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Gold Rush Field Trip

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Gold Rush Field Trip Right now I want you to pretend you are in the Gold Rush Times. Think about the kind of houses they used to have, clothes they wore, activities they did, and what they ate. As you walk into the town you look around with excitement in your eyes. Now the people there welcome you in. You will probably notice that you are not dressed like them, so they give you some clothes. This was me in 3rd grade. I went on a school field trip in Denver, Colorado. To a little town based on the Gold Rush Times. We drove up on our school bus to the little town. They split us up into groups and let us go try out the fun Gold Rush activities. The first activity my group got was square dancing. One side the boys stood in a line facing us girls. We also were in a line facing them. Each girl had a boy partner. The music start and the girls run up to the boys and touch their shoulder. Then grab their arm and swing around. After, we switch sides and repeat it. Then, we each stand …show more content…
This is the process of shaking up cream (which is whole milk preferably) to make butter. We each had put in the cream into the butter churning pot, close the cap, put in the stick and start churning the butter. I loved having a chance to try it out! Of course people back then in the Gold Rush time made other foods, but they let us do the easiest one. Churning butter let me see that making butter was not as easy as just going to the store and buying butter.
We also had the chance to ride in a conestoga wagon with 4 big horses. A conestoga wagon a broad wheeled covered wagon. It was used to transport people and supplies across the prairie. The chance of riding this wagon for me was scary, but fun at the same time! It was going fast which was sketchy because you do not have much safety. Just something to hold on to. My whole group had a chance to all go together. We got to learn about how people used transportation back

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