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Submitted By nageshthakur
Words 2740
Pages 11

Give the detailed mechanism of chicken pox

Course Name: INTRODUCTION of health & disease
Course Code: Phr883

Submitted To: Submitted By: MISS ANANIA ARJUNA Nagesh MR.RAHUL BHASKAR Reg. No: 3050071035 Seat no-46 B.Tech-M.Tech Sem-7th(cse)


|1 |chickenpox: AN INTRODUCTION |3 |
|2 |causes of Chicken Pox |3 |
|3 |How chickenpox spread |3-4 |
|4 |Chickenpox Transmission |4 |
|5 |Who gets chickenpox |5 |
|6 |The symptoms of chickenpox |5 |
|7 |Chickenpox Incubation Period |5 |
|8 |Chickenpox Blood Test |6 |
|9 |risk of complications from Chickenpox |6

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Cory Monteith Dies at 31

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