...nervous and unable to speak English, that was my first day in middle school in the United States. Five years ago, I moved to the United States from Iraq for a better life, for a new life. Before I was born my parents were working their hardest just for the slightest possibility of having the chance to move out of the country. After eleven years, we got the acceptance legal papers to emigrate to the U.S.A. I said my goodbyes and left behind my friends and most of my family members.The goodbyes were very sad and difficult, but moving to...
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...by just a quick glance down at my wrist. You won’t see an ordinary bracelet that most girls wear these days, but something that could one day save my life. I wear a Medical ID on my right wrist. It’s not for any simple reason, but for a battle I will be fighting until the day I die. I am Amanda Lewis and I am a Type 1 Diabetic. My senior year started like it was going to be the best year of my life. I had planned out my future to one day reach my dreams. Varsity cheerleading was working its way to the top. I was so excited about all the things I had accomplished. But on August 22, 2013 my life changed forever. As I was diagnosed I realized I would be changing my lifestyle, adapting to all new things. I saw that my future was not going to be easy, at all. But with my family and friends I knew anything was possible. Beginning of senior year I was ready to conquer the world it seemed like. I was ready to go out and fight for all my dreams. I wanted to make them reality. As a varsity cheerleader I was planning on continuing what I love in college. I was planning on continuing on into college to eventually become a veterinarian. But on that day, the day I was diagnosed I realized everything would be put into a different view now. Everything I had planned now came with the question, “but what if…” Cheerleading is my one love and being diagnosed really impacted it for me. My first practice back was the hardest. I lost most of tumbling because my body grew weak. As the practices...
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...believe I could manage my time better, which is my problem I want to solve. In this paper I will discuss the problem I have with time management. How I plan to evaluate the information to solve the problem. Last, this paper will explain how I will try to resolve my problem and possible solutions. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to be able to finish everything for the day. I always seem to be running out of hours to get all I need to do; no mater how I try to save time, there is only 24 hours in a day, so I need to make every hour count. Put things in the order of importance, try to get the hardest task out of the way first, so the easiest jobs will be a breeze and life will be less stressful. When I went back to school, I soon realized that I had to give up things, for example, television, computer, and friends, to be more productive with my schoolwork. I know it harder for an older student trying to go back to school, with all the other responsibilities, like a fulltime job, children and trying to find personal time. It seems even more difficult to spend enough time on these three major facets of life. If I spend too much time in one area and not enough time on the other it can lead to stress, and I will try not to take too many classes because this could cause stress and overload. The foundation of a successful and productive life is to get organized and find a way to use my time wisely. The information I am looking is to solve my problem of time management...
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...detached from their tasks who achieve the most. Assignment: Is it better to care deeply about something or to remain emotionally detached? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. Caring deeply about something makes you want to achieve more in life. I believe that if you want something in life you have to care deeply in order to achieve it. Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of India was a fighter for independence, he believed that peace and love can overcome any struggles in life. My own experience is extremely related to this topic, I always have to care about something before I start working one it to get it, weather it is with school, test, exams or anything else. Not everyone get everything they want in life like getting accepted to your dream college to getting that job you want or an A on that test you have to get in order to pass. Everyone have to work hard and care deeply to prosper those little things in life that never comes easily. Mahatma Gandhi, as we all know who he is always said that violence is never the answer to anything, love and care can achieve anything in this world, if we just care deeply about someone or something, there will be no obstacles to stop us from getting that. He was the man of his words who fought for the independence and freedom of India and it was not an easy job but he...
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...Enduring the Pain One second I was shooting a ball, the next I was on the ground with two 90 degree bends in my leg, one at my knee, one half way up my femur. Your femur is the bone that connects your hip to your kneecap, tibia and fibula. The femur is considered the strongest bone in the body and also the hardest to break. There I was, eleven years old with the hardest bone in my body snapped like a pencil. The longest five minutes of my life were laying there on the ground, waiting for the ambulance to arrive. When they finally got to me they instantly knew the severity of the injury. The femoral artery travels down your leg. If this artery is sliced in any way, you will die in minutes from internal bleeding. My bone was broken in half, there was a chance of the bone...
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...around like in my case. I look up to my cousin and my girlfriends that may have saved my life or helped me pull thru the hardest part. Thanks to these people I'm a different person and I look at things different ways not like before. Backing the days I was trapped in a little world saying f*** the world and f*** the laws. I didn't pay attention to the consequences or the danger I was putting in people's life or my family's life. I wasn't coming home or going to school for days thinking I was cool. I just listened to those who were called my friends. I almost lost my life in the streets or to the streets just to make my so called homies happy. I didn't think of my family. Ne day as I was in the streets I ran into my cousin who seen me all f*** up. He picked me up and took me to his house. He sat down with me gave me a talk and told me what was going on. I had no answer to his speech. As he took me home I was lost and thinkative. That night I was alone I started thinking my not change like my cousin said. I told my girlfriend about what was going on she yelled at me too. She gave me all her support and little by little I started changing and recognizing what was right from wrong. Thanks to my cousin and my girlfriend I am in control of my actions and my destiny's act different and I look at life different too. They got me back in school and working a part time job. They gave me strength to be who I am they helped me look at life the way I never did. My family and I are...
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...Over the past years of my life there has always been an important person who has impacted me in many different ways. Through his hard work, determination, and love for family, he has set an example for me to follow and has shaped me into the person I am today. Besides setting an example for me he has become such an important person; due to the support he has given me in the hardest moments of my life, and because of all the sacrifices he has made to provide an education for me. That person is still living today and I am proud to call him, father. Through his hard work my father has shown me that nothing in this is impossible in this life. Since he was a child the conditions in which he lived forced him to work to bring food to the table. He worked in the fields collecting corn and planting seeds along with most of his brothers. He never had a chance of going to school or getting a formal education, something he dreamed of doing. Even to this day I see with my own eyes how everyday my father comes home exhausted from working in construction, tired of working under the burning sun. However, every day he raises from his bed at six in the morning to head to the same work that tears him apart everyday with the sole purpose of providing an education for my brothers and me. His continuous struggle has motivated me to continue even in the hardest days, to stay up late finishing homework, to get up in the morning and head to school. To work hard and give my best to each single thing...
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...Think about having to quit your favorite thing to do, or be in pain. The thing you’ve been working for your whole life. The thing you’d give anything to do. It was probably the hardest decision I’ve ever made. I like being athletic more than anything, and that’s why it was so hard. The hardest decision I ever made was to keep playing or to quit football. This decision came up when I started getting pain in my knee last year. Deciding whether or not to quit doing it after years of playing is so difficult even if you’re hurt. Think of the only thing that makes you happy, and just never do it again or be in pain doing it. That’s how I felt. It was the hardest decision I’ve ever made, and it was the wrong decision. I choose to quit football. I...
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...Life is full of battles and battles are a choice. The choice could either be good or bad. A good choice takes more courage; good courage grows into good memories. The farther life goes the more questions appear. A bad choice can be as simple as one little mistake on a test when a person is in a classroom, full of students typing away, and this one student is in a state of panic because their grade is depended upon it. Every person is full of courage, and courage determines a person’s character. Courage comes from friends and also from foes. Look at Demi Lovato’s song called “I Really Don’t Care”. This song is about a breakup but it can be about any loss and overcoming. Courage sprouts from inspiration. Inspiration can come from anyone, anywhere, or anything. The more you live the more courage it takes and that is just how life goes. Life is not just a representation of emotions but it is a way of dealing with circumstances of the emotion. The monster that I have battled was moving from Connecticut to South Carolina. When I moved, it felt like one of the worst things that could have ever happen to me. I felt like my life was over. I can tell you that I was the person that took it the hardest. I had to leave my friends, my school, my neighbors, my church and my old house. I had to leave everything to be forced to a place where I knew nothing and no one. It was like leaving your favorite childhood blanket. I was going to a place where no one who knew my name better yet they...
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...Being brave is the most hardest thing that i had to do in my life. The dictionary definition of bravery is courage, courageousness, bravery -- a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear. And i just could not figure out how to be it. When I think of bravery I usually think of war, The soldiers had to fight for their countries without any doubt. But bravery doesn't always have to be a big, outrageous situation. It also could be a 5 year old child killing its first bug. Bravery comes in all different types of categories, But I felt as if I just could not figure it out. The summer of August was the summer that changed my life. I'm not great at many things and I also fear many things, But my greatest fear is...
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...In this paragraph I will be telling you about a very important lesson that I learned in life. All through my life I grew up with my grandma. She was the most important person in my life. I was closer to her than I was my parents. I could tell her anything and everything. We would go out for ice cream, and she would get me something every time we went anywhere. I would go see her almost every day. But in February of 2009 she was diagnosed with lung cancer. It was the second hardest thing I had to ever dealt with in my life, knowing that she was going to get all these treatments, lose all her hair, and possibly die. She was so calm about it though. I still tried to see her three or four times a week. Then my parents started going less and less. They stopped talking about it, and everyone was in a dark and damper mood. It seemed like a black cloud just settled in all of us. I would always ask, “Can we go, please?” They would always say we’ll see. Then that July my dad planned a vacation for us. We were leaving the beginning of August. I was excited at first because it got my mind off of what was going on with my grandma, and I think that was the purpose of it. Then it hit me. She was dying. The whole month of July I basically lived in the hospital. She always would tell me to go be a normal teenager. I never listened. I was always there. Then on August 3st I had to say goodbye to go on the family vacation. At first I was reluctant, but after a while I became more excited to go. ...
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...Burgess page 1 Christina Burgess English 5/10/2014 My Supportive fiancé Having a supportive fiancé, is one of gods greatest gifts to a women. People say that men aren’t supportive; however, I believe they can be supportive. It’s the matter of finding the right man for you. Everyone should have that kind of man in their life. Support can help you overcome just about anything that everyday life throws at you. My fiancé, has been my biggest cheerleader through my triumphs and setbacks. The support that I have received from Christopher has helped me overcome many challenging obstacles in my life. Three months after Chris and I started dating we had a miscarriage. It was one of the hardest times in my life, but with his support I was able to overcome the pain. It’s not just the big things that he supports. It’s also, the little things that happen in life that he supports. One day, I told Christopher I wanted to get a dog; in fact, I told him I wanted to get one that same day. He supported me and really didn’t say much. No matter what, I always receive his support. He has supported me financially by pitching in for my school tuition and personal needs. I never thought I would go to college; however, Christopher always believed in me. At first, I wasn’t sure how I was going to work and find time to do my homework, but from the beginning Christopher has supported me working fewer hours. He encourages me to be the best person I can be all the time. I wouldn’t be where I...
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...The Hardest Decision 25 years old, just starting to get my career going, and newly married. Life was wonderful, but then I find myself in a situation that I never thought would present itself, pregnant. At that very moment, I sat on the bathroom floor, and just cried. My brain was racing, all I could think was, “what am I going to do? I can’t have a baby right now, I’m still a student, I have too much debt, I cannot afford to raise a kid.” I sat there for a good hour and just cried. Not knowing what to do, I called my husband. He was silent on the other end when I told him, all he could say was “we will talk when I get home.” The next few days after getting this information left us confused, lost and not really sure of what to do next. After lots of discussion, we came to the decision that we were not ready to be parents, so what were our options? Well, personally I knew that if I gave birth to this baby there was no way I would be able to hand over my child to someone else. So the only option left was abortion. However, for a long time I have looked down on women who had gone through with abortions, thinking there has to be some way it would have worked itself out if they had the baby. Now here I was, presented with the same situation and did I ever feel horrible. I felt selfish for even considering having an abortion, but deep down I knew that it was the right thing to do. On the day of the appointment, me and my husband go to the clinic and I am just racked...
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...faced with the challenge of moving to a new school and home life seemed to take a complete 360 for the worst. All my life I've depended on my three sisters, my mother, and the people I surround myself with, but what do you do when you have to leave the setting that made you most comfortable and secure forever? At the age of fourteen, I had no idea what to do when my mother told me I was moving and had to leave the school that I grew up in and the one place that made me feel safe and also made me feel like I could truly be myself. At that time, I felt like the world was ending, I cried for days. Leaving the people you love is the hardest thing to do and that's what I was doing....
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...Ninety degrees everyday, feet burning from the hot concrete, the smell of the lake 20 feet behind you. That's what I felt every day when I lived in Orlando. I practically lived in a bathing suit going to Wet and Wild everyday or even just going into my backyard. Orlando was filled with great people and a enormous school with recess everyday throughout the year never staying inside. Never fully being enclosed in 4 walls was something that I will always love. I even loved having to drive a mile just to go to store. Florida was somewhere that I always felt comfortable with my friends, and with my family . My life was fantastic until my mother, Janet, came to my brother and I to tell us that we were moving. My heart stopped, I didn't...
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