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God's Identity

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God’s identity refers to God's character and His various characteristics. God is part of the Trinity, meaning that He is three-persons in one being. God's identity not only impacts how we live and how we think of ourselves in the world, but it also shows us what it means to be truly human through Jesus' humanity, leads us deeper into the way of Jesus through the Holy Spirit, and influences the way we view ourselves and others. It is important to remember that we are made in God's image. This belief allows us to see ourselves as the children of Christ and live knowing that we are created perfectly in the eyes of God.
Genesis 1:27 in the Bible states that: “...God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27, NRSV). God's identity is our identity because we are made in his image as a near perfect reflection. He always loves us, and we are supposed to be conscious and aware of God’s love and put our faith in it. The belief that God created me allows me to live my life knowing that God created the world and I this way for a reason and that as long as I have faith in Him everything will work out. We discover our true identity the more closely we are drawn to Him through our understanding of Jesus' humanity …show more content…
Jesus is humanity is displayed by the fact that He was born as a baby from Mary, that He was affected by tiredness, thirst and hunger, as well as experiencing human emotion living on earth as we do. I believe that Jesus' humanity symbolizes how we should all understand our own humanity and live our lives. Even through temptation in humanity Jesus did not sin, which means that we too can live without sin. Jesus' humanity shows us that we have a Savior who can truly identify with us because He too is human. If we happen to stray towards sin and temptation the Holy Spirit directs us back to

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