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Homosexuality in Advertising and Mass Media.


Submitted By niamhls
Words 357
Pages 2
Homosexuality in advertising and mass media.

The growing momentum worldwide considering gay rights issues and gay marraige legislation shows that there is growing mainstream accaptance of homosexualtiy. The demand for change came to light in the 1970s. Since then much of the world has become more accepting of homosexuality between same sex partners of a legal age. In 2007 the Pew Research Centre carried out a Global Attitudes Survey. They found that while people in Africa and the Middle East had strong objections to homosexual behaviour, its acceptance was much higher in Western and Northern Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Northwestern United States and much of Latin America. This groundbreaking survey found that 70% of ‘Millennials’ which are people in the 18-32 age demographic are in favour of same sex marraige. This is significant as Millennials take up 27% of the adult population today compared to just 9% in 2003. ( The growing numbers of the population in support of gay marraige legislation has spurred television producers to include charachters of a homosexual nature in their programmes and broadcasts. Modern Family is one of the most viewed programmes in the sought after 18-49 demographic. ( ) It was on the groundwork laid by Will and Grace that Modern Family came to be. These were such huge successes thatother networks strove to build gay friendly shows that could compete. Glee was to come shortly after and featured homosexual themes, charachters and storylines. It even managed to out do Modern Family in the ratings. Milk, Brokeback Mountain and Aleksandr’s Price, are to name a few of the

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