...Whatever that goal may be, there are motives as to why we choose to join a team. To stay in a team and also choose to leave the team. As Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs suggest, there are motivating factors that move members to work together in groups, and they categorize into two groups. Satisfiers' and Motivators. The authors, Engelberg & Wynn, state that satisfiers' have the most basic needs like physiological and safety needs. Motivators are higher-level needs such as self- actualization, belongingness, and esteem needs (2011). For members with belongingness needs, a group provides a sense of belonging, by providing friendship opportunities and members find that they identify with others. Groups can also satisfy members with esteem needs, these needs are met through success and member satisfaction. Working in groups gives these members a sense of worthiness and that their contribution matters. Therefore, member motivation is necessary to fuel group performance and achieve successful collaboration. On the other hand, sometimes motives can also have a negative effect on collaboration. When individual motives such as esteem, belongingness, and self-actualization needs are not met they eventually create affective conflict. Within our group, it seems that these motives aren’t existent. Being that were so new to becoming a team together, there is not enough time spent with each other and were morally established, making us a great team. According to Engelberg and Wynn (2011), “Affective...
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...FACULTY OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS & LAW RBUS2900 Business Research Method Article Review: Trust and Team Performance This paper will be analyzing and critiquing three main articles of trust and its direct and indirect effect on team performance. The selected articles are collected from the journal of occupational and organisational psychology, organization science and journal of business and industrial marketing, published no earlier than 2009 Contents RBUS2900 Article Review: “Trust and Team Performance” 2 I. Introduction 2 II. Research Design Characteristics 3 III. Summaries of the Three Articles 3 3.1. Article1: “The differential effect of team members’ trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion” (Mach, Dolan & Tzafrir, 2010) 3 3.2. Article 2: “Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams” (Joshi, Lazarova & Liao, 2010) 5 3.3. Article 3: “Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators” (Doyan, 2010) 6 IV. Critiques of the Three Articles 7 4.1. Article1: “The differential effect of team members’ trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion” (Mach, Dolan & Tzafrir, 2010) 7 4.2. Article 2: “Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams” (Joshi, Lazarova & Liao, 2010) 8 4.3. Article 3: “Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators” (Doyan, 2010) 9 ...
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...Elements that foster motivation This paper is going to look at three jobs that are on the top 100 list, as being the best jobs to work for. It is also going to look into is identifying elements that appear to foster employee motivation and group cohesion among employees. What does this actually mean “Cohesiveness is central to the study of groups. It is considered vital in group decision making, group performance, goal attainment, social identity, and member satisfaction. Yet cohesion, "studied more than any other aspect of group structure" (Moreland & Levine, 1982) The first job that this paper is going to look at is Google, why Google, because it is on the top of the list of the 100 top jobs to work for. If you look at the Google site, you may think that it is a big playground and not a job. They have hired people, whose sole purpose is to keep employees happy, who would not want to work for them. To get into Google one must have an interview, just like any other job you fill out an application for. The one difference with Google is you may get asked some unusual questions for example: “How many golf balls can fit into a school bus?” Very unusual questions, Google claims the answer is not as important as your thought process and how you think under pressure. Google has many perks for their employees; here are just a few, free breakfast, lunch, and dinner, free haircuts, on site physicians and many more. By doing this Google is making their employees happy and...
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...Best Workplace Assignment Paper MGT 415 Mrs. Connie Warner August 31, 2015 Best Workplace Assignment Paper Within this paper, I will describe three work environments, and identify elements that appear to foster employee motivation and group cohesion among employees that I retrieved from Fortune's 18th year of partnering with Great Places to Work. Some qualities that make a company great to work for are having a strong supportive culture. A strong culture offers mutual support, promotes trust, rewards employees’ efforts, and ensures that employees know their work is meaningful. Professional growth is a priority. Instead of growing employees’ skills to match the company’s needs, great companies look for ways to grow the company based on employees’ passions by asking employees what they are interested in doing and how they would like to see their career unfold. As an employee, it’s important to like the people you work with. Since we spend so much time with our co-workers, it’s important to like and respect them. Working with people who are supportive and understanding fosters personal connections and professional growth. Group cohesion – or connectedness – is integral to keep things productive within a group setting. It is considered vital in group decision making, group performance, goal attainment, social identity, and member satisfaction (Losh, 2011) One company that is of the top rated companies to work for on Forbes Great Places to Work is The Container Store...
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...political and technical group decision- making in the history of experimental psychology. This had to have pleased its author who offered this formulation as a compelling bridge between principles documented by laboratory research and “real life” problems (e.g., Janis, 1971). As such the model “legitimized” the importance of decades of academic research on social influence and group process much of which focused upon perceptual and attitudinal judgments having little or no material consequence for participants1. The model has been widely cited (cf. Fuller & Aldag, 1998), and is still described as a valid model in most texts within social psychology (e.g., Baron & Byrne, 2003; Forsyth, 1999; Lord, 1997; Aronson, Wilson & Akert, 2003) and many introductory psychology texts as well (e.g., Myers, 2003). The longevity of this broad coverage both reflects and contributes to the common acceptance of groupthink as a valid and verified phenomenon not only by the lay public but by many academic psychologists as well (Fuller & Aldag, 1998, Turner & Pratkanis, 1998). As a result, it is disconcerting to find that there is substantial skepticism regarding this model among those involved scholars who have offered detailed reviews of the groupthink and group decision making literature (e.g., Aldag & Fuller, 1993; Esser, 1998; Hogg, 1992; Kerr & Tindale, 2004; Kramer, 1998; Longley & Pruitt, 1980; McCauley, 3  1989, Park, 1990; Paulus, 1998, Whyte, 1998). This paper examines a possible explanation...
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...Main Groups My Zunia Member Log in | Join Now Help FR Enterprising Women : Expanding Economic Opportunities in Afr... The World Bank Annual Report 2013 The Global Slavery Index 2013 by DG Foundation ALL Culture » Economy » Education » Environment » Governance » Health » Science & Tech » Sectors » Society » Home » Flights of fancy: A case study on aviation and EU funds in Poland Flights of fancy: A case study on aviation and EU funds in Poland air transport infrastructure, airport infrastructure, airport network, Airports and Air Services, aviation portal, european regional development fund, european union, onboard magazines, promotion services, rail infrastructure, Transport, transport network, Trade & Transport, Europe and Central Asia Flights of fancy: A case study on aviation and EU funds in Poland bankwatch.org – The aim of this paper is to review the rationale of EU Cohesion Policy investments in airport infrastructure using the example of Poland, with a particular focus on newly developed regional airports. The paper gives a brief overview of the existing airport network in Poland. The functioning of smaller airports is examined with regard to the burden that they create for regional and local budgets. Furthermore, the paper describes planned EU investments in airport infrastructure under Cohesion Policy 2007 - 2013. Additional topics covered include the cases...
Words: 406 - Pages: 2
...Main Groups My Zunia Member Log in | Join Now Help FR Enterprising Women : Expanding Economic Opportunities in Afr... The World Bank Annual Report 2013 The Global Slavery Index 2013 by DG Foundation ALL Culture » Economy » Education » Environment » Governance » Health » Science & Tech » Sectors » Society » Home » Flights of fancy: A case study on aviation and EU funds in Poland Flights of fancy: A case study on aviation and EU funds in Poland air transport infrastructure, airport infrastructure, airport network, Airports and Air Services, aviation portal, european regional development fund, european union, onboard magazines, promotion services, rail infrastructure, Transport, transport network, Trade & Transport, Europe and Central Asia Flights of fancy: A case study on aviation and EU funds in Poland bankwatch.org – The aim of this paper is to review the rationale of EU Cohesion Policy investments in airport infrastructure using the example of Poland, with a particular focus on newly developed regional airports. The paper gives a brief overview of the existing airport network in Poland. The functioning of smaller airports is examined with regard to the burden that they create for regional and local budgets. Furthermore, the paper describes planned EU investments in airport infrastructure under Cohesion Policy 2007 - 2013. Additional topics covered include the cases...
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...following paper will contain an analysis of a movie based on Stephen king’s novel Stand by Me. This movie shows the background of four children in a small town in which they are growing up. The background shows they all come from somewhat of an abusive background and how they cope with having little chance of success in their lives. Throughout the paper you will read how the journey that the group goes on further develops each member as well as the group as a whole. Particularly you will see how the plot, other groups, and each significant moment along the way further develop the group and each member. As the story goes on you will read about the different stages that the group will undergo and how the group shifts its motives. The paper will contain an analysis of each group member so that the reader has enough information to understand the rest of the paper. “I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve” The movie begins with an older man who narrarates the movie, we soon find out that this is Gordie telling his story about the time him and his best friends went to see a dead body. The movie is about four young boys who are growing up in a small town who have little chance of being real successful. The boys go off on an adventure to see a dead body in hopes to become famous. Throughout the paper I will be giving background information on each character and describe how that information develops their group, describing the type of group they are,...
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...Maria Naida Box 2: SOCIAL AND POLITICAL COHESION, SOCIAL TOLERANCE OF INEQUALITY Presented by Gutierrez, Cherry Lou THE IMPACT OF INEQUALITY ABSTRACT October 29, 2014 There is growing evidence and recognition on the powerful and corrosive effects of inequality on economic growth, poverty, social mobility and political cohesion. This paper finds that the real and potential impacts of inequality in relation to economic growth, poverty, social mobility, social stability and cohesion. KEYWORDS: Inequality, Economic Growth, Poverty, Social Mobility, Political Cohesion, Gender I. INTRODUCTION In relation to the worldwide gender gap, in so far as inequality also exist in political imbalance in the Philippines distinguished through the partisan move of a party, wherein, such intent, policies and term of their advocacy is their ultimate road map and reluctantly to engage in the opponent’s adherence. Colonial mindset, attributable to the Spanish era wherein their colonial stay in the country portrays the strictness and conservative ways in precluding to whom or to which is one’s belief will end up to, and upon the continuance of the American regime, where westernized ways has gotten in the minds of the Filipinos, that every choice of an American decision draws correct conclusion. Power and wealth elites also provides for the conclusiveness of a political group. Combining all these three key points will brings us the inequality on political cohesion. Thus, in this sense, we tackle how...
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...Patel suggesting that one of the valued things provided by music is emotional power. According to the ‘multiple mechanism’ theory, music can influence human emotion in many different ways except *a. visual imagery and association with past, present and future event b. expectancy and fulfilment or violation c. activation of the brainstem by arousing acoustic features d. acoustics cues that resemble the sound of emotional voices medium Source: Section 6.1 page 22, 2nd paragraph, line 6 More questions being arise due to lack explanation on how the music’s universality can affect the emotion. Therefore Patel discuss how the multiple mechanism theory states that music can enhance emotion in five different ways which are 1) expectancy and its fulfilment or violation, 2) activation of the brainstem by arousing acoustic features (e.g., sudden, sharp onsets); 3) association with past events; 4) visual imagery; or 5) acoustic cues that resemble the sounds of emotional voices. The two examples of biological power of music discuss by Patel in the reading are I recovery of brain functions after stroke II recovery of cerebral palsy in premature baby III recovery of verbal fluency in aphasia IV recovery of deaf due to exposure of high volume sound *a) I and III b) I and II c) II and III d) III and IV Easy-medium Source: Patel reading section 4 of the biological power of music: two examples Patel clearly discuss the two examples of music and the recovery of brain functions...
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...Sociological Reflections on High School: a media analysis of Glee The following is a paper I wrote for a sociology class and I have been thinking alot about group dynamics and fitting in and the difference a close knit group of friends can make in one person's life...more on that topic to come. The minority to be analyzed is the subordinate group in the high school environment. More specifically: how can membership in a subordinate group perceived as “bottom of the rung”, enhance the cohesiveness of that socially subordinate group in the adolescent environment, and how does the subgroup attempt to overcome the negative perception imposed on them? The hypothesis being that members of a social group with specific goals, perceived as subordinate and influenced by the social superiority of their peers will bond as a result of common social maltreatment as well as common goals. The results of this study can provide an understanding of the realistic ability for high school aged children to develop healthy relationships despite their subordinate status within their social environment and whether this idea is accurately represented in the media. Literature Review In addressing the concrete definition and study of cohesion, Moody and White explain the ongoing issue of cohesion this way: “Although questions about social cohesion lie at the core of our discipline, definitions are often vague...
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...University of Miami Scholarly Repository Management Faculty Articles and Papers Management 1-1-2013 Team leadership: The Chilean Mine Case Terri A. Scandura University of Miami, scandura@miami.edu Monica M. Sharif Recommended Citation Scandura, Terri A. and Sharif, Monica M., "Team leadership: The Chilean Mine Case" (2013). Management Faculty Articles and Papers. Paper 13. http://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/management_articles/13 This Book Chapter is brought to you for free and open access by the Management at Scholarly Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Management Faculty Articles and Papers by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Repository. For more information, please contact repository.library@miami.edu. Scandura, T.A. & Sharif, M.M. (In Press). Team leadership: The Chilean mine case. In C.M. Giannantonio & A.E. Hurley-Hanson (Eds.), Extreme Leadership: Leaders, Teams and Situations Outside the Norm (pp. XX-XX). Northampton, MA: Edward Edgar Publishing. TEAM LEADERSHIP: THE CHILEAN MINE CASE TERRI A. SCANDURA Department of Management School of Business Administration University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 scandura@miami.edu MONICA M. SHARIF Department of Management School of Business Administration University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 msharif@miami.edu 1 Team Leadership: The Chilean Mine Case Terri A. Scandura & Monica M. Sharif University of Miami Introduction The world watched...
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...291-4920 email: bushe@sfu.ca An edited version of this paper was published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1995, 31:1, 13-30 Gervase R. Bushe (Ph.D. Case Western Reserve) is Associate Professor, Organization Development in the Faculty of Business Administration, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5A 1S6. Graeme Coetzer (MBA Simon Fraser University) is a doctoral student in organization development in the Faculty of Business Administration, Simon Fraser University. Appreciative Inquiry as a Team Development Intervention: A Controlled Experiment ABSTRACT In a controlled laboratory experiment the effects of a team development intervention based on the theory of appreciative inquiry was compared with task oriented team development and lectures on group processes, outcomes and performance. 96 undergraduate students in two semesters of an introductory organization behaviour course participated in 4 person teams and had 13 weeks to complete a task worth 25% of each member's final grade. One third of teams received an appreciative inquiry intervention, another third received a task oriented team development intervention and the final third received a lecture on group dynamics (placebo). Pre and post surveys assessed group process and outcomes; project grades were used to assess task performance. ANOVAs and ANCOVAs on each of the process and outcome measures showed groups receiving appreciative inquiry and task oriented team development...
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...http://rel.sagepub.com/ RELC Journal http://rel.sagepub.com/content/31/2/45 The online version of this article can be found at: DOI: 10.1177/003368820003100203 RELC Journal 2000 31: 45 Ayisha H. Mohamed and Majzoub R. Omer Texts Texture and Culture: Cohesion as a Marker of Rhetorical Organisation in Arabic and English Narrative Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com Additional services and information for RELC Journal can be found at: Email Alerts: http://rel.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://rel.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://rel.sagepub.com/content/31/2/45.refs.html Downloaded from rel.sagepub.com at SIMON FRASER LIBRARY on March 28, 2011 45 TEXTURE AND CULTURE: COHESION AS A MARKER OF RHETORICAL ORGANISATION IN ARABIC AND ENGLISH NARRATIVE TEXTS AYISHA H. MOHAMED Police Training College in Abu Dhabi and MAJZOUB R. OMER College of Girls’ Education in Tabuk Abstract This paper claims that the differences at the cultural level between the Arabic-speaking and the English-speaking communities have a direct effect on the rhetorical organisation of Arabic and English texts as evident in the different ways in which cohesive devices are used. It is suggested that the two speech communities differ along the following cultural dimensions: oralised v. literate, collectivism v. individualism, high-contact v. low-contact...
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...Henry Tam and the MGI team Henry Tam and the MGI team Introduction When working with a team there is a number of issues that a leader of a group should address so as to ensure that the group works effectively. In group dynamics a leader should seek to understand the behavior of the team members and how the team works in attempting to make a decision or to solve a problem. A leader with expertise in team processes can help the team in achieving its objectives and aims by analyzing how the team is functioning in terms of decision making and problem solving, the leader should also be able to intervene and change the team’s operating behavior. A team is usually gathered for the purpose of accomplishing a given task, In the case of Henry Tam and the MGI team they are required to come up with a business plan within the contest deadline. There are a number of issues that challenge the team like team communication, analysis of issues and achieving group outcomes. In addressing this issues there needs to be a leader with expertise in group processes who will be helpful in playing the role of a facilitator. The team leader usually has a very strong influence on the team as he/she is tasked with the role of shaping the outcomes of the group. The influence that such a team leader has on the team will be determined by numerous factors namely; the leader’s personality, relative age, sex appearance, income, race and also the organizational structure in the given organization...
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