: CHILDREN.
I was raised in a project called Dutch Point. A ghetto. A section of a city occupied by a group who live there especially because of social, economic, or legal pressure. The word was originally used to …show more content…
In the ghetto I lived, most of the girls between 11-15 were already having babies. One of my friends had twins boys. She named the first born YoShawn and the other Samino. I don’t know how she came up with those name and knowone asked her. I guess it’s a ghetto thing to fuck up your kids name to inhibit them to get jobs in the future.
The girls have babies by dead beat boyfriends. After my friend Taniesha had her twins we still saw the boy in the ghetto but he had another girl by the time the twins were born. He didn’t want anything to do with her or the babies. Yet he had, No high school diploma, so they could further their lives. He just stayed around the hood and did bad things. He was a Jail house thug, this title gave them status in the hood. Another thing that gave men status in the hood was being called a stepdad who actually isn’t a stepfather because the mother never married him because hes already married. This man had to do good or anyone could tell his wife and then all hell breaks loose in the ghetto. Thank goodness state assistance provided medical and food stamps For Taniesha and other young girls

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