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High School Basketball Regulations

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The gap in the rules and regulations of high school and college basketball is doing aspiring athletes a disservice. These athletes deserve standard regulations throughout their years of play. The three major differences are: game length, three point line, and the existence of the shot clock in college. In a high school basketball game there is four eight minute quarters adding to a thirty-two minute game. Each team receives five timeouts, three sixty second timeouts and two thirty-second timeouts. In a college game there is two twenty minute halves for a total of forty minutes. Each team has four seventy-five second timeouts and two thirty second timeouts. In college, there are also media timeouts which give coaches extra time to coach their teams without using one of their own timeouts. There is no such thing as a media timeout in high school basketball. The gap in the game length of high school and college is not adequately preparing prep players for the next level of play. The players are not used to such long of games when they reach the college level, therefore they are not in the best shape they could be. A high school season last about twenty-five games while a college season lasts about forty games. This aspect also is doing players a disservice because it is not preparing them adequately …show more content…
In high school the three point line is located 19’2 feet from the hoop, while in college the line is located at 20’2 feet. The difference takes time and practice to adjust effectively. The location of the three point line can change a players shot, forcing them to shoot from further away for the same amount of points as in high school which can change a player’s mindset about shooting a certain shot. If there was some form of unity between the two lines, there would be a smoother transition to the next level. Smoother transitions make for better play and higher ratings for college

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