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Gun Ban In America

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American political commentator and activist Ben Shapiro is frequently quoted as saying, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” This argument heavily applies to the concept of a gun ban. Shootings are beginning to become commonplace, and hardly elicit shock in the news nowadays. The death of an innocent human being, especially that of a child in the case of school shootings, is unbelievably tragic and disgusting. This truth applies to both sides of the debate over gun control; both sides want to eliminate gun violence to prevent the deaths of innocent people. However, controversy arises over how to address the issue. The idea of a gun ban splits the United States, and both sides act passionately based on their beliefs. According to “Public …show more content…
Because of this belief, many left-wing groups have the goal of abolishing usage of firearms entirely (Bennett). They believe a ban of firearms will prevent criminals from obtaining them. This can not be further from the truth, however. Trevor Burrus summarizes this claim excellently when he says, “I have sympathy for the appeal of this ideal, but such a daydream cannot guide our public policy." In an ideal world, ridding the country of guns will prevent criminals from obtaining them. The harsh reality of the situation, though, is that ridding the United States guns will have the opposite effect. In the article, “There Is a Problem with Politics, Not Guns, in the United States,” Michael Schaus brings attention to the fact that Chicago, although using some of the strictest gun control policies in the nation, possesses one of the largest crime rates as well. Enacting stricter gun laws does not necessarily mean criminals will be unable to obtain guns. Simply putting a law into place will not prevent a criminal from breaking it. Criminals earn the title for a reason; they commit crimes. They will not follow the law on firearms and will obtain guns, even with a ban on them. In the opinion piece, “There Is No Easy Solution To Preventing Gun Violence,” John Epstein states, "To take the extreme case, suppose that a gun control law can eliminate 99.9 percent of the guns now in circulation and that all of the remaining 200,000 guns are in the hands of hardened criminals. We can confidently predict that crime will go up." His argument states that a ban will be counterproductive, because then the only people with firearms would be those who are the most dangerous people to possess them (Epstein). With a firearm ban in place, the only people who would possess them would be the people who should not have them, and nobody would be able to stop them. With no viable form of defense capable of

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