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History of the Uk


Submitted By charlesfanderson
Words 3173
Pages 13
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tempus tincidunt tellus, vitae vehicula massa luctus vitae. Phasellus eros mauris, ultrices id fringilla accumsan, tincidunt eget diam. Donec purus felis, tincidunt sed luctus quis, consectetur eget erat. Quisque vel quam at tellus suscipit consectetur a vitae arcu. Donec euismod porta eleifend. Pellentesque lobortis tempus lectus, pretium blandit erat adipiscing non. Donec condimentum nunc augue. Fusce elit nibh, hendrerit congue consequat et, bibendum vitae urna. Cras adipiscing suscipit urna elementum gravida. Praesent aliquam, turpis vel feugiat luctus, arcu sapien euismod nibh, quis facilisis erat quam sed nisl. Proin gravida, dolor vel elementum placerat, libero arcu molestie tortor, ac tincidunt lectus magna ut nunc. Aenean tincidunt nulla in felis feugiat vel convallis velit cursus. Proin venenatis malesuada massa, id rhoncus lacus molestie a. Etiam vulputate interdum leo, a semper urna tempor eget. Morbi ut sem libero. Quisque mollis ante sit amet sapien varius at suscipit eros accumsan. Mauris urna nulla, dapibus a fermentum quis, vulputate id turpis.
Integer consectetur eleifend scelerisque. Nunc accumsan turpis eget diam semper blandit. Integer at leo nisi. Aenean dictum cursus aliquet. Donec at odio at neque elementum facilisis sit amet eget turpis. Aliquam sem lacus, laoreet ut hendrerit vitae, vehicula ut risus. Nullam facilisis tortor a odio bibendum blandit. Curabitur viverra sapien nec eros congue non volutpat lacus vehicula. Etiam ac neque eget ipsum venenatis interdum. Nullam fringilla magna sit amet eros facilisis sit amet volutpat sapien egestas. Sed sit amet turpis sit amet tellus ultricies ultricies. Nunc cursus facilisis tristique.
Aliquam et mattis velit. Mauris semper, sapien vitae ultricies dapibus, odio ligula faucibus mauris, semper sagittis lorem orci id lorem. Pellentesque tempus interdum elit, in venenatis diam scelerisque sed. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse elit ligula, venenatis commodo porta et, placerat sit amet dui. Maecenas tellus odio, lacinia non fringilla in, dignissim ut est. Phasellus eget risus quis dolor mattis dictum. Nullam laoreet auctor tortor ut tincidunt. Nunc ligula sapien, consequat sed tincidunt at, consequat quis nunc. Pellentesque et felis sed urna hendrerit mollis sed a metus.
Fusce eros nisl, ultricies vitae placerat eget, sollicitudin non ante. Aenean eros libero, ornare at malesuada sagittis, venenatis non ligula. Mauris semper lobortis dignissim. Maecenas et elit quis ligula porta porta. Nunc vel lorem eget risus tincidunt commodo nec a diam. Fusce pretium velit nec mi accumsan ullamcorper. Maecenas euismod sagittis mollis. Quisque eget dolor mauris, nec condimentum risus. Nam non ullamcorper nibh. Integer eget purus mauris, id feugiat tellus. Etiam et eleifend nibh. Vivamus vitae ipsum nunc. Vivamus eget placerat ligula. Praesent auctor dolor a diam ultricies sit amet tempus orci cursus. Curabitur ut vulputate purus. Aliquam iaculis bibendum augue vel iaculis. Cras at semper nulla.
Nulla consequat, turpis sed sagittis iaculis, est magna rhoncus nibh, eu luctus urna ante eu enim. Integer elementum nibh sed nisi hendrerit congue. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque molestie dolor nisl. Sed tempor volutpat ipsum at mollis. Praesent vel metus id mi adipiscing mattis. Sed venenatis vestibulum velit, id ultricies velit aliquam sed. Quisque scelerisque ipsum vel metus elementum pharetra. Vivamus sit amet dolor elit. Curabitur commodo posuere scelerisque. Suspendisse ultricies massa ut nulla tristique laoreet. Cras ornare quam et dolor euismod posuere. Nam sit amet nisi vitae est faucibus ornare.
Phasellus nisi neque, gravida sit amet dapibus eu, posuere eu turpis. Donec ac egestas felis. Donec vel risus ut ante suscipit sodales eget eget mauris. Curabitur hendrerit vestibulum eros eu placerat. Nulla ligula elit, suscipit vitae volutpat nec, lobortis quis nisl. Vestibulum elit erat, placerat vel eleifend a, venenatis sit amet tellus. Integer hendrerit, lectus at pharetra tempus, erat eros eleifend elit, ut feugiat magna odio in mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque sem diam, ultrices ac congue ac, vestibulum eu arcu. Integer eu urna lectus. Aliquam et odio odio. Duis convallis iaculis suscipit. Nulla ac erat leo, non gravida risus. Etiam sodales, augue in imperdiet pharetra, leo mi rhoncus neque, sed adipiscing neque leo sed nisi. Vestibulum nec dolor purus.
Vivamus laoreet consequat semper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam aliquam faucibus risus, at tincidunt nisi egestas ac. Proin mattis ultricies venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam dictum euismod justo in condimentum. Aenean ornare facilisis tincidunt. Integer at turpis ipsum. Nam ullamcorper erat et lacus adipiscing a mollis risus luctus. Nulla interdum, ligula sit amet pulvinar ultrices, erat est porttitor dui, sit amet vehicula turpis lectus sed turpis. Suspendisse a sapien diam, pellentesque placerat sapien. Sed nibh risus, porttitor in aliquet vitae, facilisis et augue. Sed sagittis, nunc non iaculis pretium, elit libero ornare leo, quis consequat ipsum nibh at diam. Maecenas eu mattis mauris. Vestibulum euismod, sem at auctor commodo, quam purus consectetur ipsum, eu varius justo metus lacinia ligula.
Duis eget enim purus. Curabitur vestibulum, sapien nec vestibulum tristique, orci felis volutpat dui, ut mollis eros tellus et felis. Quisque eu urna vitae erat posuere porttitor. Integer dictum eros nec quam placerat suscipit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse cursus, turpis non aliquet interdum, massa risus gravida urna, ac bibendum diam eros quis felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lobortis mattis sagittis. Vestibulum id venenatis felis. Phasellus quis elementum lacus. Maecenas lobortis ipsum non massa pellentesque semper tempor lacus hendrerit. Donec mauris justo, accumsan in ullamcorper nec, feugiat et eros. Aliquam ultrices tempor quam id suscipit. Fusce consectetur interdum nisl non condimentum. Mauris viverra convallis mauris at facilisis. Integer eget nunc lacus, sit amet ultrices libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla scelerisque diam et dolor venenatis vel tincidunt turpis pulvinar. Donec in tortor arcu.
Sed a sapien ligula. Nunc risus nulla, consequat at tincidunt non, faucibus at est. Suspendisse condimentum purus vitae neque adipiscing volutpat. Nunc tortor mauris, blandit vel porta blandit, placerat eget metus. Donec aliquam lacinia lectus in varius. In congue, augue quis facilisis ultrices, nibh odio luctus nulla, nec feugiat mauris quam vitae ipsum. Proin egestas accumsan libero tempor varius. Praesent vitae massa sem. Cras et leo ante, vitae ultrices sapien. Fusce rutrum nulla eu risus imperdiet aliquet. Sed blandit sagittis nulla, commodo facilisis dolor pretium vel. Sed ultrices risus eu urna vestibulum fermentum. Sed blandit laoreet felis nec pulvinar. Aenean vitae placerat quam. Aliquam et volutpat ante. Nullam nec rhoncus lacus. Suspendisse tempor pellentesque mauris, id aliquam libero sodales sed. Mauris et mi elit.
Nunc et nulla consequat est pharetra dictum. Quisque sagittis mi mi. Vestibulum felis tortor, pellentesque id mollis a, laoreet aliquet dui. Pellentesque adipiscing magna ac dui varius ut congue lectus vestibulum. Pellentesque ornare tortor vel eros accumsan ut pulvinar ipsum euismod. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed et commodo ligula. Suspendisse bibendum varius ipsum, eget dignissim nunc blandit sit amet. Proin fermentum congue enim, vel semper nisl sodales quis. Nam molestie, libero ac pellentesque malesuada, mauris eros facilisis elit, non iaculis purus ipsum vel risus. Donec dictum sapien at ante tempus eget molestie magna sagittis. Donec lobortis urna et quam euismod faucibus pulvinar sem imperdiet. Cras eget velit tellus. Aenean lobortis pharetra augue nec pellentesque.
Phasellus fermentum, sapien in consectetur blandit, odio mi blandit velit, non faucibus orci nisi a tortor. Cras in nisi tortor. Cras id nulla nec dui suscipit euismod. Mauris ullamcorper leo sed justo pulvinar sodales. Donec vehicula elit id sapien convallis venenatis vitae a augue. Proin condimentum erat non quam molestie iaculis vitae a dolor. Mauris fringilla facilisis euismod. Praesent sapien augue, lobortis vel dapibus in, lobortis non dui. Nulla a tincidunt ante. Aliquam neque turpis, sagittis quis rhoncus non, molestie ac mauris. Sed eu purus imperdiet nunc fringilla laoreet. Vestibulum lacinia nisl quis nibh aliquet placerat. Vestibulum felis enim, consectetur a lacinia sit amet, cursus nec augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla sit amet elementum tortor. Pellentesque odio ligula, venenatis et bibendum et, rhoncus ut urna. Aenean varius dolor eu felis semper a mattis orci ornare. Vestibulum commodo semper accumsan.
Nam ac eros condimentum velit ullamcorper ullamcorper eget sit amet est. Duis et erat dui, vitae vestibulum sapien. Aliquam posuere laoreet sem, eu mattis turpis venenatis vitae. Fusce a libero eget dolor ullamcorper scelerisque et eget nisl. Praesent non urna lacinia eros consequat ullamcorper at a turpis. Vivamus sem lorem, pharetra vitae viverra eu, pharetra id ante. Fusce porta est sed lacus sodales eu tempus nulla posuere. Proin non malesuada nulla. Quisque quis nulla lectus. Fusce hendrerit mauris eget orci ultricies eu pretium justo aliquam. Ut vel eros quis eros tempus sollicitudin. Nullam tempor, tellus a dictum imperdiet, ipsum erat venenatis risus, nec bibendum dolor turpis vel orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin cursus lorem ut diam faucibus interdum. Phasellus molestie elit ut velit gravida convallis. Proin rhoncus ante eu velit hendrerit vestibulum. Sed in est risus.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque sed bibendum ligula. Praesent sodales sapien nunc. Pellentesque lacinia auctor mi, eu blandit justo molestie et. Mauris augue ante, dignissim pretium molestie eget, tincidunt eget metus. Nulla facilisi. Praesent cursus, lorem ut viverra fringilla, ligula risus lobortis ligula, vel dignissim est velit sit amet sem. Donec sit amet nunc nibh, non sagittis magna. Nullam a luctus quam. Etiam non purus turpis, quis lacinia ipsum. Vivamus diam leo, viverra non faucibus pretium, iaculis eget ante. Aenean at malesuada orci. Aenean tristique auctor magna, quis pretium erat feugiat in. Vestibulum vitae nunc diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus purus ante, mattis at aliquet nec, commodo in eros.
Duis eu erat nulla. Nunc in ligula est. Praesent venenatis commodo risus, vel ultrices erat mattis et. Phasellus leo sem, sodales a elementum eget, condimentum vel dui. Curabitur lorem enim, auctor vitae adipiscing at, lobortis eu justo. Aliquam eu ultrices risus. Ut id odio ac nulla hendrerit semper. Suspendisse a justo sapien. Nam non est tempor massa rhoncus ornare eu vel metus. Morbi sed nisi massa. Quisque vitae nisl ante. Donec ornare eros eget erat convallis non vulputate turpis euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Cras eget enim auctor orci lobortis laoreet. Etiam et purus risus, eu aliquet ante. Phasellus dui velit, consequat nec interdum id, placerat in neque. Nullam pretium posuere dictum. Vivamus eleifend vulputate iaculis.
Nunc eu leo adipiscing mi mattis vehicula sit amet vel diam. Etiam sit amet luctus nibh. Mauris elementum odio vitae neque iaculis non egestas nisi adipiscing. Donec pretium, lorem et euismod adipiscing, nulla libero elementum lorem, vitae auctor dui urna ac sapien. Aliquam scelerisque fringilla mauris, quis vulputate diam rutrum eu. Pellentesque mattis sem enim, et rutrum neque. Vestibulum tincidunt lacinia nulla in condimentum. Aenean elementum interdum erat, nec volutpat nunc mollis sit amet. Curabitur condimentum euismod erat, ac pellentesque magna consequat sed. Mauris a gravida dui. Phasellus a nisi vel sapien imperdiet vestibulum a a mi.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras et dolor et lorem tristique imperdiet eu quis metus. Nullam in libero vitae magna feugiat cursus id eget nisl. Integer at nulla diam. Fusce vel tellus vel orci consequat imperdiet. Pellentesque congue accumsan diam. Aliquam felis velit, tempus ac fringilla tincidunt, volutpat non nibh. Mauris volutpat magna ac elit tempor ac mattis augue rhoncus. Etiam felis ipsum, ullamcorper vitae malesuada vitae, suscipit nec libero. Morbi lacus orci, euismod in varius eu, pellentesque sit amet ligula. Mauris elementum est id nisi viverra ut accumsan sapien rutrum. Curabitur mauris odio, venenatis ac pretium non, vestibulum sit amet nisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In congue, augue id dignissim volutpat, nisi lorem blandit orci, tempus ornare nulla erat ac massa. In tristique neque vel elit malesuada convallis. Nulla eget tempus neque. Nulla malesuada ante lorem, vitae semper mi. Suspendisse potenti.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse ornare odio et dolor tincidunt dictum. Sed non molestie dolor. Nulla scelerisque ultricies metus a semper. Vestibulum ac nibh nulla. Phasellus pellentesque condimentum lorem, vel dignissim arcu placerat non. Cras ultricies tempor arcu vitae ultricies. Morbi faucibus, elit eget ultrices facilisis, sapien leo interdum eros, in ullamcorper neque massa eu lorem. Quisque nec felis sit amet lectus dignissim fermentum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque nec lorem velit. Ut facilisis turpis vitae elit mollis consequat. Cras congue leo neque. Curabitur eget lacus dui, et commodo velit. Morbi nec turpis at nulla faucibus cursus id eget eros. Donec dapibus fringilla porttitor. Integer ac metus rhoncus orci mattis mollis. Nullam eget leo lectus.
Cras nunc nibh, semper quis consectetur sit amet, posuere sed arcu. Fusce in dui a eros ullamcorper vestibulum at consectetur risus. Curabitur molestie ante nec turpis varius eget tincidunt eros tempor. Proin ullamcorper facilisis tempus. Integer mattis vehicula elementum. Aliquam molestie fringilla egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus a sapien at diam vestibulum interdum. Vivamus hendrerit volutpat ornare. Mauris nec nisi id sapien porttitor molestie. Vivamus in venenatis metus. Sed tristique orci sed elit facilisis id malesuada arcu vulputate. Vestibulum ac purus neque. Sed pharetra ligula id velit sagittis ultrices. Phasellus sit amet leo leo, vitae commodo est. Donec a neque ut nulla dictum adipiscing vel at mauris.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Donec tortor erat, mollis vel cursus et, dignissim in dolor. Ut arcu arcu, suscipit sed dignissim id, fringilla nec tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum convallis erat id nibh gravida non ultrices magna pellentesque. Aenean mauris ipsum, semper ac gravida nec, tincidunt eget urna. Nam a diam non magna hendrerit ultricies a non libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum placerat vehicula. Ut nec felis leo, sit amet condimentum nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla auctor luctus arcu a convallis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce magna ligula, convallis a pretium et, rutrum at est. Fusce at urna id quam feugiat luctus et nec risus. Aliquam bibendum tincidunt orci, non imperdiet leo dictum eu. Cras a odio justo, elementum dictum magna. Ut quis metus velit, et ultricies erat.
Maecenas accumsan dui vitae augue hendrerit eget luctus metus aliquet. Vestibulum auctor ligula tincidunt dui bibendum a consectetur metus ullamcorper. Donec vel nulla nisi, et tempus enim. Etiam nec porttitor quam. Nullam feugiat feugiat elementum. Sed blandit, ipsum vel lacinia vehicula, ante lacus commodo metus, eu ullamcorper arcu erat ut turpis. Donec suscipit malesuada elementum. Aliquam ac nunc sit amet tellus condimentum euismod. Maecenas adipiscing luctus felis, nec semper ante commodo vitae. Sed id tortor sit amet diam iaculis vulputate ut at lectus. Nunc suscipit, dolor ut fringilla viverra, ligula urna ornare nibh, ac auctor mi urna id justo. Nullam in tempus lacus. Praesent sollicitudin risus id ligula viverra vel fringilla augue sagittis. Mauris et nisl lacus. Mauris facilisis sapien ac nisi volutpat sit amet cursus lectus posuere.
Nam rhoncus nibh eu ligula scelerisque id aliquam augue gravida. Praesent egestas adipiscing massa, et dignissim elit pharetra a. Aliquam non urna risus, quis laoreet magna. Pellentesque ipsum massa, mattis sit amet egestas imperdiet, convallis ut tellus. Donec ultricies rutrum est a congue. Curabitur lectus odio, dictum et faucibus quis, bibendum id neque. Phasellus mollis mollis libero sed accumsan. Proin non sagittis libero. Sed tincidunt scelerisque consectetur. Nulla eu lacus id dui convallis egestas non quis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec vitae augue eu felis pretium rhoncus. Nunc lacus quam, feugiat commodo ullamcorper sit amet, ultricies vel ante. Vivamus viverra nisl aliquam ipsum laoreet adipiscing. In molestie blandit magna, vitae rhoncus quam semper ac. Proin sollicitudin rutrum egestas. Nunc vehicula viverra bibendum. Vestibulum sed leo sem, ut rutrum erat. Ut ut felis dignissim orci pellentesque facilisis.
Ut fermentum egestas tellus, et sollicitudin nibh tempus volutpat. Nam at dui mattis enim pharetra vulputate. Integer in mauris augue, sit amet egestas enim. Nunc gravida consequat posuere. Aenean purus risus, scelerisque accumsan imperdiet tempor, congue et leo. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam sed mi augue, a rhoncus dui. Quisque eu lorem metus. Vestibulum in metus quis nisi tristique congue. Suspendisse lacinia, lorem sed varius facilisis, dolor eros auctor orci, et iaculis massa tortor at arcu. Vestibulum vitae nunc nulla, a tincidunt odio. Phasellus egestas, risus non scelerisque mattis, ligula magna tempus elit, et varius neque elit et augue.
Maecenas lobortis convallis lectus, non laoreet lorem ullamcorper eget. Suspendisse augue leo, cursus et placerat ut, imperdiet vitae nunc. Pellentesque tristique diam a augue tempor ac semper tellus congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer vel facilisis libero. Quisque vel interdum massa. Curabitur eleifend congue felis interdum ultrices. Praesent eu risus turpis, ut vehicula odio. Suspendisse vitae erat quam, eu lacinia purus. Fusce malesuada adipiscing quam, cursus rutrum arcu imperdiet ac. Duis volutpat, dui pulvinar dignissim cursus, urna orci commodo arcu, vel rhoncus lorem nisl iaculis nunc. Aliquam scelerisque lorem odio. Donec eget leo nec dolor faucibus volutpat et quis ligula. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur dignissim vulputate ligula ac tincidunt. Aliquam id nisi tellus, ac laoreet eros. Nulla pellentesque eros nec purus congue pharetra. Maecenas pellentesque lacus quis massa molestie dictum. Aenean ac libero risus.
Nullam adipiscing turpis sed leo placerat vitae venenatis ipsum euismod. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus est lectus, pulvinar quis sagittis eu, auctor vitae odio. Duis dictum vulputate volutpat. Curabitur scelerisque velit in metus sollicitudin quis vestibulum leo suscipit. Donec sed lacus et nibh accumsan dignissim et ut est. Vestibulum gravida odio a felis scelerisque id elementum felis laoreet. Sed blandit, nisi ac mattis condimentum, mauris nibh semper enim, vel ultricies elit lacus non libero. Fusce viverra massa at dui commodo viverra. Phasellus aliquam tincidunt placerat. Duis fermentum, mi scelerisque auctor vulputate, odio ipsum faucibus quam, eu pretium felis justo id est. Etiam eget ligula neque, quis ornare libero. Integer eget ligula mauris. Proin ut neque sed sem posuere rutrum condimentum nec ante.
Suspendisse scelerisque, nulla vitae eleifend pulvinar, lorem nunc malesuada nibh, at aliquam velit purus at turpis. Aliquam fermentum, augue quis consequat vehicula, sem est molestie massa, nec tempor nibh tellus at dui. Morbi ipsum lorem, sollicitudin quis ultricies et, molestie placerat quam. Vivamus sit amet neque augue, nec posuere nisi. Proin interdum congue turpis, id tempus mauris pretium id. Pellentesque adipiscing, erat ut gravida ullamcorper, urna lectus tincidunt arcu, et fringilla ipsum enim eu nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce tellus dolor, varius eu euismod a, imperdiet quis leo. Nunc porttitor risus in nisl dignissim non pellentesque metus lacinia. Etiam tristique, quam et dictum viverra, orci ante imperdiet est, eu sodales sem diam vitae massa. Nunc venenatis aliquet quam in dignissim. Integer ac nisl quis elit semper lobortis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed

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...Introduction………………………………………………………………P4 2.0 BBC………………………………………………………………………P4,5 3.1 Brief history of BBC………………………………………………...P4 3.2 Aims and objectives of BBC…………………………………………P4 3.3 How BBC is funded………………………………………………….P5 3.4 Polices on social responsibility……………………………………….P5 3.0 Cancer Research UK…………………………………………………….P5,6,7 3.1 Brief history of Cancer Research UK………………………………P5, 6 3.2 Aims and objectives of Cancer Research UK……………………….P6 3.3 How Cancer Research UK is founded……………………………….P6, 7 3.4 Polices on social responsibility………………………………………P7 4.0 Jaguar Land Rover…………………………………………………………P7, 8, 9 4.1 Brief history of Jaguar Land Rover……………………………………P7 4.2 Aims and objectives of Jaguar Land Rover……………………………P8 4.3 How Jaguar Land Rover is founded…………………………………..P8, 9 4.4 Polices on social responsibility………………………………………..P9 5.0 More successful organization……………………………………………..P9 6.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………P10 7.0 Reference…………………………………………………………………..P12 1.0 Introduction The aim of this report is to analysis three different organizations. They are the public sector of the economy (BBC), the volunteer sector (Cancer Research UK) and Jaguar Land Rover. This report included these three organizations’ brief history, aims and objectives, how these organizations are founded and the policies on social responsibility. 2.0 BBC 3.1 Brief history of BBC BBC was called the British Broadcasting Company at the beginning of started...

Words: 2711 - Pages: 11

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Timeline and Its Effects on

... Search in this database with the term "Nursing History" (or other related terms), to find the "official" names MeSH uses for the subject you have in mind. Then, switch into the PubMed database (you can also do this from within MeSH) and use the term(s) you found to find articles. MeSH and PubMed are available to the general public for free, but UIC faculty, staff, and students can enter a version of PubMed that includes links to many online full-text journals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web Resources American Association for the History of Nursing, Inc. (AAHN) The AAHN is a professional organization founded in 1978 as a historical methodology group. It is open to anyone interested in nursing history. This web site includes links to a nursing history calendar, a historical methodology bibliography, resources for nursing history (which includes a list of recent nursing history publications), short biographies with suggested readings about some nurses (available under "Gravesite Series"), and a nursing history primer to introduce undergraduate students to history research. Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN) This site lists many links to other nursing history resources, including the Internurse History Page, BC History of Nursing Group, and a Significant Events in the History of Nursing timeline. The Center for The Study of The History of Nursing Established in 1985 at the University...

Words: 487 - Pages: 2

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The Case for a Possible Brexit and Its Impact on the Uk Economy

...its impact on the UK economy is one that has been widely discussed over the years, given the significant economic effects it imposes on both parties involved. The UK taking up its membership into the EU in 1973 following its establishment in 1967 enabled vast benefits of free trade to be shared amongst members of this trading bloc. However, over a quarterly time series from 1999 to 2014 the UK has been noted to have run a relatively large balance of trade deficit in terms of its trade in goods with the EU (see figure 2), and as such lays emphasis on the UK’s lack of competitiveness, specifically in its manufacturing industry. The importance of the EU has increasingly become more significant in terms of the UK’s total economic activity, generated through trade transactions. Figure 1: ONS As seen in figure 1, there has been a downward trend in the transaction with the EU expressed as a percentage of UK GDP, falling by 231.25% from Q1 of 1991 to Q4 of 2014. In relations to the total trade in goods with the EU, there has generally been a deficit, which increased by 874.9% from 1999 to 2014. From figure 2 it can be observed that the largest deficit of -£21500m occurred in Q4 of 2014 and the lowest in Q4 of 1999. Figure 2: ONS The persistent balance of trade deficit seemed to be a result of imports from the EU to the UK exceeding exports. This could be the case as the percentage increase in exports from transactions made by the UK to the EU was only...

Words: 1599 - Pages: 7

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...gggggggggggggggggggggggggggjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Free American History Essays and Papers‎ Free American History papers, essays, and research papers. History Essays | Find Your Free History Essay - UK Essays › Essays‎ View hundreds of history essays online from the most reliable custom history essay writing services company in the UK. American History: Speeches and Essays - Download free content ...‎ Download or subscribe to free content from American History: Speeches and Essays by University of South Florida on iTunes. Free Essays On History - eCheat‎ Free essays on History available at, the largest free essay community. Free history essays website | Facebook‎ Free history essays website. 3 likes · 0 talking about this. History Essays - Free Essays :: Paper Writing‎ Research database of history essays for...

Words: 740 - Pages: 3

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Why Do You Want To Study In England Essay

...England According to Rebecca Murphy noted that “a country with over a thousand years of history and many of the most recognizable sites in the world, England is every study abroad student's dream.” England has had a significant global influence from impressive contributions to science, from the likes of Francis Bacon and Stephen Hawking to a rich literary history featuring Chaucer and Shakespeare and even significant contributions to pop culture through artists like The Beatles, England has played a large role in making our world what it is today. In addition, England is one of the world” best educational systems”, making it an obvious choice for many students in the world those looking not just to expand their horizons, but to receive a top-notch education abroad as well. Carla Stanton, International Manager of...

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Travel Tourism with such a powerful range of museums, this tell us how much of a strong reputation Britain holds of having Excellent museums, Museums and galleries are key drivers of British tourism and play a significant role in attracting visitors and in building the British brand overseas. The British Museum has been established for 262 years being established for this long will mean they will be recognized and generally accepted. This museum is ranked 4th in the world, this is very impressive because compared to the other countries such as USA and China who are big nations and for the UK an island to be among them is great. According to the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA) The London British Museum is the most popular visitor attraction in the UK, we know this because they have a record of 6,695,213 total visits a year (2014). Which is the highest figure recorded out of 40 museums in the UK. The London British Museum attracted 3.8 million visitors from abroad in 13/14 compared to attracting 3.6 million visitors from abroad in 12/13, as you can see there was an increase of 200 thousand visitors and this could suggest that there is increased demand from people abroad wanting to go to London British Museum in 2013-2014. Total Number of visitors coming to the museum in 13/14 is 6.8m and 3.8m of those are visitors from abroad but they didn’t state how many domestic visitors have visited the museum so I have concluded that that the domestic visitors coming to the museum in...

Words: 1056 - Pages: 5

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Pound Land

...whether the module can be operated in China. Research questions: The main idea of my dissertation can be divided into two parts including the module in UK and China. Research questions for the module in UK: • The history of pound land is in UK? • What is the business practice of pound land? • What elements of success pound land should have? A stable supply of goods? The quality of product? Reasonable price? Management? Labour? Salary? Research questions for the module in China • Whether the business environment of Chinese market adapt to the module? To research the environment of supermarket in china • Whether Chinese organizations can learn some valuable experience from pound land? Rationale: Everything for £1 was the idea of founders in 1990 and pound land is still true to that great vision today.  To work hard bring people amazing value products every day with over half being sourced from the UK. Every week, millions of savvy customers enjoy the fun and exciting shopping experience of Pound land in hundreds of stores nationwide.  Pound land is very proud to offer people a single £1 price, that hasn’t changed since first store opened. It is the time to analyze the module that pound operate in UK and the reason why pound land is so successful in UK. In China, there are many similar shops, like pound land. But it seems like not very successful. It is difficult to expand its scale. Some shops just...

Words: 952 - Pages: 4

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...GEOGRAPHY OF UNITED KINGDOM  The United Kingdom (UK) is located just west of the mainland of Europe. It is made up of several islands, the largest of which is Great Britain. Great Britain is made up of Scotland in the north, England in the southeast and Wales in the southwest. Northern Ireland is the northwestern part of Ireland, a separate island nation just west of Great Britain, but it is also part of the UK. There has been violence in Northern Ireland for centuries because of religious and political conflict there. Because ocean waters surround the UK, it has a mild, rainy climate. The country's farmers produce about 60 percent of the food the UK needs. From 1980–90 the farming became more mechanized, with farmers using machinery to plant and harvest crops. The productivity of UK farms increased during that period by about 10 percent. More farmers raise livestock than crops, and some of the world's best beef and lamb is raised in the UK  Location: Western Europe Land Area: 241,590 sq km British Coastline: 12,429 Km Regions in United Kingdom: England: 47 boroughs, 36 counties, 29 London boroughs, 12 cities and boroughs, 10 districts, 12 cities, 3 royal boroughs Northern Ireland: 24 districts, 2 cities, 6 counties Scotland: 32 council areas Wales: 11 county boroughs, 9 counties, 2 cities and counties Bordering Countries to United Kingdom: Republic of Ireland History and Food  The United Kingdom (UK) has also been called the British Isles or Great...

Words: 338 - Pages: 2

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Different Sources of Business Law

...The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the different sources of English law, and discuss the extent to which external sources have affected English law. A basic knowledge of English legal history is important for anyone wishing to study English law, for a number of reasons. Although the UK’s modern legal system, following centuries of legal reforms, is vastly different from that of the 11th century, many fundamental principles and philosophical ideas present in the modern legal system derive from centuries past. Equally, many existing rules of law have their origin in legal history and to fully understand the reason for the current legal norms, it is necessary to appreciate the historical events surrounding their creation (Boxford, 2006, p. 34). Some argue that the English legal system is too conservative and reluctant to adapt to modern conditions. Whilst this claim should not be over-exaggerated, it should also not be ignored. The UK today represents a country with an extremely rich legal history, but also one which seeks to play an active role in the modern global environment. A source of law means the process by which law comes into existence. English law is mainly derived from legislation (both Acts of Parliament and delegated legislation), case law, and European Union law. Custom is a minor source of law. English law, established historically Westminster courts (common law) and Chancery Court (equity), is a right of judicial practice, not only...

Words: 1762 - Pages: 8

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Compare the Business Culture of the Uk with That of Japan.

...Compare the business culture of the UK with that of Japan. How would business negotiations between delegations from the two countries be affected, and how would you advise a UK team to prepare for the negotiations? *** [pic] From Eve to Izanami - How learning the Truth and the Way can help Westerners understand Japanese culture, as well as their own Introduction “Nihonjinron”, literally “the Theory of the Japanese”, has been of fascination for both Japanese and foreigners alike, and the industrialised world seems acutely aware that the Japanese are very different to Westerners, in ideology, religion, and business strategies. There are countless books, articles and websites which attempt to teach people how to communicate with the Japanese in business negotiations. However, these sources can cause further alienation, where the numerous rituals we have to memorise make the Japanese seem obsessively pernickety or just plain difficult. This may be because we naturally interpret these behaviours through the lens of a Western Christian culture and remain relatively unaware of the religion and history of the Japanese. This essay will examine how UK delegations can better understand and negotiate with the Japanese by learning about both the Japanese and their own national culture and history through literature, folktales and religion. Through this preparation a UK team can discover commonalties between the two cultures, which can help...

Words: 3190 - Pages: 13

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Compare the Business Culture of the Uk with That of Japan.

...Compare the business culture of the UK with that of Japan. How would business negotiations between delegations from the two countries be affected, and how would you advise a UK team to prepare for the negotiations? *** [pic] From Eve to Izanami - How learning the Truth and the Way can help Westerners understand Japanese culture, as well as their own Introduction “Nihonjinron”, literally “the Theory of the Japanese”, has been of fascination for both Japanese and foreigners alike, and the industrialised world seems acutely aware that the Japanese are very different to Westerners, in ideology, religion, and business strategies. There are countless books, articles and websites which attempt to teach people how to communicate with the Japanese in business negotiations. However, these sources can cause further alienation, where the numerous rituals we have to memorise make the Japanese seem obsessively pernickety or just plain difficult. This may be because we naturally interpret these behaviours through the lens of a Western Christian culture and remain relatively unaware of the religion and history of the Japanese. This essay will examine how UK delegations can better understand and negotiate with the Japanese by learning about both the Japanese and their own national culture and history through literature, folktales and religion. Through this preparation a UK team can discover commonalties between the two cultures, which can help...

Words: 3190 - Pages: 13

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Tesco Assignment Strategic Planning SAMPLE COVER SHEET Prepared By Muhammad Asif Anjum Student Number: Module Code:SP Table of Contents Executive summary 3 1. RECENT PAST: Strategies deployed and resulting outcomes- recent Strategic development history. 4 Introduction:- 4 Strategic Development History:- 4 Growth Strategy:- 7 Organic Growth:- 7 External growth (Acquisitions):- 7 Product series Strategy:- 8 Tesco Finest Range:- 8 Tesco Average Range: 8 Tesco Value Range: 8 Store Formats strategy:- 8 2. CURRENT: Current Strategic Situation:- 9 PEST Analysis:- 9 PORTER’s Five Forces:- 11 SWOT ANALYSIS:- 13 3. FUTURE: Strategic Direction for the future:- 16 Strategic 1: Tesco should expand in South East Asian developing country:- 16 Strategic 2: Tesco should alliance with Star Bucks or Caffe Nero:- 17 Strategic 3: Tesco should introduce books section in back to school section:- 17 Strategic 4: Tesco should launch micro Tesco chain in UK:- 17 Conclusion:- 18 References:- 19 Executive summary The main purpose of this work is that to analyse the strategic growth of Tesco plc. After the brief study of Tesco’s history it has been analysed that Tesco works on many different strategies. Regarding to the growth strategy Tesco...

Words: 4620 - Pages: 19

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...all from Sligo and they became friends through acting while they were students at the Summerhill College (“Westlife’s History”, 2015). While still in college, Shane was strongly motivated by the success of Boyzone which made him have a strong desire to start doing pop music (“Westlife’s History”, 2015). Shane first thought of starting a four member singing group called SC4 but then went ahead and joined a group called IOU which comprised of Derek Lacey, Graham Keighron, Mark and Michael Garrett (“Westlife”,2015). The group released their first single called “Together Girl Forever”. However, this was the only song that was done by the group. The determination to music prompted Shane’s mother to intervene and ask Louis Walsh, the manager of Boyzones if he could sign Shane (“Westlife”,2015). It is Loius who first signed Shane, Mark and Kian into the first group. Bryan and Nicky later joined their group hence forming Westside band. The group was co-managed by Ronan Keating and Louis (“Westlife’s History”, 2015). They first public performance became famous making them to win the Tour Award. Upon realizing that there was a group in America calling itself Westside, the group changed its name to Westlife. They then released their first song called “Swear it Again” in April 1999 (“Westlife”,2015). This song performed excellently dominating the musical charts in the UK...

Words: 1073 - Pages: 5

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...Curriculum Review Review Group members Sir Keith Ajegbo retired in July 2006 as Headteacher of Deptford Green School, a multiethnic school with a strong reputation for Citizenship education. He is currently working as a coach on the Future Leaders Project, as a School Improvement Partner, and as an education consultant for UBS. He is also a Governor of Goldsmiths College and a trustee of the Stephen Lawrence Trust. Dr Dina Kiwan is a Lecturer in Citizenship Education at Birkbeck College, University of London. Previously she was seconded to the Home Office as the Head of Secretariat to the Advisory Board for Naturalisation and Integration (ABNI), carrying forward the implementation of the recommendations of the former ‘Life in the UK’ Advisory Group chaired by Sir Bernard Crick. Seema Sharma, is an Assistant Headteacher at Deptford Green School in South East London. She has been a teacher for 11 years, including Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator, Head of English, Ethnic Minority Achievement Strategy (EMAS) and Assessment Co-ordinator. Vision In five years, for all...

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