...Happy Birthday, 1951 1: Summary Happy Birthday, 1951 is a tale about an elderly man and 7-year-old boy, who lives in the ruins of a war-torn city. Soldiers demand the two to fill out documents with information such as age and name. The elderly man does not know the boy’s age or birthdate. Therefore they decide to celebrate the boy’s birthday the next day, and the man decides to take the boy to a green and living place outside the devastated city. In addition, the man creates a cart for the boy, which the boy rather sees as a tank. On their way to the place, the boy spots an old, rusty tank, which fascinates the boy. The man becomes more and more irritated by the boy’s admiration of things connected to war, which culminates in the man becoming angry with the boy. When the elderly man wakes up after a nap, the boy is gone. The man finds him saying ”Gotcha!” while seated in the tank’s turret pointing towards him. 2: Characterization The young boy was born in the latter half of the Second World War. We can extract this piece of information because of the short story’s title (1951), and because the boy has not gotten any birthday presents in the first six years of his life, which means that the boy turns 7 years in the short story. The boy’s nationality, name and birthdate are also unknown. The boy’s mother was a refugee, who probably delivered her baby to the old man because she feared for her life. The young boy has lived his whole life in a cellar in a shattered city...
Words: 916 - Pages: 4
...Assignment B – ”Happy birthday, 1951” 1. Summary of ”Happy Birthday, 1951” “Happy Birthday, 1951”, is a short story written by Kurt Vonnegut, 2008, which begins in media res. The story is about a young boy and an old man, who is not the father of the boy. The boy was given to him as a baby, by a refugee woman. They have lived in the ruins, for 7 years, after a war and have survived by collecting things they could find or steal. One day soldiers find them and order some documents filled out. For this he needs the boy’s unknown birthdate. The boy selects a day, and becomes entitled to have a birthday and presents. The man makes a present, a cart, for the boy, but also gives him a day away from the war. The boy likes his cart, which he calls a tank. The day away from the war becomes a day to a place the boy never has been before. At the trip he sees some soldiers and a tank witch the man does not like. 2. Characterize the boy and the old man There is not mentioned much about the two characters, we do not know their age, nationality, names or birthdays. What we know is they live by themselves, poor, in the ruins after a war. “… the old man and the boy had lived in the ruins for seven years without documents …” (l. 10-11). They survive on things they steal or dig out of the cellars of the ruins. “But the old man and the boy had found all three for the digging in the catacombs of cellars beneath the shattered city, for the filching at night.” (l. 12-14). The boy is...
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...happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy...
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..."Happy Birthday to You", also known more simply as "Happy Birthday", is a song that is traditionally sung to celebrate the anniversary of a person's birth. According to the 1998 Guinness Book of World Records, "Happy Birthday to You" is the most recognized song in the English language, followed by "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow". The song's base lyrics have been translated into at least 18 languages.[1], p. 17 The melody of "Happy Birthday to You" comes from the song "Good Morning to All", which was written and composed by American siblings Patty Hill and Mildred J. Hill in 1893.[2][3] Patty was a kindergarten principal in Louisville, Kentucky, developing various teaching methods at what is now the Little Loomhouse;[4] Mildred was a pianist and composer.[1], p. 7 The sisters created "Good Morning to All" as a song that would be easy to be sung by young children.[1], p. 14 The combination of melody and lyrics in "Happy Birthday to You" first appeared in print in 1912, and probably existed even earlier.[1], pp. 31–32 None of these early appearances included credits or copyright notices. The Summy Company registered for copyright in 1935, crediting authors Preston Ware Orem and Mrs. R.R. Forman.[citation needed] In 1990, Warner Chappell purchased the company owning the copyright for $15 million, with the value of "Happy Birthday" estimated at $5 million.[5] Based on the 1935 copyright registration, Warner claims that the United States copyright will not expire until 2030, and...
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...Good morning to the Minister of Education Department, Tan Sri Dato. Muhyddin, respective school principals, school representatives, parents and all my fellow friends. I am glad to be entitled this honour to share my thoughts throughout the journey of being one of the top scholars in SPM examination in Malaysia. Partners in the journey First of all, before I go on with my speech, I would like to congratulate all the SPM candidates who have achieved a greater height in our results compared to last year. ( Please give yourself a round of applause! ) Now, I shall start my speech. The first thing, I would like to thank that lady over the right corner, my subject teacher, Pn. Chong for motivating and giving me countless support all these years. Without her guidance, I wouldn't be able to have a chance to be standing right here in such a victorious day. Moving on, I would like to show full gratitude to my parents who have worked very hard to support my education fees. Thank you. I love you both very much and I will always do my best to make you proud of your child. Not to forget, I would also like to thank Therese, Pamela, Jian Feng and Muthu whom they had struggled with me through thick and thin in this venture. You made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done. A history of struggle To be frank, I had some of the toughest time back then during the SPM period. I had to burn midnight oil almost every night. Hardly have time to...
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...Bobby Bandleader performed unknowingly the copyrighted “Happy Birthday to You” song in his restaurant, Bobby’s Bistro, for more than 20 years. He obviously did not know that Johnny Singstealer had the song’s copyright, along with many other people that sing the Happy Birthday song in public. When it comes to the law, it is clear that Bobby Bandleader had no right to perform the song in his restaurant without working out a deal with Johnny Singstealer, the copyright holder. Bobby Bandleader was clearly engaging in copyright infringement of the “Happy Birthday to You” song based on his unauthorized public performance without the knowledge and permission of the copyright holder, Johnny Singstealer. (Galpert, 2008) Based on the United States Code Title 17 §106, it is stated that owners of works such as musical composition, even this particular composition, have the exclusive right to perform the copyrighted work publicly. Bobby Bandleader is the offender and he should apologize and offer to pay Johnny Singstealer whatever is due or whatever his demand is as long as it is fair, reasonable, and just amount. Johnny Singstealer has the right to collect the necessary royalties or licenses fee from Bobby Bandleader since it is against the law to steal the copyright-protected works of others and perform them without pay. (Unhappy Birthday, 2012) The amount of 1 million dollars that Johnny Singstealer demanded for the past and present copyright abuse they requested Bobby Bandleader...
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...Happy birthday Summary of Happy Birthday The story is about an old man and a young boy, who are 7 years old. They lived in ruins in seven years without official permission to be alive. They gets some documents from the solidiers, to fill out some information about their age, and the old man didn’t know the boy’s age or birthdate. If they don’t have documents, they can’t get food, shelter or clothing. But the boy and old man gets all that by the digging in the catacombs of cellars beneath the shattered city to steal at night. They decides to celebrate the boy’s birthday next day, and the old man takes the boy to a peacefull place, which he never had been before. They found a smooth, dry table, where they eat their lunch and after the old man said to the boy, he is too young and when he are older, he’ll remember and wants to come back to this place. The old man closed his eyes and they fall asleep and when the old man wakes up, the boy is gone, but he found him later. Characterize the boy and the old man The young boy most be 7 years old, because it shows he doesn’t gets presents in the last six years of his life. The general information about his birthdate and name are unknown. On a day, the war endered, the boy’s mother is a refugee woman, who had left a baby to the old man and never returned back. That’s how the old man gets the young boy. The young boy had lived his whole life in a cellar in a crushed city so therefore he can’t remember so much about the war. It...
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...A memorable debut celebration relies on an engaging program with a smooth flow. Planning the debut program is important--you don't want a lull in your party lest someone takes that as a signal for an (embarrassing) impromptu number, right? Check out our sample program for a hitch-free debut party. Cocktail Hour (20 minutes) Your guests may arrive at varying times. Before the program starts, you can have a cocktail hour, where your guests can munch on appetizers before the actual dinner. If you have a photo booth or other activity booths, you may also ask guests to enjoy them before the program starts. Welcome Remarks, Debutante's Grand Entrance (10 minutes) You want your grand entrance to be as breathtaking as it can be. To set the tone for the evening, consider having a creative entrance that complements your party's theme. This is also the time for the host to introduce your folks, who have so generously given you a wonderful debut party. Cotillion de Honor (10 minutes) While everyone's energy level is still up, perform the cotillion de honor with your entourage. This isone of the highlights of your debut (you spent days practicing that routine!), so make sure that everyone is settled in their seats before you start. Dinner (1 hour) Let your guests enjoy their meal by employing background music at dinnertime. To add a cozy feel to your debut, you can either hire a band to sing ballads or play soothing instrumental songs. While your guests enjoy desserts, you can...
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...reaching a licensing agreement with Johnny Singstealer. Please write a one-page ruling that details your answer and explains how and why you reached the conclusion that you did. The issue on the fact pattern of the assignment deals with copyright laws of the United States. For purposes of the one-page ruling that you have to write, I am providing you with the legal background and possible arguments in order for you to arrive at your own conclusion and complete the assignment. Summary of the Facts of the Case: Bobby Bandleader has been singing his own version of Happy Birthday To You for over twenty years at his restaurant. In Bobby's version of the song, he uses the same tune, but has different wordings of the song. Bobby's version of singing Happy Birthday To You became very popular and has contributed to the success of his restaurant. Johnny Singstealer is the copyright holder of Happy Birthday To You. The copyright has not expired and is still valid. Johnny discovered the use of his song by Bobby Bandleader and has sued Bobby for copyright infringement. Bobby is seeking $1million for damages and an injunction against any further performances by Bobby. Copyright Laws: The copyright laws of the United States is encoded in Title 17 of the United States Code. The website to access for the copyright laws is: http://www.copyright.gov/title17/ Below are the applicable sections in the code that applies to this case. I am making annotations in blue why I...
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...claims that he now owns the copyright to the “Happy Birthday To You” song for 20 years. The song was inherited from his family. He is seeking royalties from the use of the Happy Birthday Song. Bobby Bandleader says that everybody utilizes the “Happy Birthday To You” song. He has added his own “twist” in the song so it’s not the traditional song. He uses harmonizing chords, as well as, changed some of the words in the song to make it his own creativity. I am going to decide whether or not Bobby Bandleader will owe royalty payments to Johnny Singstealer simply because he uses the melody of the song and the basis of the song, HBTY. “Happy Birthday To You” is a song that is known throughout the world as the birthday song (Cold Case: The Happy Birthday Song Edition, 2011). The origination of the song was copywritten by Preston Ware Orem and R.R. Forman many years ago. They were the first to actually write out the song in which they received the copyright because of that and were estimated at $5 million dollars in 1990. The copyright isn’t due to expire until 2030, but has now been passed down to Johnny Singstealer in which he now owns the copyright. The purpose of copyright laws and royalties is to afford the copyright owner a fair return for his creative work and the copyright user a fair income under existing economic conditions (Proceedings by Copyright Royalty Judges). Bobby Bandleader has not sung the song, “Happy Birthday To You” verbatim. He has taken the liberty...
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..."Happy Birthday to You", also known more simply as "Happy Birthday", is a song that is traditionally sung to celebrate theanniversary of a person's birth. According to the 1998 Guinness Book of World Records, "Happy Birthday to You" is the most recognized song in the English language, followed by "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow". The song's base lyrics have been translated into at least 18 languages.[1], p. 17 The melody of "Happy Birthday to You" comes from the song "Good Morning to All", which was written and composed by American siblings Patty Hill and Mildred J. Hill in 1893.[2][3] Patty was a kindergarten principal in Louisville, Kentucky, developing various teaching methods at what is now the Little Loomhouse;[4] Mildred was a pianist and composer.[1], p. 7 The sisters created "Good Morning to All" as a song that young children would find easy to sing.[1], p. 14 The combination of melody and lyrics in "Happy Birthday to You" first appeared in print in 1912, and probably existed even earlier.[1], pp. 31–32 None of these early appearances included credits or copyright notices. The Summy Company registered for copyright in 1935, crediting authors Preston Ware Orem and Mrs. R.R. Forman. In 1988, Warner/Chappell purchased the company owning the copyright for $25 million, with the value of "Happy Birthday" estimated at $5 million.[5][6] Based on the 1935copyright registration, Warner claims that the United States copyright will not expire until 2030, and that unauthorized public...
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...Write a summary of Happy Birthday, 1951 in about 150 words."Happy Birthday, 1951" is a short story by Kurt Vonnegut. The main characters in the shortstory are a man and a boy. We are told that a refugee woman left her baby by the old manand then she never came back - That's how the man got the boy. The man doesn't knowsomething about the boy and that's why they are choosing a day to celebrate the boy'sbirthday. As a birthday present the man wants to take the boy to a place without war. Ontheir way to the place, they talk about the color of different uniforms when they see foursoldiers. When they arrive, they eat their lunch, close their eyes and sleep for a while. In theend of the story, we are told that the man wakes up and discovers that the boy is gone.Different thoughts go through the man's head and those are interrupted by the boy when hesays "Gotcha!"Characterize the boy and the old man.The two main characters in the short story are the boy and the old man. The old man in the shortstory feels that he hasn't been a good father, which is expressed different places in the story, suchas:"I haven't been a good father, letting you go without birthdays this long… You're entitled toone every year, you know, and I've let six years go by without a birthday. And presents, too. Youare supposed to get presents." (7. 30 - 32)The old man does not like the war and he does not like the soldiers. Every time the boy talks aboutsomething which has to do with the war, the old man gets a bit...
Words: 291 - Pages: 2
...Happy Birthday, 1951 Section B Write a summary of Happy Birthday, 1951 in about 150 words. "Happy Birthday, 1951" is a short story by Kurt Vonnegut. The main characters in the short story are a man and a boy. We are told that a refugee woman left her baby by the old man and then she never came back - That's how the man got the boy. The man doesn't know something about the boy and that's why they are choosing a day to celebrate the boy's birthday. As a birthday present the man wants to take the boy to a place without war. On their way to the place, they talk about the color of different uniforms when they see four soldiers. When they arrive, they eat their lunch, close their eyes and sleep for a while. In the end of the story, we are told that the man wakes up and discovers that the boy is gone. Different thoughts go through the man's head and those are interrupted by the boy when he says "Gotcha!" Characterize the boy and the old man. The two main characters in the short story are the boy and the old man. The old man in the short story feels that he hasn't been a good father, which is expressed different places in the story, such as: "I haven't been a good father, letting you go without birthdays this long… You're entitled to one every year, you know, and I've let six years go by without a birthday. And presents, too. You are supposed to get presents." (7. 30 - 32) The old man does not like the war and he does not like the soldiers. Every time the boy talks...
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...Happy birthday1951 –by Kurt Vonnegut Happy Birthday is written by Kurt Vonnegut in 1951. The story takes place in a country where there used to be a war. For six years ago when the war ended the old man found a boy without knowing his name, nationality, identity, and his birthday. The old man decided to take care of the boy because of the war. When the boy got older his “father” felt guilty because he had never celebrated the boy’s birthday. The old man decides to celebrate the boy’s 6th birthday. He builds a truck for the boy as his birthday present. The boy was very happy about the present so he took the truck for a ride. Later that day the boy and the old man went into the forest because the old man wanted to take the boy out of the city to change his atmosphere. When they were in the forest they took a nap and when the old man woke up he couldn’t find the boy and he was a bit scared. But luckily he found the boy. The old man is scared of the soldiers and hates war. He likes the boy and even though he doesn’t feel like a good parent because he didn’t celebrate the boy’s previous birthdays, he still tries to treat him like he was his own son. He has not many money but he tries to do his best when he builds him the truck. The boy and the old man appear to be criminals because they stole some cakes and the boy believes that they are going to do it. This indicates that they don’t have a lot of money. The boy doesn’t have an identity, we don’t know who his family...
Words: 527 - Pages: 3
...1. Write a summary of ‘’Happy birthday’’ 1951 in about 150 words. ‘’Happy birthday’’ it’s a text about an old man and a young boy, who live in a ruin, in a former warzone. The city is still full of soldiers and tanks. The man got the baby boy about six years ago from a refugee woman. The story begins with the man wanting the boy to choose a birthday. The boy chooses the following day. The old man puts together a cart for the boy, but he also wants the boy to experience a world without war. Next day the boy gets the cart and pretends its a tank, because he is fascinated by war, but the old man want the boy to pretend that it is a truck. After that the man takes the boy into the forest for a day to experience the world as it should be. They pass a tank on their way, and the boy is all ecstatic about it, but the man wants the boy to come along into the forest. The man falls asleep, and when he wakes up late in the afternoon then he found out that the boy was missing. The old man is calling the boy and in the end the boy comes out from the tank 2. Characterize the boy and the old man. The old mand: The old man is kind, friendly and helpful, because he took the little baby without any expectation to get something back, like money or help from others. He spawned the little boy with his money, no help from others and his pure love like a father. The old man does not like war and the soldiers. He wants to take the boy away from war, because he thinks that the boy is too young...
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