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Having A Big Dog Research Paper

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I'm a dog person, I don't think I could hide that if I tried. I love all dogs though, big, small, and every where in between. Currently, I own a big dog. To be specific, I own a 105 pound ball of absolute love. I've got to say that having a big dog, is much different than having a small dog, as you'd imagine. I've had the luck and experience to have owned both big and small dogs, and loved both equally. There are some things about owning a big dog that you don't quite get with a small one, or at least, that I didn't. Here are a few things that I've come to see as routine, but things that never fail to make me smile.

1. Large space heaters

Personally, I prefer to be in a cold environment. After awhile that gets a bit old and I'd normally reach for a blanket. With 100 pounds of love leaning on you, theres absolutely no reason too. Or if you are cold, you get just a little extra warmth from their cute furry bodies of heat. They have no intentions other than to just sleep, but they bring you some warmth as well. Plus, having your furry compainion so close isn't such a bad thing either. …show more content…
Little Guardians

Like many people, one of my main reasons to get a big dog was to have someone to be a bit of a guard. Of course, his entire job isn't to just be a guard, but to be a part of the family. That being said, it's nice to know that when theres a strange noise outside, or an unfamiliar car lingering that theres someone with a loud bark and a desire to protect to hang around.

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