...Options11 References14 Introduction The following report will identify and critically discuss the organisational design and organisational development for Healthcare Management Solutions. This will report will also look at issues and problems which arise after the merging with another care provider. The care home industry is a fast growing sector in the UK currently. The UK care homes market is estimated to be worth £10.1 billion. Healthcare Management Solutions has been providing its service to the care home industry for many years, initially with a team of 200 employees. The Company recently merged with another care home provider which resulted in the expansion of the organisation and now the company employees about 3000 staff nationwide. It has been a positive change from the expansion perspective of the organisation however the merger with another provider had a major impact of the existing employees. “Dynamics of the merger process as an attempt to combine different organisational cultures.” (Buono 1985) The quote states that mergers can be optimistic and can help achieve better results in the company’s performance. However not all mergers may work well for employees, and for both merging organisation it is a hard time not only with merging with another company and adapting to their ways of working but also to also retain existing employee commitment is equally important. The managing director resigned...
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...-Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172 International Refereed Research Journal ■ www..researchersworlld..com ■ Vol.– III, Issue –1,Jan. 2012 [122] A CASE STUDY APPROACH TO HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING - HRP- IN WEAVING INDUSTRY OF MARUTHAMUNAI Ismail, M. B. M., Senior Lecturer in Management, Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Commerce, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil. Velnampy.T, Professor and Dean/Management Studies & Commerce, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, ABSTRACT There are two case studies. First case is Royal Hand Loom (RHL) which has a single weaving factory. The second case is AAA Hand Loom (AAAHL) which has eight weaving factories. Research objective is to apply the Human Resource Planning Model -HRPM- for RHL and AAAHL introduced by Walker and Dyer (1980). 9 weaving factories falling in two cases have also been selected as sample size by systematic sampling method. Data were obtained using secondary data collection method via historical sales force data. A shortage of human resources of RHL would be 8 and 12 and that of AAAHL would be 103 and 182 on both individual territory base and total territory base. RHL and AAAHL can plan its action to bridge the gap identified by short term solutions like an increased overtime -OT-, hiring of temporary sale people and long term solutions like recalling, retraining and hiring of permanent sales people. Keywords: Human Resource Planning, Weaving...
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...Identify and explain the role and importance of effective operations management. [Assignment Task 19.1.a] Submitted by, Manu Abraham Samuel, ETOLA 9145. Submitted to, Areeba Zafar, Lecturer in Quality and Systems Management, EThames Graduate School. Date: 02 September 2009 Operations Management Operations management is a process, focuses on the production and effective distribution of quality services or outputs. It makes sure that the output or final product meets the requirements of the customer. The major part of it takes place within the organization and the process varies on the basis of nature of the product or the services of an organization (Free Management Library, 2002). The operations management includes different steps such as the design, management, and improvement of the production and distribution system. Most of the organizations financial and human resources are directly linked with the making of products and distribution services. Therefore we can say that operations management is a vital factor to organizational success (The Open University). The operations management process will ensure the following factors * Help the organization to achieve the operational objectives at least cost. * Regular reviewing of services or production to achieve the best practice. * Sharing of knowledge and help the organization to achieve certain standards. * To coordinate all the departments of production namely labor, land, capital, technology...
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...| Organisational Change and Development | | [Type the company name] Date 19/03/13Word count 2874 | | | Contents: Page 2: Introduction Page 3: Situation Problem Solution Consequence Page 4 Change Initiatives (The What) Pages 5 Revenue and Cost initiatives (The How) Cost controlling Page 6 Change Matrix Page 7 Strike Initial change reaction Page 8 TABLE 3: New Recommended changes. Page 9 Recommendations based on failed changes in Table 2: Change Model: Page 10 GSRTC and Kotter Page 11 Managing future change at GSRTC. Recommendations Page 12 Steps to Change: Page 13 Conclusion Page 14 References Introduction: This paper will reflect on the number of changes that Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation went through in response to two events, (1) Government of Gujarat to allowing competition (2) Paying back several years of unpaid wages to employees. These events would cripple Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation if it was not for dynamic changes. The changes that took place after these events proved to be unwelcomed by the employees resulting in a strike, again, impacting Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation. By reviewing this case and analysing change modelling literature, this paper discusses the implementation of Kotter’s eight step change model to assist in the success of managing change. In addition to Kotter’s linear model, Senge’s fifth discipline is suggested to assist build the foundations...
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...PERSONAL ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT HR0275 SUBMITTED BY : YEH TYNG SHAN Contents Introduction …………………………………………………………………………. Part 1………………………………………………………………………………… 1.1 Overview and potential of the logistics industry………………………….. 1.2 Current employment market for graduates………………………………… Part 2………………………………………………………………………………… 2.1 Current Career Path………………………………………………………… 2.2 Targeted Career Path……………………………………………………….. Part 3 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………… Bibliography………………………………………………………………………… Appendix 1………………………………………………………………………….. Introduction I’m currently in the Integrated Logistics Management (ILM) department, I will be looking into the employment criteria of the logistics industry that I will face after my graduation with my current experience, skills and abilities. This reflective commentary is to provide me a clearer view of my future intended career path. Section one will identify the overviews and the potential of the logistics industry and scans the current employment market for graduates. Section two will be a commentary on my intended career path and my suitability for my career choice. Psychometric and Johari windows test results will be use to evaluate the key areas of improvement to reach my targeted position within the organization. Section three provides an overview of the action to be taken in order to reach my targeted career path. 1. Overview and potential of the logistics industry and current employment...
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...BONJOUR TRISTESSE – Une Version Le roman ‘Bonjour Tristesse’, écrit par Françoise Sagan quand elle était elle-même adolescente, a lieu pendant les années cinquante. L’action de l’histoire se déroule dans le sud de la France à la côte méditerrannéenne, en été, quand il fait vraiment chaud tous les jours. En fait la chaleur joue un rôle important dans l’histoire, d’une part érotique quand les personnages s’abandonnent aux plaisirs de l’amour, et d’autre part pour peut-être expliquer la lassitude qui sert d’excuse pour des pensées déraisonnables et des actions égoïstes. En général il s’agit de cinq personnages. Cécile, la narratrice, a dix-sept ans. Elle est fille unique de son père, qui s’appelle Raymond et qui est veuf. Cécile a passé sa jeunesse dans un couvent et à l’âge de quinze ans elle est allée à Paris avec son père afin de goûter la vie, puisque Raymond aime vivre, a plusieurs maîtresses et, en fin de compte, est libertin et homme de femmes. On va passer des grandes vacances près de Cannes dans une villa, que son père avait louée pour quelques mois, avec une de ses maîtresses, qui s’appelle Elsa. Mais cette situation idéale et insouciante est bouleversée quand une ancienne amie de son père, qui s’appelle Anne, arrive. Anne est une femme de classe, une dame plus âgée, respectable et intelligente. Sa confiance et froideur déconcertante attire la jeune Cécile qui, comme adolescent typique, est toujours à la recherche d’un sens d’identité et de comprendre qui...
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...M´moire de stage de recherche e Vision et Audition Etude des processus cognitifs de reconnaissance et de diff´renciation e dans les domaines visuel et sonore Nicolas Esposito nik@niksnews.com www.niksnews.com ` Universit´ de Technologie de Compiegne e — Printemps 1998 Parce que chacune des douze notes a une position, un titre, une fonction propre, l’œuvre que nous entendons est plus qu’une simple masse sonore : elle d´veloppe devant nous une action. e (Milan Kundera, [13], p. 272) Ce m´moire a ´t´ r´alis´ a l’UTC1 dans le cadre du mineur PHITECO2 e ee e e` pour l’obtention de l’unit´ de valeur SC023 suite au s´minaire JIOSC 974 . e e Il est aussi disponible en version ´lectronique ` l’adresse suivante : e a www.niksnews.com/sc02/ Je tiens a remercier cordialement Bruno BACHIMONT, Charles LENAY, ` Fran¸ois SEBBAH et V´ronique HAVELANGE pour leurs pr´cieux enseignements. c e e ´ Je remercie ´galement Renaud SIRDEY, Andr´ GOASDOUE et Nicolas SALZMANN e e pour l’aide qu’ils m’ont apport´e, et toutes les personnes qui ont eu la e gentillesse de r´pondre ` mon enquˆte. e a e 1 Universit´ de Technologique de Compi`gne e e PHIlosophie, TEchnologie, COgnition 3 Stage de recherche 4 Journ´es Interdisciplinaires d’Orsay sur les Sciences Cognitives e 2 R´sum´ e e Le monde visuel et le monde sonore peuvent chacun ˆtre ´tudi´s en tant e e e que signal avec les mˆmes outils math´matiques5 (s´ries de Fourier...
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...Was hat Ihnen am Werk /an den Werken des von Ihnen gewählten Dramatikers / Dichters besonders gut gefallen? Aus welchen Gründen? Ich habe viele Filme gesehen, die von Tom Tykwer inszeniert wurden. Sie sind nicht die Art Filme, die ich normalerweise mag, aber sie gefallen mir. Sie haben sehr interessante Charaktere und Tykwer nutzt viele Techniken. Mein Lieblingsfilm ist „der Krieger und die Kaiserin“ und der seltsamste Film, den ich gesehen habe, ist „die tödliche Maria“. Normalerweise mag ich Filme, die dem typischen Erfolgskonzept eines Hollywoodfilms folgen. Ich würde sagen, dass Tom Tykwer Filme nicht zu dieser Kategorie gehören. Stattdessen haben sie sehr interessante Geschichten und komplizierte Charaktere, aber sie haben meisten glückliches Ende, aber die Reise dahin ist bizarr und schwierig. Ich war überrascht, wie viel ich sie genossen habe. Die Charaktere, die er geschaffen hat, sind Leute, die am Rande der Gesellschaft leben. In „der Krieger und die Kaiserin“ ist die Heldin Sissi. Sie wird in einem psychiatrischen Austalt geboren. Ihre Mutter war eine Krankenschwester und ihr Vater ist ein Insasse. Sie ist in dem Irrenhaus aufgewachsen. Deshalb ist es alles, das sie kennt. Sie wird auch eine Krankenschwester und wir sehen Sissi, wie sie weit über ihre Pflichten hinausgeht, als sie einen Insasse sexuell begriedigt. Maria in „die tödliche Maria“ hat eine ebenso merkwürdige Kindheit. Ihre Mutter ist gestorben, als Maria geboren wurde. Ihr Vater hat einen Herzinfarkt...
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...Mémoire à la Commission Bouchard-Taylor Guy Durand septembre 2007 Identité québécoise et accommodements raisonnables RÉSUMÉ (2 pages) L'histoire, la culture et l'identité du Québec sont marquées, non seulement par la langue française, mais aussi par la tradition et la culture chrétiennes. Le respect et la promotion de cette identité remet en cause la pratique actuelle des "accommodements raisonnables". Cette thèse repose sur l'analyse de trois notions: la laïcité, l'intégration citoyenne et les droits de la personne. I - La culture et l'identité du Québec La notion de culture et d'identité Au sens social, par opposition à la culture personnelle (humaniste ou/et scientifique), la culture est cet ensemble de valeurs, de normes, de symboles, d'institutions et d'artéfacts qui caractérisent un groupe ou un peuple. Elle comprend donc de multiples aspects qu'il est opportun de détailler: langue, institutions, valeurs, paysage architectural, paysage artistique, toponymie, rythme du temps. La culture chrétienne Au Québec, cette culture et cette identité ont été forgées et restent largement marquées par la tradition judéo-chrétienne. Le fait est indéniable, en dépit des critiques que l'on peut faire à l'Église catholique. Les valeurs chrétiennes (ou les valeurs développées par le christianisme) sont devenues les valeurs communes dont on a oublié l'origine. C'est dire que tous les aspects de la culture, signalés précédemment, en portent la marque. L'ouverture au monde n'amoindrit...
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...Erläuterungen zum Perspektivenschema der kritisch-konstruktiven Didaktik nach Wolfgang Klafki 1. Aspekte der Planung und Gestaltung von Unterricht 1. Voraussetzungen eines Konzepts von Unterricht Als allgemeine Voraussetzungen eines Unterrichtskonzepts gelten hierbei ( Klafki 1987 ) ➢ Die generelle Zielbestimmung des Unterrichts ist, Hilfe zu geben bei der Ent-wicklung von Selbstbestimmungs- und Solidaritätsfähigkeit. Hierzu zählen auch die rationale Diskursfähigkeit ( = Fähigkeit zur Begründung und Reflexion ) sowie die entwickelte Rationalität und die Handlungsfähigkeit. ➢ Der Zusammenhang von Lehren und Lernen wird als Interaktionsprozess verstanden, in dem Lernende mit Unterstützung von Lehrenden zunehmend selbstständig werden in der Aneignung und Verarbeitung von Kenntnissen und hierbei auch die Fähigkeit zu weiterem Lernen gewinnen. ➢ Unterrichtliches Lernen muss in seinem Kern entdeckendes, sinnhaftes und ver- stehendes Lernen sein, dem die reproduktive Übernahme und das Üben sowie Trainieren nachgeordnet sind. ➢ Lehren muss als Vollzug für den Lernenden und mit ihm gerechtfertigt und geplant werden, d.h. Mitplanung und Mitgestaltung des Unterrichts durch Schüler ( offener und schülerorientierter Unterricht ). ➢ Unterricht ist ein sozialer Prozess, in den Biografien von Lehrern und Schülern einfließen. Soziales Lernen steht im Mittelpunkt und sollte funktional und intentional...
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...1. Was sind die Herausforderungen des Managements von L’Oréal? L’Oréal wurde 1907 gegründet und ist eine der größten Kosmetik- und Beauty-Unternehmen weltweit. Das Unternehmen verkauft mehr als 500 unterschiedliche Marken. Außerdem hat das Unternehmen fünf Forschungs-und Entwicklungszentren, welche von Frankreich bis über die USA, Japan und China verbreitet sind. Eine Herausforderung dabei an die Managementabteilung ist es, diese fünf Zentren miteinander zu verknüpfen. Alle sollten auf einer gemeinsamen Plattform fungieren und Zugriff auf die aktuellsten Informationen haben. Das ist eine schwierige Aufgabe für das Managementteam, denn die Informationen die sie bekommen sollen zudem in wertvolle Daten übersetzt werden. Das Intranet für diesen Bereich muss tausende von Forschern in den oben genannten Gebieten unterstützen. Das Intranet ist erforderlich um professionelle Anwendungen sowie Datenbanken zu Themen wie Biologie, Patente, Haarfarbe und Laborsicherheit zu schützen. In einem so großen Netzwerk, fällt es den Teams schwer, miteinander zu kommunizieren. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Teammitglieder das Interesse an gewerblichen Tätigkeiten verlieren, weil eben viel Energie und Aufwand in die Kommunikation investiert wird. Um diese Hürde zu überwinden und diese Herausforderung erfolgreich zu meistern, entschied sich L’Oréal den Share Point Portal Server zu verwenden. Weitere Herausforderungen für die Managementabteilung: • Eine globale Wissensmanagementplattform...
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...Compare, Contrast and Discuss Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures Vance Conyers Organizational Theory 360A 28 September 2012 Organization structure is “The formal system of task and authority relationships that control how people coordinate their actions and use resources to achieve goals”. (Jones 8) The structure that an organization forms can determine its ultimate success of failure. It sets the foundation for how the organization will function, make decisions, and respond to change. The two types of structures an organization can use are mechanic and organic. Mechanistic and organic structures both have advantages and disadvantages, and neither one is a perfect solution. Depending on the product, tasks to create the product, and people to create the product, make the decision very challenging. In most cases, elements of both types are implemented to ensure a successful business. The executive management is responsible for formulating the right mix in order to achieve success. They use organizational design to process information to select the best options. Every aspect of this decision will play out from how much power middle managers have, to the scope of responsibility direct supervisors encompass. The type of organization directly affects the culture and moral of employees. Implementation of the wrong type or mix of structure can cause mismanagement of resources (both human and physical), a toxic culture, and ultimately a failed institution. The mechanistic structure...
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...Chapter17 Organization designs In this chapter the textbook talks about organization designs, how to deal with effectiveness and improve organization’s innovation. The textbooks focus more on different kinds of construction and make distinguish of them. These make me think more about the SAS case in this field. Last week we discussed the unique organization design and human resource policy of SAS. This two maybe is the most significant factors on it’s way to success. However, after reading this chapter, I have some suggestion for SAS. As we know, most SAS’s training programs are operated by their own. In other words, it seldom hires experts to make training for their employee. The case said this can help the company to reduce the labor cost. Quite the opposite, in this chapter, the textbook thinks in the learning organization, people transfer knowledge and changes its behavior on the new knowledge. I think SAS, since its business is about software, is such organization. So they need to hire the professional trainer to operate the programs. These can help them update their knowledge and improve their effective. Another point related to this case is about span of control. Like the real world/real people, managers may have different view about span of control. In the SAS case, Dr. Goodnight is the lead of 27 different departments. It is really unique. In my opinion, the SAS’s success under this design is based on the extremely reputation of Dr. Goodnight, his outstanding personnel...
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...New Employee Training Medical Records and Health Information Technicians * Needs Assessment: * The types of issues that might indicate a need for training would consist of: customer service problems, a lot of clerical errors, time management problems. These are just a few of problems that would indicate a need for training when any problem that happens a lot or is happening by a lot of employees at one time this is a red flag indicating its time to do some training. * These issues would be identified from having a lot of customers with complaints about the staff, or the way things are ran at the medical office. The wrong information placed in systems about patients that causing insurance billing problems and patient personal information errors. Staff spending too much time one thing or many of things that is causing over time that is costing the company money as a whole. Not spending enough time on doing the job correctly and just rushing threw it causing room for error. * If I was a training manager, I would prioritize training needs upon what is needed to be worked on threw out the medical office as a whole. If there are many of problems that need training then there will be more training available. But there is training available each month on what is needed to be worked on. * Delivery: * The best method for conducting this training would be to have in-services aka training classes. First upon hiring each employee must pass the pre test for qualification...
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...informality, and knowledge based authority. An organic structure is laid out like a network and emphasizes horizontal specialization, personal coordination, and extensive communication. Organic organizations are generally flat and decentralized, with little reliance on formal authority, which enables faster decision making. Mechanistic structures are primarily hierarchical, with an emphasis on specialization, and vertical communication. Mechanistic structures also place an emphasis on control by relying on rules, policies, and procedures in conducting operations. Mechanistic structures are highly formalized and centralized and as a result are more rigid and resistant to change. Determining which structure is best is dependent on the stage of development the organization and its industry are in. Firms in mature, stable environments may find greater success with the mechanistic structure while established firms in dynamic or turbulent environments may find greater success with the organic structure....
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