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Growth Pattern of Outsourcing


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Requirement 1 CICS Transaction Processing

Transaction management systems on z/OS - Chapter 11 - "Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics"

Introduction to CICS Handout

Multithreading: Reentrant, quasi-reentrant and threadsafe programs -
Introduction to CICS -
ICS Concepts: Multitasking, Multithreading, Quasi-Reentrancy, and Conversational and psedo conversational programming -
4500+ Mainframe Interview Questions Answers -

1. Describe the following CICS concepts using the following table. CICS Concepts | Description | CICS Application Program | | CICS Transaction ID (Transid) | | CICS Transaction or Task | | CICS Multithreaded Transactions | |

Transaction processing -
What is a CICS application? -
CICS programs, transactions and tasks -
Units of work -

2. Explain the difference and relationship between a CICS Application and a CICS Transaction. {Hint: page 412 in your text book} Answer =>


3. Explain the difference and relationship between a CICS Transaction and a CICS Unit of Work. {Hint: page 412 in your text book} Answer =>


4. Explain the difference and relationship between a CICS Transaction and a CICS Task. {Hint: page 412 in your text book} Answer =>


5. How does one code, compile and link a CICS application? Answer =>


6. What are the differences between executing a COBOL batch application, e.g., similar to previous assignment, and executing a CICS application? Answer =>


7. Why is the logon and authentication process different from TSO/ISPF and CICS? Answer =>


8. How does one use JCL to execute CICS transactions? Answer =>


9. CICS is both an OLTP transaction server (monitor) and Application Program Interface (API) for different programming languages. Explain the purpose of an OLTP transaction server? Answer =>


10. What are the characteristics of Transaction Systems (OLTP), e.g., CICS, as compared to Batch Processing, e.g., many users etc.? Answer =>


11. What is the difference between Multitasking and Multithreading? Answer =>


12. Given the scenario of a commercial bank teller's CICS transaction system, explain the advantage of using multithreading. Answer =>


13. CICS was the first commercial product to introduce the Model-View-Controller software design framework. Describe each of the following MVC concepts MVC Concepts | Description | Model | | View | | Controller | |

14. Assume that a commercial retail bank required applications to support a mapset, HTML and mobile user interface. Explain how MVC would make the process of coding applications to support different user interfaces easier. Answer =>


15. Explain how Walmart uses CICS in their Point-of-Sales devices and credit card machines. Answer =>


16. Explain the vulnerability of the Fall 2014 Poodle attack in relationship to a mainframe and CICS. Answer =>


Introduction to basic mapping support (BMS) -
BMS maps -
Basic mapping support (BMS) services -
BMS map -

17. What is the function of a CICS Map/Mapset? Answer =>


18. When accessing the Internet a CICS Map somewhat resembles what important web concept? Answer =>


19. What are the differences between a physical mapset and a symbolic mapset? Answer =>


20. What is the role of BMS (Basic Map Support) services? Answer =>


21. A CICS Map/Mapset is made to display information to be processed by a CICS application. What type of device is a CICS Map/Mapset displayed on? Be specific. Answer =>


22. A CICS Maps/Mapset is a separate entity from a CICS application. Why is CICS Maps/Mapset separated from the CICS transaction? Answer =>


23. Besides CICS, list examples or names of other OLTP servers and programming languages. Answer =>


ACID properties of transactions -
Commit and rollback -
Two-phase commit -
What is two-phase commit? -
Distributed units of work -

24. Transaction systems must have four primary qualities known by the acronym ACID. Using the following table describe each of these qualities and provide a practical example based on your personal experiences of each. Be specific with the example. ACID Requirement | Definition or Description | Applied Example | Atomicity | | | Consistency | | | Isolation | | | Durability | | |

CICS topology -

25. Using the following table describe the following CICS topological features. CICS Topologies | Definition or Description | Sysplex | | CICS Region | | CICSPlex | | CICS System Group | |

26. Explain the relationship between CICS topology and its relationship to distributed business units of work. Answer =>


27. What is a two-phase commit? Answer =>


28. How does a software system ensure that a transaction involving multiple distributed resources can be rolled back? Answer =>


CICS conversational and pseudo-conversational programming -
Pseudo-conversational programs -
What are the advantages of pseudo conversational vs conversational CICS programming? -

29. Using a practical example explain how a Conversational Style program works? Answer =>





30. Using a practical example explain how a Pseudo-Conversational Style program works? Answer =>


31. What are the advantages of a Pseudo-Conversational Style program as compared to a Conversational Style program? Answer =>


32. How does an application programmer distinguish a CICS command between COBOL statements and syntax? Answer =>


CICS services for application programs -
CICS Terminal services -

33. What are the functions of CICS Terminal Services? Answer =>


34. Describe the type of information and administration functions of the following CICS tables CICS Administration Tables and Resource Definitions | CICS | Administration function and type of data | PPT Processing Program Table | | PCTProgram Control Table | | FCTFile control Table. | | TCT Terminal Control Table | | TST Temporary Storage Table | | DCT Destination Control Table | | RCT Resource Control Table | | SIT System Initialization Table | |

CICS temporary storage: overview -

Using temporary storage -

35. Why would one use Temporary Storage (TS)? Answer =>


36. Why would one use Temporary Data Queues (TD)? Answer =>


37. How does a CICS user start a CICS transaction? Answer =>


38. Which CICS table is used to find the name of the program associated with the CIS transaction? Answer =>


39. CICS COBOL programs do not end with STOP RUN. CICS programs end with the RETURN CICS command. What is the difference between a simple CICS RETURN statement and a CICS RETURN TRANSID() statement? {Hint: pages 414-415 in your text book} Answer =>


40. One CICS program can pass control to another CICS program by using either the LINK or XCTL CICS statements. It is very common for a CICS transaction to have more than one program. What is the difference between using a LINK and a XCTL statement? {Hint: pages 422 - 423 in your text book} Answer =>


Requirement 2 Introduction to DB2 and Databases

Database Management Systems on z/OS - Chapter 12 - "Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics"
Important Review What is DB2 and IMS? Handout

What is a database? -
Database Entities -
What are attributes and entities in database system management?
Definition of: attribute-,2542,t=attribute&i=38140,00.asp
Entity Relationships -

Flat Files (VSAM data sets) and Database Management Systems

1. In relationship to a database, explain the concept of an entity. Answer =>


2. In relationship to a database, explain the concept of a data attribute. Answer =>

------------------------------------------------- 3. DB2 uses a relational database model. Describe the structure of relational database model (schema). Answer =>


4. How many parent entities can a child entity have in a relational database model (relational database schema)? Answer =>


5. Using the following table list the advantages and disadvantages of the Relational Data Model (Relational Database Schema). Relational Database Schemas | Advantages | Disadvantages | | | | | | |

6. Describe or explain the use of the following relational database model (schema) concepts using the following table.

Relational Database Model Concept | Description or Use | Table | | Index | | Foreign Key | | Primary Key | | DB2 | | SQL | | E.F. Codd | | Tuple | | Attribute | | Relation | | Constraint | | Domain | | Normalization | |

7. What is the difference between a Table and a Relation? Answer =>


Video - DB2 Tutorial Introduction -
Video - DB2 Best Practices in Database Storage -
Video - Comparing DBA Productivity: An Oracle/DB2 Task Complexity Study -
Video - The Comprehensive Approach: A Unified Information Architecture -
Video - Tablespace & bufferpool administration in db2 -
Video - Steps for starting and stopping Db2 instances and databases -

DB2 data servers and environments -

A little background information. What is a DB2 Storage Group?

DB2storage groups are a set of volumes on disks that hold the data sets in which tables and indexes are stored.

After you define a DB2 storage group, DB2 stores information about it in the DB2 catalog. (This catalog is not the same as the integrated catalog facility catalog that describes DB2 VSAM data sets). The catalog table SYSIBM.SYSSTOGROUP has a row for each storage group, and SYSIBM.SYSVOLUMES has a row for each volume. With the proper authorization, you can retrieve the catalog information about DB2 storage groups by using SQL statements.

When you create table spaces and indexes, you name the storage group from which space is to be allocated. You can also assign an entire database to a storage group. Try to assign frequently accessed objects (indexes, for example) to fast devices, and assign seldom-used tables to slower devices. This approach to choosing storage groups improves performance.

Once a DB2 Storage Group has been created, DB2 must allocate storage volumes between Table Space (Volumes where tables are stored) and Index Space (Volumes where Indexes are stored.) After DB2 Storage Groups, Table and Index Spaces are designated one can define a DB2 database.

DB2® databases are a set of DB2 administrative structures that include a collection of tables, their associated indexes, and the table spaces in which they reside. You define a database by using the CREATE DATABASE statement. Finally users can create tables, indexes and other DB2 objects.

The bottom line is DB2 administrative process starts with the DB2 Storage Group, which is nothing but a simple z/FS volume. Can a DB2 Storage Group share space with use sequential and PDS data sets. Yes, but in the real world this may not be desirable

8. Data structures are elements that are required to use DB2. Using the following tables describe the following DB2 Data Structure (which is listed from most inclusive to the least inclusive). DB2 Data Structures | Description | Databases | | Storage Groups | | Table Spaces | | Tables | | Views | | Indexes | |

9. List the advantages or main purposes of using indexes using the following table. Advantages or Purposes of Using DB2 Indexes | | | | |

10. What is the function of a DB2 key? Answer =>


11. Describe and explain the function of each of the following types of DB2 keys using the following tables. Types of DB2 Keys | Description | Primary | | Unique | | Foreign | | Parent | |

User-Defined Types (UDTs) and Large Objects (LOBs) -
DB2 Stored Procedures -
DB2 Triggers -

In addition to storing traditional data types in a DB2 schema and tables, DB2 can also store user-defined data types, user-defined functions, triggers, LOBs and stored procedures. Describe each of the following concepts using the following table. DB2 Schema Structures Utilities | Description | User-defined Data Types | | User-defined Functions | | Triggers | | LOBs | | Stored Procedures | |

DB2 catalog -
DB2 directory -

Active and archive logs -
Bootstrap data set -
Buffer pools -

12. DB2 using various system structures, e.g., memory, data sets and tables, used to control the operation of DB2. Describe the following popular DB2 system structures using the following table. DB2 System Structures | Description | DB2 CATALOG | | DB2 DIRECTORY | | DB2 BOOTSTRAP DATA SET | | DB2 ACTIVE AND ARCHIVE LOGS | | DB2 BUFFER POOLS | |

DB2 Application COBOL API Programming

The following is an example of COBOL DB2 API. Program


13. The DB2 pre-compiler produces two output datasets from the original Source Code. What are these data sets? Answer =>


14. Why must a COBOL DB2 API program need to be precompiled? Answer =>

SQL statements in COBOL programs -
Processing SQL statements by using the DB2 precompiler -
Packages and application plans -
Binding an application -
DB2 packages: Concepts, examples, and common problems - Difference between DB2 Plan, Package and Collection ID 15. Describe the function of each SQL or DB2 COBOL Application Programming Concept {Hint: review the previous graphic. The left side includes the normal steps of compiling and linking a COBOL program discussed in a previous assignment. The right side of the graphic demonstrates how SQL statements embedded in a COBOL program are compiled and linked and stored in a DB2 catalog. Most of these answers relate to the right side of the graphic}} Application Programing for DB2 COBOL | Concepts | Description and Function | Static SQL | | Dynamic SQL | | DCLGEN | | DB2 Precompile | | DBRM (Database Request Module) | | Binding an DB2 Application (BIND) | | DB2 Plan | | DB2 Package | |

SPUFI Tutorial -
What is SPUFI? -
Using SPUFI Tutorial -
DB2 Query Management Facility (QMF) - Assignment 3 Theory Fall 2015.docx
DB2I (DB2 Interactive) and SPUFI -
What is DCLGEN? -

16. Explain the function of SPUFI? Answer =>


17. Under which utility would you find SPUFI? Answer =>


18. What is function of DB2's Query Management Facility (QMF)? Answer =>


19. What are the differences between SPUFI and QMF? Answer =>


20. What is the function of DCLGEN? Answer =>


What are the functions of a Database Administrator? Database administrator -
DB2 LOAD Utility -
Differences between the import and load utility -
Investigating SQL performance by using EXPLAIN -
Creating EXPLAIN tables -
Response times -

21. What are the functions of a DB2 or IMS database administrator? Answer =>


22. The DB2 Database Administrator may use three categories of DB2 utilities: Data Organization, Backup and Recovery, and Data Consistency Utilities. Using the following table, describe each of the follow DB2 DBA utility programs. DB2 DBA Utilities | Description and Functions | LOAD | | CHECK TABLESPACE | | CHECK INDEX | | REBUILD INDEX | | RECOVER | | RUNSTATS | | RECOVER | | DSNTIAUL | | CHECK DATA | | REBUILD INDEX | | DBE RESPONSE TIME | | EXPLAIN | |

Authorities overview -
System administration authority (SYSADM) -
Table and view privileges -
DB2 UDB security, Part 4: Understand how authorities and privileges are implemented in DB2 UDB -

23. What is a DB2 SYSADM? Answer =>


24. Is SYADMN a DB2 Authority or a DB2 Privilege? Answer =>


25. What is the difference between a DB2 Authority and DB2 Privilege, e.g., SELECT, CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.? Answer =>


Requirement 3 IMS

Database Management Systems on z/OS - Chapter 11 - "Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics"

Review What is DB2 and IMS? Handout Information Management System ( IMS)
DL1 -
IMS (Information Management System) -
What is an IMS Database?
IMS Database Basics -
Overview of IMS Databases - IMS Databases - Hierarchical database model 1. DB2 structures its information using a relational database model. Which type of database model does IMS use? Answer =>


2. Describe the concept of a parent/child relationship? Answer =>


3 How many parent entities can a child entity have in a hierarchical model? Answer =>


4. When comparing IMS's data structure to a z/OS segment, what is an IMS segment? Answer =>


5. An IMS segment is similar to which DB2 concept? Answer =>


6. An IMS sequence field is similar to which DB2 concept? Answer =>


7. Different levels of an IMS generally have a relationship called one-to-many. For example, a department segment may have many course segments, and a course segment may have many student segments. Describe each of the following concepts using the following table concerning IMS's data structure and relationship using the previous department, course and student example. IMS Concepts | Description | Root Segment | | Segment Type | | Segment Occurrences | | Parent-Segment | | Child Segment | | Sequence | |

Data Language Interface -

8. What is DLI? Answer =>


9. If you embedded a SQL command in a COBOL program you can clearly identify it by the EXEC SQL … END-EXEC block. How can you clearly identify IMS commands in a COBOL program? Answer =>


10. IMS includes two components: a Database Manager and a Transaction Manager. Using the following table describe the functions of each IMS component.

IMS Components | Description and Functions | IMS Database Manager (IMS DB) | | IMS Transaction Manager (IMS TM) | |

Requirement 4 Introduction to z/OS HTTP

z/OS HTTP Server - Chapter 13 - "Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics"

How Web Servers Work
How Web Pages Work -
What's a Web Server? -
What is a Web Application Server?
Application Server vs Web Server - z/OS HTTP Server capabilities -
What are static and dynamic Web pages? -
Static Vs Dynamic websites - what's the difference? -
Dynamic or Static Web Page -
How CGI Scripting Works -
Serving dynamic Web pages on z/OS -
Configure the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file -
How do Firewalls and Proxy Servers Work -
How Does a Proxy Server Work? -
Virtual hosting -
1. Explain how a HTTP web server works. Answer =>


2. Apache is a very popular open-source web server. The basic Apache HTTP server has been modified to work with z/OS. List some important z/OS HTTP server offers that may not be common to other web servers. Answer =>


3. What are the differences between a static web page and a dynamic web page? Answer =>


4. There are two popular methods for creating dynamic web pages for a z/OS HTTP Server: CGI and Application Program Interface plug-in. Explain how CGI works. Answer =>


5. What is the major disadvantage of using CGI on z/OS as compared to the Application Program interface approach? Answer =>


6. What are the functions of a web application server (WAS)? How is a web application server different than an HTTP server? Answer =>


7. What is the function of the httpd.conf file? Answer =>


Using the following table describe the additional services that the z/OS HTTP server may provide beyond simply serving web pages.

Services Provided by HTTP Servers | Description | File caching | | Forward Proxy Services | | Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) Tunneling | | Virtual Hosts | | Cookie Support | |

Requirement 5 Introduction to WebSphere

IBM WebSphere Application Server on z/OS - Chapter 14 - "Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics"

What is Java Servlet? -
Java Servlet Technology -
Java Servlet -
Introduction to J2EE -
Getting Familiar with your JSP server -
What is JSF (JavaServer Faces)? -
JavaServer Faces -
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) -
A beginner's guide to Enterprise JavaBeans -
EJBs and Servlets -
Servlets vs JSP -

1. If you are using a web application server, e.g., WebSphere, Tomcat, JBOSS, etc. you must also use an HTTP server? Answer =>


2. What is J2EE? Answer =>


3. J2EE using Enterprise Java to create three different type applications to be executed on a WebSphere Server. Using the following table clearly explain each category of Enterprise Java Applications. Categories of Enterprise Java Applications | Description | Servlets | | Java Server Pages (JSP) | | Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) | | Java Server Faces (JSF) | |

4. Compare Java Servlets versus Java Server Pages. Answer =>


5. Compare Java Servlets versus Enterprise Java Beans. Answer =>


Using J2EE terminology a J2EE operates in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). From an architectural point-of-view a JVM is roughly equivalent to a z/OS address space. Each JVM or address space is isolated from each other. In batch processing an address can only execute one batch program. However, CICS (a transaction manager) can execute many different CICS applications - all located in one address space. In fact, there may be multiple CICS regions (different address spaces) that may work together to provide more band-for-the-buck, i.e. scalability. However, it important to notice that in a CICS there is a CICS boss which manages the address space and executes CICS transactions.

A WebSphere JVM works the same way. Within WebSphere Application Server for z/OS, a logical application server can consist of multiple JVMs, each executing in a different address space. These address spaces are called servant regions (SR), each containing one JVM. If a servant region abends, another servant region can take over the incoming requests in a multiple-servant environment.

The Servant Region (SR) is a JVM that does the work - executes applications. These applications can be Servlets, Java Server Pages, or EJBs. A Control Region (CR) is a second type of JVM. A CR manages the servant regions. A basic WebSphere server has a least one CR (the boss) and one or more SR (workers). What makes WebSphere special as compared to J2EE is that Websphere is also designed to work with the z/OS Workload Manager (WLM) and multiple z/OS logical Partitions. The job of WLM is to automatically provide a designated level of performance. Besides adjusting paging and memory allocation the WLM can simply start another worker to get better performance, i.e., start another Servant Region.

WebSphere Application Server Internals/Architecture Explained -

7. At the minimum one WebSphere Application Server (WAS) consists of what combination of regions (Hint: Page 495) Answer =>


8. A WebSphere region is equivalent to which J2EE concept? (Hint: See previous graphics) Answer =>


9. What type of Java applications may be stored within a Servant region? Answer =>


10. If the Workload Manager determines that WAS applications responses fall below .2 seconds 90% of the time at , what may the WLM manager do to improve response time? Answer =>


11. WAS provides for a Base Configuration, or standalone server. Explain what the Base Configuration means? Answer =>


12. In a WAS Network Configuration, multiple WAS may share a common configuration and control. What is a WebSphere Node? Answer =>


13. In a Base Configuration, how many WAS nodes are there? Answer =>


14. In a Network Configuration, how many WAS nodes are there? Answer =>


15. What is the function of a WebSphere Node Agent? Answer =>


A little explanation to supplement the text book.
The text book indicates that a WAS Cell is of a collection nodes with a single administrative domain. This gets to be a little confusing. Is a cell another type of boss? Is a node agent another type of boss? I thought the Control Region was the boss. Yes, they are all bosses, but you need to know the "boss of what?"

Let's say that a WAS contains a SR, which contains multiple flight information J2EE applications. In a base configuration, the Control Region communicates with HTTP and routes the web application requests to the SR for execution. It is a few weeks before spring break and WLM determines we need more workers (SR). The WLM may start another SR or they may other SR on this WAS that previously started. Therefore, the Control Region is the boss of performance. The CR will route the web application request to the SR that balance the work load (the least used SR).

To continue, suppose that a second WAS is started in the given LPAR. This WAS specializes in the execution rental car web applications. Now we have two WAS servers, but only one HTTP server. In a base configuration there is only one WAS. Now we need a boss to route the HTTP request to the correct application server. To remind you one more time - more than one WAS under a common administrative control is call a NODE, and a node agent is different type of boss. The Node Agent routes the HTTP request between different application servers. Node agents have nothing to do with performance

However, a Node Agent never works by itself. It needs the help of the Deployment Manager. The deployment manager provides the central point of contact with the web. In a base configuration, the individual application server was responsible for this task. A second job of Deployment Manager is to route the request to a node, which contains an application server, which contains the requested application. If there is only one node this task is simple.

In a large scale WebSphere application deployment, there may be more than one node. A second WebSphere Node may be located in a different LPAR. Remember, that each LPAR contains independent copies of z/OS or other operating systems. A second node may be assigned to another LPAR which is under control of a different z/OS operating system. Extending our previous example, assume a second WebSphere Node is created in a second LPAR. This node contains application servers which contain hotel reservation applications and travel service applications. Now the Deployment Manager, which receives the HTTP request, must now route to nodes located in different LPARs, or different operating system boundaries. There is only one entry point from the web, but there may be multiple physical machines, LPARS, nodes and servant regions. Now J2EE can be extended to include the Workload Manager, Sysplex and Parallel Sysplex designs.

16. What is the difference between a WAS Cell and a WAS Node? Answer =>


J2EE Web Server or Container -
What is a J2EE container and explain the types of container -
What are the main benefits of the J2EE platform -

17. What is the difference between a web application server and a J2EE container? Answer =>


18. List the types of J2EE containers. Answer =>


19. WebSphere Server clustering is designed to provide continuous availability (P.501) What is a WAS Cluster? Answer =>


20. What is the difference between a WAS Vertical Cluster and a WAS Horizontal Cluster? Answer =>


21. Which WAS design, i.e., Vertical vs Horizontal clusters , do you think would provide the best continuous availability? Why? Answer =>


J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA), An Introduction -
J2EE Connector Architecture -

22. What is a J2EE Connector? ( Hint: Page 507) Answer =>


23 .List three z/OS connectors. Answer =>


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Market Model Patterns of Change

...1. Describe the industry and explain the general pattern of change of the particular market model Health insurance in the United States providers represent competitive market because they are numerous, variety of choices, and no single entity has much power over prices. The health insurance can be considered as rapid growth industry. Recently, this industry is transforming in a rapid way and evolving into an oligopoly. Insurance markets in many states are eventually controlled and dominated by a few large firms. There were more than five hundred health insurers involved mergers between 1998 and 2008 (Bakhtiari, 2010). Although there are hundreds of small insurance companies operating in the market, the industry Led by WellPoint, 12 health plans cover two-thirds of the enrollment in the U.S. commercial-insurance market (Bloomberg News, 2010). An analyst's report cited in the article predicts there will be 100 insurers with around 200,000 members could be forced out of business. Smaller insurers are increasingly unable to invest in the infrastructure and technology to effectively manage care (Bakhtiari, 2010). However, mergers have been the main power rather than small insurers going out of business. 2. Hypothesize the basic short-run and long-run behaviors of the model in the industry you have chosen in a “market economy” This paper uses Kinked-Demand theory of oligopoly; there is no single theory that explains oligopoly behavior. The kinked demand model assumes that if...

Words: 1397 - Pages: 6

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Hr Outsourcing

...Phida HR OUTSOURCING The Human Resources department or support systems are responsible for personnel sourcing and hiring, applicant tracking, skills development and tracking, benefits administration and compliance with associated government regulations. A human resources department is a critical component of employee well-being in any business, no matter how small. HR responsibilities include payroll, benefits, hiring, firing, and keeping up to date with state and federal tax laws. Any mix-up concerning these issues can cause major legal problems for your business, as well as major employee dissatisfaction. But small businesses often don't have the staff or the budget to properly handle the nitty-gritty details of HR. Because of this, more and more small businesses are beginning to outsource their HR needs. HR outsourcing services generally fall into four categories: PEOs, BPOs, ASPs or e-services. The terms are used loosely, so a big tip is to know exactly what the outsourcing firm you're investigating offers, especially when it comes to employee liability. A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) assumes full responsibility for your company's HR administration. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is a broad term referring to outsourcing in all fields, not just HR. Application service providers (ASPs) host software on the Web and rent it to users--some ASPs host HR software. E-services are those HR services that are web-based. Both BPOs and ASPs are often referred...

Words: 1178 - Pages: 5

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Market Model Patterns of Change

...1. Describe the industry and explain the general pattern of change of the particular market model Health insurance in the United States providers represent competitive market because they are numerous, variety of choices, and no single entity has much power over prices. The health insurance can be considered as rapid growth industry. Recently, this industry is transforming in a rapid way and evolving into an oligopoly. Insurance markets in many states are eventually controlled and dominated by a few large firms. There were more than five hundred health insurers involved mergers between 1998 and 2008 (Bakhtiari, 2010). Although there are hundreds of small insurance companies operating in the market, the industry Led by WellPoint, 12 health plans cover two-thirds of the enrollment in the U.S. commercial-insurance market (Bloomberg News, 2010). An analyst's report cited in the article predicts there will be 100 insurers with around 200,000 members could be forced out of business. Smaller insurers are increasingly unable to invest in the infrastructure and technology to effectively manage care (Bakhtiari, 2010). However, mergers have been the main power rather than small insurers going out of business. 2. Hypothesize the basic short-run and long-run behaviors of the model in the industry you have chosen in a “market economy” This paper uses Kinked-Demand theory of oligopoly; there is no single theory that explains oligopoly behavior. The kinked demand model assumes that if...

Words: 1397 - Pages: 6

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Meh Business Management

...Outline OPENING CASE: The Ecuadorian Rose Industry INTRODUCTION AN OVERVIEW OF TRADE THEORY The Benefits of Trade The Pattern of International Trade Trade Theory and Government Policy MERCANTILISM Country Focus: Is China a Neo-Mercantilist Nation? ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE The Gains from Trade Qualifications and Assumptions Extensions of the Ricardian Model Country Focus: Moving U.S. White Collar Jobs Offshore HECKSCHER-OHLIN THEORY The Leontief Paradox THE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE THEORY Evaluating the Product Life Cycle Theory NEW TRADE THEORY Increasing Product Variety and Reducing Costs Economies of Scale, First Mover Advantages and the Pattern of Trade Implications of New Trade Theory NATIONAL COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: PORTER’S DIAMOND Factor Endowments Demand Conditions Related and Supporting Industries Firm Strategy, Structure, Rivalry Evaluating Porter’s Theory Management Focus: The Rise of Finland’s Nokia FOCUS ON MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS Location First-Mover Advantages Government Policy SUMMARY CRITICAL THINKING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CLOSING CASE: Trade in Information Technology and U.S. Economic Growth Learning Objectives 1. Understand why nations trade with each other. 2. Be familiar with the different theories explaining trade flows...

Words: 8280 - Pages: 34

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Globalisation, investment, technology, finance and labour. Globalisation has impacted greatly on the economy of India which is the 7th largest economy in the world and the 2nd most populus. India recently opened it’s economy in the last decade from a closed market in 1991.Globalisation has certain impacts on the economy which include economic convergence, economic growth & development, quality of life, distribution of income and wealth. There have been strategies put in place to promote economic growth and development which include. International Convergence International convergence is the tendency of economies becoming more similar in the ways they operate, their consumption patterns, structure of output, economic performance and government systems. The impact of this is an increase in trade dependency with economies formed open and deregulated markets as well as an increase in trade. A positive impact from increased trade is greater efficiency in resource allocation for NIE such as India. Indian exports have grown more than 25% per year to over $100 billion in 2006. (1)It has also led to an increase in level of output as GDP growth for India in 2007 was 9%. (2). As Indian companies began trading on the world market they were forced to become more efficient to allow them to be more competitive. This leads to lower prices and an increase in demand for goods and services in India. As a result of more efficient industries it’s keeps prices relatively low and thus keeps inflation from rising...

Words: 2088 - Pages: 9

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Question 1 - Mattel & Toy Recall (a)

...Question 1: From the case, the characteristics of the toy industry: 1. Seasonal Demand Demand for toys is usually correlated with festive celebrations in a country. One close example is Christmas day which falls in December annually. Coincide with this celebration, significant portion of the toy’s annual sales usually happen towards the end of the year especially in those countries that are dominated by those that celebrate Christmas. The impacts of the seasonal pattern towards the industry are critical as most manufacturers have to consider several factors that lead to sales. The huge demand at certain period of time requires thoughtful planning and smooth execution as minor mistakes can lead to loss of millions of sales value. Just imagine within short period of time toy manufacturers have to produce millions of toys. This requires good management of supplies and synchronization between supplies and production as to minimize costs and ensuring efficiency. Not to forget issues of quality management and lastly the impacts or magnitude of logistic management to the toy manufacturers. 2. Stiff Competition Basically the toy industry consists of many players. As stated in the case, there are 880 companies operated in the industry in 2002. This is 10% lesser than 1997. There are few Key players in the industry such as Mattel, Hasbro, RC2, JAAKS Pacific, Marvel and Lego. In term of sales only two companies managed to register USD1 billion marks, the company are,...

Words: 552 - Pages: 3

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Hrm Project

...BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING ABOUT BPO BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. There is a common misconception that B.P.O. and call centers, mean one and the same. A call centre is a remote location in India wherein calls made by customers abroad are routed to India by means of telecommunication equipments. This call is answered by call centre agents who are trained to speak in an accent which the customer can understand. This accent is commonly referred to as Neutral Accent Coming to the term Business Process Outsourcing, let us understand the term in a simple way by breaking it up. There is a business. Each business has got a process. A process means a specific way or method of doing a job. Those jobs which are routine in nature, are given to countries outside India, to save money by way of salaries. OVERVIEW OF VARIOUS CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE BPO INDUSTRY * Voice Process (Inbound and Outbound) * Semi Voice Process or Back Office Support * Medical Transcription * Medical Billing * Data Entry * E-Mail Support * Knowledge Process Outsourcing * Recruitment Process Outsourcing * Education Process Outsourcing * Legal Process Outsourcing * Technical Writing * Content Writing * Web Designing ABOUT NASSCOM NASSCOM stands for National Association of Software and Servicing Companies It regulates the functioning of the IT and ITES industry IT means Information Technology which includes software programming and ERP...

Words: 1729 - Pages: 7

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India and Outsourcing

...providers to assume a different identity. They take on a western name, learn to talk with an accent, learn about western cultures to help them deal with western clients. This is forcing Indians to live fake western lives while physically being a part of the Indian reality. What is now emerging is a new dominant culture that is taking over that has changed ways of dressing, speaking, and thinking and has injected a new urban culture with the values of the modernized West. Indians are conforming to the processes of globalization in the name of progress. The cost is losing their identity, culture, heritage and traditions. Some of these cultural changes are reflected in values and religious practices, social interaction and roles and spending patterns. These changes also affect the US companies that have chosen to align or outsource with companies in India. Indians traditionally value peaceful co-existence, spirituality, respect for elders, nature, art, seeking prosperity, strong family ties and hospitality. It is highly collective in terms of society and family and less importance given to individualism. Indian myths, legends and stories stress that good human beings think of the welfare of others before their own. With the impact of call centers, globalization with its emphasis on individualism and secularism is promoting worldviews that differ from the traditional route and has left the Indian youth with a spiritual void and a mix of cultural identities. India is fast assimilating...

Words: 1192 - Pages: 5

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Trends In Human Resource Management

...Competency mapping is the process of identification, evaluation of employee competencies and organizational requirements and establishing perfect parity between them. Objectives of competency mapping:  To align competencies with business strategies  To find a match between a job and job incumbent.  To plan for career and succession.  To train and develop employees.  To achieve individual and organizational growth. 3) Outsourcing of HR : BPO is the assignation of non-core activities of an organization to other organizations for which such activities are core. The HR issues in BPO sector are four fold viz., (i) HRM aspects of client organizations ii) outsourcing of HR functions (iii) outsourcing human resources, (iv) General. The main advantages of outsourcing human resources are  To reduce cost of human resources.  To avoid the complexities in HRM  To avoid evil effects of overstaffing. 4) HR Balance Score card: Robert S. Kaplan and David. P Nortan D.P. 1996[ 2] published about Balanced scorecard, which is a performance planning and measurement technique. BSR is the outcome of research conducted by them for one year involving 12 companies. .Kaplan and David. P Nortan felt that Balanced Score card...

Words: 957 - Pages: 4

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...The international division of labour refers to the breaking up of the production process in different locations around the world. It can involve a firm setting up offshore branches or divisions in different countries, outsourcing tasks to businesses in other countries, or outsourcing employment to individuals in other countries using technology. Firms have a range of options available to them globally: choosing to produce in a rich country versus a poor country, an urban area versus a non-urban area, outsourcing different functions to different locations, using technology to outsource functions without relocation. Advantages of Global division of labour - Access to a much larger labour force for firms - More competitive labour market drives down labour costs, eg. Wages and working conditions such as sick leave – this leads to falling average costs, increased profits, rising income, employment and economic growth - Increased employment opportunities for employees in developing countries - Increased wages for employees in developing countries - Potential for employees to organise globally to share information and to improve wages and working conditions | Disadvantages of global division of labour - Loss of jobs for employees in the home country - ‘race to the bottom’ of wages due to international competition for employees in import-competing industries -Exploitation of employees in developing countries, leading to poor working conditions, job insecurity,...

Words: 536 - Pages: 3

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Management Accounting

...Levels of strategy * Corporate * Business General environment (Macro) – broad collection of factors that directly or indirectly have the potential to influence every firm in ever industry within the economy PESTDG framework * Identify trends * Explain trends * State if opportunity or threat * Explain why is it an opportunity or threat Segment | Trends | Political / Legal | Changes to workplace relations, carbon tax law | Economical | Rising interest rates, GFC, inflation rate, unemployment rate | Socio-cultural | Climate change, increase in casual workers, greater concern for health | Technological | Wireless communications, cloud computing, growth in hand held devices | Demographical | Aging population, growing disparity in income level | Global | Growth in Chinese and Indian economy, free trade agreements | Industry environment (micro) – the set of factors that influences a firm and its competitive actions and responses PORTER’S 5 Forces Force | Characteristics | Threat of new entrant | Capital requirements, economies of scale, product differentiation, switching cost, brand identity, access to distribution channels, cost disadvantages | Power of supplier | High...

Words: 3237 - Pages: 13

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Mba 1010 International Business

...entities in two different countries. People or entities trade because they believe that they benefit from the exchange. They may need or want the goods or services. While at the surface, this many sound very simple, there is a great deal of theory, policy, and business strategy that constitutes international trade. Below are the different trade theories that have evolved over the past century and which are most relevant today. Plus the factors that impact international trade and how businesses and governments use these factors to their respective benefits to promote their interests. What Are the Different International Trade Theories? In more recent centuries, economists have focused on trying to understand and explain these trade patterns. To better understand how modern global trade has evolved, it’s important to understand how countries traded with one another historically. Over time, economists have developed theories to explain the mechanisms of global trade. The main historical theories are called classical and are from the perspective of a country, or country-based. By the mid-twentieth century, the theories began to shift to explain trade from a firm, rather than a country, perspective. These theories are referred to as modern and are firm-based or company-based. Both of these categories, classical and modern, consist of several international theories. Classical Country-Based...

Words: 11761 - Pages: 48