...HEINZ KETCHUP – BRAND AUDIT Heinz, now an American icon, launched its first Tomato Ketchup in 1876. Driven to produce superior products, Heinz embraced its innovative nature as early as the 1900’s when it introduced the first preservative-free Ketchup in the market. Since then, their customer centric approach has led it to adopt many incremental and transformational innovations such as the upside down bottle and its HeinzSeed Company initiative respectively. Its customer-focused approach to innovation has helped Heinz gain and maintain their position as a global market leader in the Ketchup and Sauces category. Product Type: Star Heinz Ketchup is a star product for the parent company due to its high market share and high growth rate of the category. High Growth Rate: * The global tomato ketchup market is projected to reach US$3.3 billion by 2015. * Ketchup category experienced a 7% growth rate in 2011. * Lifestyle changes such as shift in dietary habits and the rise in adoption of western lifestyle has fueled growth in this category. Additionally, since more women are gaining traction professionally, the lack of time has led to abandonment of traditional food eating habits and an increased consumption of fast food hence positively influencing the demand for tomato ketchup. High Market Share: * Heinz Ketchup has the #1 or #2 market position in more than 50 countries. As per data released by Euromonitor in 2011, Heinz enjoys the market leader position...
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...Culture – 40 15 February 2015 Heinz Ketchup, 2009 Semiotics includes the way in which we perceive and create meaning in messages we are exposed to. Advertisers often depend on semiotics to convey a message through an advertisement, quickly and effectively; usually in a clever manner. A great example of semiotics used through advertising is the Heinz Ketchup advertisement. This ad shows what appears to be a classic glass Heinz ketchup bottle, sliced horizontally, with a tomato on top of the bottle. The bottle is centered onto a red background, with white lettering at the bottom of the page, which reads “No one grows ketchup like Heinz”. What seems like a rather simple advertisement, gives the consumer almost subliminal-type messages. Most people know that ketchup is full of sugar, and other unnatural ingredients. However, this ad pictures the ketchup bottle to be sliced like a tomato; which shows health and freshness to the consumer. Ketchup is by no means “grown”, it is manufactured in a factory. The advertiser’s behind this particular ad are basically attempting to redefine ketchup, by making the bottle appear like a fresh and wholesome vegetable. In doing that, it is almost “tricking” the consumer into thinking Heinz ketchup is healthier or has more nutritional value and benefits than the leading ketchup brands. The ad almost makes Heinz seem like it is also a tomato farm, growing their tomatoes and then using them to create fresh and healthy ketchup. Whether the brand actually...
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...Meats____________________ Fruits ____________________ __________________________ Soups _____Cream of Mushroom _____ Cr. of Celery _____ Cr. of Chicken _____ Tomato _____ Progresso Other _____________________ Dry Goods _____ Minute Rice _____ Spaghetti _____ Beans _____________ _____ Pasta_______________ Spices/Baking _____ Shortening (Crisco) _____ Olive Oil _____ Flour [all purpose] _____ Sugar _____ Splenda _____ Baking Powder ___Soda _____ Salt/Pepper __________ _____ Gravy Mix ___________ _____ Pudding _____________ _____ Jell-O _______________ _____ Other _______________ Dressings/Syrups _____ Ketchup ____ Mustard _____ Miracle Whip Light _____ Jelly/Jam ____________ _____ Salad Dressing _______ _____ Peanut Butter_________ _____ Pickles ________ Relish _____ Syrup______________ _____ A1 Sauce___ Heinz 57 _____ Picante Sauce _____ Olives BL___ - GR___ _____ Vinegar...
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...In this task I would be selecting six different types of products from different organisations and I would also be talking about my choosing products segmentations. Segmentation refers to a process of dividing a large unit into various small units which have more or less similar or related characteristics. Market segmentation is a marketing concept which divides the complete market set up into smaller subgroups involving consumers with a similar taste, demand and preference. One market segment is totally distinct from the other segment. A market segment contains of individuals who think on the same lines and have similar interests. The individuals from the same segment respond in a similar way to the fluctuations in the market. Basis of Market Segmentation Gender The marketers divide the market into smaller segments based on gender. Both men and women have different interests and preferences, and thus the need for segmentation. Organizations need to have different marketing strategies for men which would not work in case of females. A woman would not purchase a product meant for males. The segmentation of the market to include gender is important in many industries like cosmetics, footwear, jewellery and apparel industries. Age Group Division on the basis of age group of the target audience is also one of the ways of market segmentation. The products and marketing strategies for teenagers would be different than kids. Age group (0 - 10 years)...
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...HOW TO RE-LAUNCH A PRODUCT SUCCESSFULLY SHREYA. S. PUNTAMBEKAR MBA- I MARKETING B ROLL NUMBER: 36264 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………..3 2. CURRENT SCENARIO………………………………………………………...4 3. THE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE………………………………………...……..6 4. THE MARKETING MIX AND ITS IMPORTANCE…………………...8 5. SO WHY RE-LAUNCH?.......................................................................12 6. PRODUCT FAILURES…………………………………………………………16 7. PRODUCT TAMPERING……………………………………………………..31 8 THE STEPS TO RE-LAUNCH 8.1 STP ANALYSIS……………………………………………………………….34 8.2 THE RIGHT USE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS……………………..…36 8.3 ADAPT TO CHANGE………………………………………………….…...37 8.4 THE RIGHT USE OF PUBLIC REPLATIONS………………………38 8.5 REDESIGNING THE PRODUCT-THE WHAT & HOW…………41 8.6 THE FINAL STEP-THE RELAUNCH………………………………….44 9. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………….46 10. REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………..47 1. INTRODUCTION Many people think of a product launch as an event, something that happens with a big bang. The purpose of a product launch is to build sales momentum. A winning product launch delivers sales momentum for your company. But there are very few companies who get it right. A wrongly directed product launch can hamper it to the extent of having to take that product off the market completely. Sometimes, sudden changes in the market also hamper the biggest...
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...Capital in 2004. The firm has offices in New York City and Rio de Janeiro. 3G Capital is a global investment firm focused on long-term value, with a particular emphasis on maximizing the potential of brands and businesses (3GCapital.com). The company is known for large acquisitions such as Anheuser Busch & Burger King. H.J. Heinz is a 144 year-old Pittsburgh based company. H.J. Heinz Company, offering “Good Food Every Day”™ is one of the world’s leading marketers and producers of healthy, convenient and affordable foods specializing in ketchup, sauces, meals, soups, snacks and infant nutrition. Heinz provides superior quality, taste and nutrition for all eating occasions whether in the home, restaurants, the office or “on-the-go.”(Heinz.com) Heinz is a global family of leading branded products, including Heinz® Ketchup, sauces, soups, beans, pasta and infant foods (representing over one third of Heinz’s total sales), Ore-Ida® potato products, Weight Watchers® Smart Ones® entrées, T.G.I. Friday’s® snacks, and Plasmon infant nutrition. Heinz is famous for its iconic brands on six continents, showcased by Heinz® Ketchup, The World’s Favorite Ketchup®(Heinz.com) One of the co-founders of 3G Jorge Lemann reached out to Warren Buffett...
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...The H.J. Heinz Company, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is the most global of all U.S.-based food companies. Famous for our iconic brands on five continents, Heinz provides delicious, nutritious and convenient foods for families in 200 countries around the world. In more than 50 of those countries, we enjoy the number-one or number-two market position. The H. J. Heinz Company, commonly known as Heinz and famous for its "57 Varieties" slogan and its ketchup, is a U.S. food company founded on 1869 Perhaps best known for its ketchup, the H.J. Heinz Company manufactures thousands of food products in plants on six continents, and markets these products in more than 200 countries and territories. The company claims to have 150 number one or number two brands worldwide. Key Heinz markets are segmented as North American Consumer Products, U.S. Foodservice, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of World. The commitment to providing a variety of wholesome foods, with an unwavering emphasis on health and wellness, makes Heinz like no other company on earth. Throughout the world, Heinz is synonymous with ketchup. They sell 650 million bottles of Heinz ketchup every year and approximately two single-serve packets of ketchup for every man, woman and child on the planet. For millions of families the world over, “if it isn’t Heinz, it isn’t ketchup.” Beyond ketchup, Heinz also markets an ever-expanding selection of other great tasting foods. The core products include ketchup, sauces...
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...STRUCTURES Meritus University Market Structures Heinz ketchup is the leading producer of ketchup, worldwide. They have very few direct competitors, and as a result I would consider the market structure of ketchup to be an oligopoly. This paper will help to show the implications of how this market structure has on pricing Heinz ketchup. It will also cover non-price strategies to preserve sales and suggest steps to keep its competitive advantage in the market. The market structure of ketchup is an oligopoly for all competitors of Heinz. Heinz has a 60 percent market share of ketchup sales worldwide (2010). With a market share so large, many of the characteristics of a monopoly can be used. Pricing When setting the price, Heinz can use strategies designed for both oligopolies and monopolies. With its monopolistic characteristics, Heinz can dictate a price above its competitors because of its leadership in the market. Competitors, such as Hunts, will have to set their price lower to generate demand when two of every three people on average choose Heinz. The price they set must not be too high above competitors as the product is price inelastic, meaning, consumers will choose another brand if price is too high. Non-Price Strategies With its leading market share, Heinz does not have to market as heavily as competitors. Marketing should be let consumers know they are number one and the reason...
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...The Amazing Bottle of Ketchup Dawn A. Rairigh American InterContinental University January 25, 2015 Abstract Ketchup is an everyday item with very important job to do. On a daily basis moms use this product with their kids to get them to eat there breakfast, lunch or dinner. Marketing this product has to be clever and on point. Moms and companies with budgets to think about, the needs of this product are very basic. The Amazing Bottle of Ketchup The picking of tangible item to do this project was difficult for me choice for me to do. When searching the data base I found ketchup, so here it is. The Ketchup Paper, my kids are laughing as I write this paper for class. I personally do not like ketchup not even on my french fries. As a mom ketchup has been a life saver with my cooking. My kids eat ketchup on just about everything, so I never thought about where did it came from until this project. My Caleb literally eats it on everything including mash potatoes. Needless to say, ketchup is a very important staple in my refrigerator and pantry. Ketchup has reasonable ingredients in it so moms don’t have to worry about it. How do you make ketchup exciting? In 2005, Heinz, did a study on organic ketchup verse conventional ketchup. Not claiming that it was any healthier than the original ketchup. Marketing this product towards a particular lifestyle, as well healthier eating habits and environmental benefits. The image of traditionally grown tomatoes, wholesome...
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...Did your mom ever tell you to not pet stray dogs? Well mine did of course, and I listened just as well as any 4 year old would. I was a very hard headed kid at that age, and I never listened to what I was told. We lived in a small town 200 miles west of Middlin, Texas; it was a quiet town with a population around 1,000 people. If you’ve ever been to Texas then you know that it’s about 90% desert, it’s a dry and dusty place. Stray dogs are everywhere be aware and whatever you do don’t pet stray dogs. It was the summer of 1991 in Middlen, Texas the temperature was around 100 degrees. I was soaked from head to toe with sweat from ridding my dirt bike all day. I had gotten a 50cc Suzuki dirt bike from my dad just a year prior and I was loving it. I rode my dirt bike all summer long that year. There was a pit not too far from my house that I could ride in that had some whoop-de-woops, and some jumps. This pit was huge, I mean it was a giant pit, it looked like a comet had struck the earth it was so big. I spent what seemed to be all day at the pit riding my dirt bike. When I finally got home I decided to cool off in the sprinklers, I ran into the house as fast as I possibly could to change clothes. As I got into the house I yelled Mom! Can I go outside and play in the sprinkler, she said yes but I had to eat supper first Dang it, I said under my breath as I continued down the long hallway. When I got to my room I looked everywhere for my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles swimming...
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...Media Studies - Textual Analysis Part A This advertisement circulated around 1953 for Del Monte Ketchup (Lars, 2009), or as Australian’s call it, tomato sauce. On first appearance this text screams sexist as it frames a well dressed woman of the aforementioned era with manicured nails, perfect make up, not a hair out of place, looking suitably surprised by a bottle of tomato sauce. The image is anchored by the words “You mean a woman can open it?” with the word “woman” underlined to suggest that women are the weaker sex and previously unable to open a bottle of sauce without the assistance of a man. (Tremblay & Tremblay, 2012) writes that this ad depicts women as technically unskilled or as sex objects. Within the frame of the advertisement is the ideology of the 1950’s woman, the text which anchors the ad and part of the bottle of sauce. This acts as a slight form of metonymy as part of the bottle represents the whole bottle, or, all the bottles of that particular brand of sauce. At the time this advertisement went to print the Del Monte logo at the top of the bottle was most likely recognised by that general demographic. There is nothing else within the frame of this advert, no husband to suggest this new sauce bottle is for anyone to use and no family in the background suggesting this is for the ‘kept woman’ who takes care of her man. Furthermore, we can’t see her posture but we can assume her posture is straight and confident by what we can see of her head, neck...
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...US and South America. It also acquired various trademarks for consumer products such as Del Monte, S&W, Contadina, College Inn, Fruit Naturals, Orchard Select and SunFresh. The Group now has exclusive rights to use the Del Monte trademarks for packaged products in the United States, South America, the Philippines, Indian subcontinent and Myanmar. The consumer product business that the Group acquired enjoys leading market shares for the US canned fruit and vegetable segments and number two position for the US canned tomatoes and broth categories. In the Philippines, the Group enjoys leading market shares for canned pineapple juice and juice drinks, canned pineapple and tropical mixed fruits, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce and tomato ketchup. The Group also owns another premium brand, S&W, globally except Australia and New Zealand. As with Del Monte, S&W originated in the USA in the 1890s as a producer and marketer of premium quality packaged fruit and vegetable products. The Group owns approximately 94% of a holding company that owns 50% of FieldFresh Foods Private Limited in India. FieldFresh markets Del Monte-branded packaged products in the domestic market and Fieldfresh-branded fresh produce. Del Monte Pacific’s partner in...
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..."Choice, happiness, and spaghetti sauce" In the video, Mr.Gladwell speaks about choice and happiness. He mentions how Pepsi chose to get aspartame for their drink. He said that Pepsi had to choose on how much aspartame they should add in their drink for people to like it. Finally they thought why they shouldn’t try a new product. They came up with Diet Pepsi. They started experimenting with Diet Pepsi. While analyzing data of Diet Pepsi they came across a new question; why where they looking for the perfect Pepsi , when they should have been looking for the perfect Pepsis. Instead of looking at one choice they should have been looking at many choices. Later, Mr. Gladwell talks about Campbell’s Soup and their tomato sauce which were of two different kinds, Prego and Ragu. They strived in making the best tasting sauce ever for which they added different quantities of ingredients in their sauce. This took them a high two to three decades of great effort to figure out the choice of the consumer. Then they started adding flavor to the sauce where they dint go with the highest average. They had to stick to choose the best flavor instead of the best sauce. Mr.Gladwell quotes that a "surer way to true happiness" can be found by embracing diversity. In marketing terms, companies might be able to make profits by embracing the differences in consumer's preferences. A major challenge in the FMCG was that it was asking what the customers want. The fact is that the customers...
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...hambre y compré dedos de pollo. A mí me encantan los dedos de pollo porque son muy sabrosos. Buscábamos un lugar para comer afuera del supermercado y encontramos una banca en el litoral donde había mucho sol, música, y gente. Todos estaban charlando y disfrutando el día. Saboreábamos nuestra comida con contento y observábamos la escena porque a nosotros nos encantaba mirar a la gente de culturas diferentes. Pero vimos que muchas palomas nos rodeaban. Mis amigas tiraron unas papas fritas a las palomas y nos reíamos. Pero en mi conciencia* no estaba cómoda con estos pájaros. Ignoré al inquietud* porque tenía muchos bolsos y no quería causar problemas con mis amigas o encontrar un lugar nuevo para comer. Mientras mojaba un dedo de pollo en Ketchup, miré a una paloma: andrajosa*, sucia, desamparada*. Pensé en patear la paloma, casi di una mordida del dedo de pollo, cuando de repente una paloma me atacó. Sus alas me azotaron* en la cara y la pícara me robó el dedo de pollo de mis manos. Me levanté pronto y corrí sobre el litoral, gritaba y gritaba como una demente. No podía creer en que ocurrió. Y cuando salí a mi propio mundo, me di cuenta que mis amigas reían como hienas. A mí me puse en ridículo pero no me importaba. A mí me sentía la ira y el odio...
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...Experience: Café Circa Full bar. Cigars. Atmosphere. Jack Daniels and Apple juice. Wings. Good service. These are just a few of my favorite things and they reside at Café Circa. One of the gems in the historic Edgewood avenue side of Atlanta, CC is an interesting and pleasantly underwhelming restaurant that combines Caribbean and Latin infused cuisine. Underwhelming because it has décor and ambiance that is sexy and quiet, not a screamingly overdone design, which many establishments have. The interior gives the feel of a very sultry living room, inviting and comfortable. The seating layout is functional and relatively open. Tables are spaced in a manner that allows for quiet private conversation. Did I mention a full bar? One of the few establishments that actually has apple juice at the bar. If you haven’t tried apple juice and Jack Daniels, you are missing out on and losing at/in life. Period. I digress. Prices at CC, were comparable to quality. The most expensive item is about twenty four bucks. So for two people, you will spend about fifty bones with tax. Now let’s get to the reason why you are reading this in the first place, the food. An appetizer of guava jerk wings kicked off the experience. Yeah, it sounds random and leaves you asking who in the world would combine guava and jerk. Granted, jerk is good enough but guava came out of left field. Believe me, it works!! Very tasty, savory, and flavorful. If you want to be fancy and need to serve something...
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