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Hillary Clinton Gay Rights

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Advocacy on an International Level
The United Nations Address on Global LGBT rights by Hillary Clinton is an essay that conveyed various issues that are important in the fight for equal human rights. More specifically for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans gender (LGBT) people. It is important for our political leaders to get involved with these issues to show other world leaders from other counties the problems surrounding the LGBT community and why policies need to be changed in order to protect this population. We have come a long way and people are more accepting of others who are different or are not part of the norm, but LGBT individuals are still experiencing challenges that need to be addressed on a global level. Discrimination …show more content…
The more people that get involved with issues that we are facing as a human race the more likely it will be heard.
Hillary Clinton’s address was essential because it talked about the atrocities we had faced during World War II and people from all over the world wanted to prevent the inhumanity that was experienced during that time. Which was why in 1948 it was put into vote and was announced by the UN General Assembly that the Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, allowing all humans beings to be born free and equal in dignity and rights. This was an important notion because it did not matter where one was from people form all over the world have rights and it is our governments job to protect those rights (Clinton, 2011 as cited in Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (2013). As a society great strides have been made to help keep the equality of mankind, but this still does not apply to everyone. Hillary Clinton is correct when she stated that “many are treated with contempt and violence by their fellow citizens while authorities empowered to protect them look the other way or, too often join in the …show more content…
For example, LGBT youth living in the Caribbean, struggle to receive acceptance and equal rights in their society (Melles &Nelson, 2010). Their laws are strict and because of the law enforcements failure to protect these citizens it has made it extremely hard for these people to live their lives open and free and although it is a challenge for activists to help advocate for these people and almost always they are working in secrecy. Progress has been made, from advancements in Cuba allowing transgender individuals to legally change their name and identity documents are recognized. They also recognize same sex partnerships. In Puerto Rico in 2005 homosexuality was legalized (Melles & Nelson,

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