...and Continuous b. Univariate and Multivariate Functions – Dependent variable and Independent variable c. Physical representation of a function d. Linear and Non-Linear functions e. Limits of a function f. The number e and Natural Logarithm g. Differential Calculus – Differentiation, Interpretation - Slope of a tangent, using derivatives to calculate function values and deltas. Linear functions - 1st order derivative. Non-linear functions – 1st and higher order derivatives, interpretations and usage. Rules of derivatives. h. Functions – Differentiation and Taylor Series Expansion i. Introduction to Partial Derivatives j. Introduction to Integral Calculus 2. Introduction to Bond Mathematics a. Finance and the Time Value of Money b. Concept of Zero Coupon (Discount) Bonds and Coupon Bonds. c. Bond Characteristics d. Bond Types – Fixed Rate, Floating Rate, Inverse Floater Rate, etc. e. Interest Rates – Discrete and Continuous Compounding f. Bond Pricing – using ZCYC or YTMC with discrete compounding or continuous compounding g. Difference between bond coupon rate and bond yield h. Calculating Bond Yield (YTM, CY, MMY, ZCY/Spot, Par Yield, etc.) i. Price Yield Relationship Introduction to Financial Statistics and Econometrics 1. Introduction to Financial Statistics a. Frequency distributions b. Measures of Central Tendency/Location (Mean/Mode/Median) c. Dispersion, Measures of Dispersion (Variance/SD/Quartiles/Percentiles/Ranges) and its relevance to Risk Management d. Correlations...
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...the institute of cost accountants of india(ICAI) (A Statutory body under an act of parliament) SYLLABUS 2012 STRUCTURE & contents Evaluation Synthesis ANALYSIS ANALYSIS APPLICATION APPLICATION COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION KNOWLEDGE KNOWLEDGE KNOWLEDGE LEVEL A LEVEL B LEVEL C FOUNDATION COURSE - Syllabus 2012 the institute of cost accountants of india(ICAI) (A Statutory body under an act of parliament) SYLLABUS 2012 STRUCTURE & contents The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament) Page 1 FOUNDATION COURSE - Syllabus 2012 The Following table lists the learning objectives and the verbs that appear in the syllabus learning aims and examination question. Learning objectives Level A COMPREHENSION What you are expected to understand List Make a list of. State Express, fully or clearly , the details/ facts of. Define Give the exact meaning of. Communicate the key features of. Distinguish Highlight the differences between. Explain Make clear or intangible/state the meaning or purpose of. Identify Recognise, establish or select after consideration. Illustrate What you are expected to know Definition Describe KNOWLEDGE Verbs used Use an example to describe or explain something. The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament) ...
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...on trade 4. International Trade Theories 5. FDI 6. Country Evaluation and Selection 7. Collaborative Strategies 8. International Marketing 9. International Trade Agreements 10. International Trade Organizations 11. Forex 12. International HR Strategies 13. International Diplomacy Reference Text 1. International Business – Daniels and Radebough 2. International Business – Sundaram and Black 3. International Business – Roebuck and Simon 4. International Business – Charles Hill 5. International Business – Subba Rao 3.0.2 Strategic management 100 Marks Course Content 1. Strategic Management Process: Vision, Mission, Goal, Philosophy, Policies of an Organization. 2. Strategy, Strategy as planned action, Its importance, Process and advantages of planning Strategic v/s Operational Planning. 3. Decision making and problem solving, Categories of problems, Problem solving skill, Group decision making, Phases indecision making. 4. Communication, Commitment and performance, Role of the leader, Manager v/s Leader, Leadership styles. 5. Conventional Strategic Management v/s Unconventional Strategic Management, The differences, Changed Circumstance 6. Growth Accelerators: Business Web, Market Power, Learning based. 7. Management Control, Elements, Components of Management Information Systems 8. Mckinsay‘s 7 S Model: Strategy, Style, Structure, Systems, Staff, Skills and Shared values. 9. Group Project Reference Text 1. Strategic Management – Thompson & Striekland McGraw...
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...STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION Vol 4(2): 201–211 DOI: 10.1177/1476127006064069 Copyright ©2006 Sage Publications (London,Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi) http://so.sagepub.com S O ! A P B OX E D I TO R I A L E S S AY S Why managers need an evolutionary theory of organizations Peter J. Richerson University of California–Davis, USA Dwight Collins Presidio School of Management, USA Russell M. Genet Orion Institute, USA Introduction Most observers have agreed that the theory of human behavior derived from the assumption of selfish rationality is inadequate to describe human behavior and human organizations (Rousseau et al., 1998). The issue is what other approach to theory building will provide an adequate theoretical toolkit for human behavior. We argue in this essay that evolutionary theory is the proper foundation for the human sciences, particularly a theory that includes an account of cultural evolution. This theory shows how the limited but real altruistic tendencies of humans arose by tribal-scale group selection on cultural norms followed by coevolutionary responses on the part of our genes. Our tribal social instincts in turn act as a moral hidden hand that makes human organizations possible. We introduce this theory and describe some implications of it for strategy and organization. In effect, managers want to control the cultural evolution of organizations so as to make them perform better. Understanding the tribal roots of our social instincts and the dynamic properties...
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...Standards of Practice Handbook, 9th edition (CFA Institute, 2005) * 2. “Guidance” for Standards I – VII, Standards of Practice Handbook, 9th edition (CFA Institute, 2005) * 3. Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®), pp. i–iii and 1–9, (CFA Institute, 4.* 2005) A. Preface: Background of the GIPS Standards B. I. Introduction C. II.0. Provisions of the Global Investment Performance Standards – Fundamentals of Compliance * 5. The Corporate Governance of Listed Companies: A Manual for Investors (CFA Institute, 2005) Learning Outcomes 1. “Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct” The Code of Ethics establishes the framework for ethical decision making in the investment profession. The candidate should be able to state the six components of the Code of Ethics. The Standards of Professional Conduct are organized into seven standards: I. Professionalism II. Integrity of Capital Markets III. Duties to Clients and Prospective Clients IV. Duties to Employers V. Investment Analysis, Recommendations, and Action VI. Conflicts of Interest VII. Responsibilities as a CFA Institute Member or CFA Candidate Each standard contains multiple provisions for which the candidate is responsible. The candidate should be able to identify the ethical responsibilities required by the Code and Standards. * Readings...
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...® Academy oi Management Review 1994, Vol. J9. No. 1. 119-143. INTERNATIONAL-BUSINESS POLITICAL BEHAVIOR: NEW THEORETICAL DIRECTIONS JEAN J. BODDEWYN Baruch College THOMAS L. BREWER Georgetown University Alternative assumptions are advanced regarding the political nature of international business and the role of government as a factor of production, which firms must manage in their international valueadded chains. Based on a model oi business political behavior, various propositions are developed regarding the interactions among firm, industry, and nonmarket factors as well as the impact they have on various forms and intensities of political behavior, as affected by strategic objectives. Finally, the sfrategic-theorizing implications of such behavior are discussed in the context of the recent emphasis on resource-based models of strategy management. Research in international business (IB) is much more infused with a consideration of political factors than its domestic counterpart. Authors of IB studies have constantly mentioned and even emphasized government as a variable, rather than a constant or given, because international firms (exporters, importers, licensors, foreign direct investors, etc.) operate under a great variety of evolving political regimes that have an impact on these firms' entry, operation, and exit. When IB topics were first researched in a policy-oriented manner, Fayerweather (1969) stressed "the accommodation of interests and the ...
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...and Nichole Pelak for their helpful research assistance. The Harvard Business School, the University of Michigan Business School, and the Aspen Institute’s Initiative for Social Innovation through Business provided invaluable support for this project. Misery Loves Companies: Whither Social Initiatives by Business? Abstract Companies are increasingly being asked to provide innovative solutions to deep-seated problems of human misery. Organization and management scholarship can play an important role in understanding and guiding possible corporate responses. Theory and research to date have sought to reconcile possible corporate responses with economic premises about the purpose of the firm. Our goals in this paper are to reorient the debate and to spark new research about social initiatives by business. Acknowledging that firms already make such investments, we try to stimulate a fresh agenda for organizational scholarship in three ways. First, we depict the hold that economic reasoning has had on how organization theory conceives of the relationship between the firm and society. Second, we examine the consequences of this...
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...m w e a n B usiness S trategy a nd H uman R esource Management: S etting t he S cene Ed van Sluijs & Frits Kluytmans MERIT Open University This article is based on a journey through the wilderness of strategic human resource management. Part 1 gives an overview of the recent literature on this topic, particularly pertaining to the two issues which received have most attention until now: the relational aspects and the content aspects. In part 2, we go deeper into the wilderness and explore the least known aspect of strategic human resource management, namely the process aspects. This exploration is based on the simultaneous study of the (scarce) literature and four cases. Finally, the connection between the three aspects is investigated. INTRODUCTION Increased integration between human resource management and business strategy is one of the most important demands that are placed upon modern strategic human resource management. In both the management and the academic literature, it is generally acknowledged that the strategic deployment and management of personnel can contribute to the success and continuity of the firm. Some go even further by stating that a firm’s human resources form the basis of the firm’s competitive advantage. In this view, the human resources are the most important assets of an organisation. At the same time, in addition to the importance of the human resources as such, it is believed to be important that the management of the...
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...blogspot.com/2011/02/accounting-information-systems-romney.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney Steinbart 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney Steinbart 11th Edition Solutions Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Solution Manual in e-version of the following book*** Name: Accounting Information Systems Author: Romney Steinbart Edition: 11th ISBN-10: 0136015182 Type: Solutions Manual - The file contains solutions and questions to all chapters and all questions. All the files are carefully checked and accuracy is ensured. - The file is either in .doc, .pdf, excel, or zipped in the package and can easily be read on PCs and Macs. - Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our response is the fastest. All questions will always be answered in 6 hours. This is the quality of service we are providing and we hope to be your helper. Delivery is in the...
Words: 18533 - Pages: 75
...it? 2. Based on the above answer, what investment opportunity is most likely to maximize return while minimizing risk? Problem Discussion and Historical Review When did it start? The problem of appropriate expectations has been with us as long as financial markets themselves. For much of our history, adaptive expectations theory was commonly used to guide investment decisions. Adaptive expectations suggest that past data can be used to predict future expectations. More recently, and accelerating after WWI, the theory of rational expectations has come to dominate the conversation. This theory suggests that expectations are simply our best guess of the future using all available information. Two key implications of this theory are that arbitrage opportunities are quickly taken advantage of, and that as a result, we cannot predict the future ahead of time (based on passed data or otherwise). When applied to financial markets, we call this the Efficient Markets Hypothesis or EMH (Fox, P164). Many historical figures have contributed to the discussion over time. Adam Smith (1723-1790) introduced the “invisible hand” metaphor, perhaps the most well know argument for the rationality or “wisdom” of a market. Five Centuries earlier, while...
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...John D. Daniels University of Miami Lee H. Radebaugh Brigham Young University Daniel P. Sullivan University of Delaware Pearson Education International Contents Preface 29 About the Authors • PART ONE 39 BACKGROUND FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 44 1 Globalization and International Business 45 49 44 CASE: The Global Playground Introduction 48 W h a t Is International Business7. The Forces Driving Globalization 50 Factors in Increased Globalization 51 What's Wrong with Globalization? 56 Threats to National Sovereignty 56 Economic Growth and Environmental Stress 57 Growing Income Inequality 57 s | Point ^J3ffi^S^^3 ' Offshoring Good Strategy? 58 Why Companies Engage in InternationaLBusiness Expanding Sales 60 , Acquiring Resources 60 Minimizing Risk 60 60 Modes of Operations in International Business Merchandise Exports and Imports 62 Service Exports and Imports 62 Investments 63 Types of International Organizations 63 Why International Business Differs from Domestic Business 64 Physical and Social Factors 65 The Competitive Environment 67 Looking to the Future: 61 Three Ways of Looking at Globalization 68 C A S E : Carnival Cruise Lines: Exploiting a Sea of Global Opportunity 69 74 Summary Key Terms 75 Endnotes 75 An Atlas 78 Map Index 86 Contents • 2 PART TWO COMPARATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL FRAMEWORKS 90 91 90 The Cultural Environments Facing Business 94 95 C A S E : The Java Lounge—Adjusting to Saudi Arabian...
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...European Management Journal (2008) 26, 289– 297 journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/emj Service co-production and value co-creation: The case for a service-oriented architecture (SOA) q Andrea Ordanini a,*, Paolo Pasini b a b Bocconi University, Viale Filippetti, 9, 20122 – Milan, Italy SDA Bocconi, School of Management, Via Bocconi, 8, 20136 – Milan, Italy Available online KEYWORDS Service dominant logic; Co-production; Service management Summary An emerging marketing management logic proposes a new perspective on service activities, which previously have been subject to a biased goods-dominant logic. According to this new logic, customers always are co-producers of services and co-creators of value, not simple marketing targets, because they mobilize knowledge and other resources in the service process that affect the success of a value proposition. This article explores this key proposition, analyzing service co-production and value co-creation phenomena in the business-to-business segment and focusing on the case of service-oriented architecture (SOA) with an in-depth, qualitative analysis of two firms pioneering the implementation of SOA solutions. Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Marketing literature and practice converge around the idea that, especially when it comes to services, customers play different foundational roles in value-creation mechanisms. Marketing theory recently introduced the concept of the ...
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...emerging markets: an application of the eclectic theory Janek Uiboupin and Mart Sõrg University of Tartu Abstract In the current paper we discuss the applicability of the eclectic theory in explaining the entry of foreign banks into the Central and Eastern European (CEE) markets. We modify the Dunning’s eclectic model by adding the special case of financial liberalization and timing of foreign entry for emerging markets. In the empirical analysis we use a survey based study to analyze the entry process of foreign banks. Bank level data from Bankscope database is also used to analyze the financial advantages of foreign banks. The empirical analysis showed that the eclectic paradigm with modifications to ownership and location-specific advantages is applicable to explain the entry of foreign banks into transition markets. The analysis also indicated that the entry of foreign banks is more intensive during banking crises in the CEE countries. 1. Introduction The internationalization process of firms has been intensively studied since the 1960s. Due to the increase in international capital flows, foreign direct investments and international trade at that time, active development of international banking also began. In the transition countries, international banks have operated only since the beginning of the 1990s, after a significant liberalization of the financial market and elimination of entry barriers. At present foreign banks1 already have more than 60 per cent of the market in the...
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...Advanced Accounting Beams Anthony 11th Edition Solutions Manual Click here to download immediately!!! http://solutionsmanualtestbanks.blogspot.com/2011/10/advanced-accountingbeams-anthony-11th.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Accounting Accounting Accounting Accounting Beams Beams Beams Beams Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony 11th 11th 11th 11th Edition Edition Edition Edition Solutions Solutions Solutions Solutions Manual Manual Manual Manual -------------------------------------------------------------------------***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Solution Manual in e-version of the following book*** Name: Advanced Accounting Author: Beams Anthony Edition: 11th ISBN-10: 0132568969 Type: Solutions Manual - The file contains solutions and questions to all chapters and all questions. All the files are carefully checked and accuracy is ensured. - The file is either in .doc, .pdf, excel, or zipped in the package and can easily be read on PCs and Macs. - Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our response is the fastest. All questions will always be answered in 6 hours. This is the quality of service we are providing and we hope to be your helper. Delivery is in the next moment. Solution Manual is accurate. Buy now below and the DOWNLOAD LINK WILL APPEAR IMMEDIATELY once payment is...
Words: 19905 - Pages: 80
...C T U R E IS N O T O R G A N I Z A T I O N Diagnosing and solving organizational problems means looking not merely to structural reorganization for answers but to a framework that includes structure and several related factors. R O B E R T H. W A T E R M A N , J R . , T H O M A S J. P E T E R S , A N D J U L I E N R. P H I L L I P S 14 T h e Belgian surrealist Ren~ Magritte p a i n t e d a series of pipes and titled the series Ceci n'est pas une pipe: this is n o t a pipe. The p i c t u r e of the thing is n o t the thing. In the same w a y , a s t r u c t u r e is n o t an organization. We all k n o w that, b u t like as n o t , w h e n we reorganize w h a t we do is to r e s t r u c t u r e . I n t e l l e c t u a l l y all managers and consultants k n o w t h a t m u c h m o r e goes o n in the process o f organizing t h a n the charts, b o x e s , d o t t e d lines, position descriptions, and matrices can possibly depict. But all too o f t e n we behave as t h o u g h we d i d n ' t k n o w it; if we w a n t change we change the s t r u c t u r e . Early in 1977, a general c o n c e r n with the p r o b l e m s o f organization effectiveness, and a p a r t i c u l a r c o n c e r n a b o u t the n a t u r e o f the relationship b e t w e e n s t r u c t u r e and organization, led us to assemble an internal task force to review our client w o r k . T h e natural first step was to talk extensively to consultants and client executives a r o u n d the w o r l d w h o were...
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