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Global Effect of the Ada


Submitted By mikewake55
Words 1540
Pages 7
The Global effect of the ADA
Michael Wakefield, Leonard
Florida International University

Advantages and Barriers

LA Fitness has provided many advantages for disabled persons. The whole setting of the building is very convenient. The entrance is ground level; people will not have a hard time getting into the building. Disabled persons that want to get into the pool will have no problem because they have a pool lift. I noticed that they have lowered all of the hand sanitizers and paper towel machines so that they are accessible for people in wheelchairs. While on the visit to LA Fitness I noticed that they don’t have any TDD phone or phones that is hearing aid compatible. I also noticed that they don’t have much room in between the machines, there for people in wheelchairs can’t get easy access to all the workstations. If they can’t get to all the workstations they won’t get the full experience of the gym.
Accessibility Recommendations
LA Fitness is a very assessable building for disabled persons but there are some things that they can fix. 1. Spreading out the machines so it will be easier for people in wheel chairs to get around, and use all the machines. 2. They should have a phone replaced with a hearing aid compatible phone. 3. They should also place a planter or other cane detectable barrier on each side at floor level because the water fountain is undetectable by cane.
Global Review of Disability and Accessibility
Kenya introduced an Act in 2003 called the Persons with Disability act. This act is very similar to our Americans with Disability Act. Kenya only had rights for disabled people for eleven years, and the ADA has been effect for twenty five years. After looking through Kenya’s disability rights I noticed that there is a lot of influence from the United States. In Kenya all disabled persons can be exempted from paying taxes on all income

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