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Horse Racing Research Paper

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If you have never been exposed to the wonders of horse racing, it is time to put the experience on the top of your bucket list. Throughout the world, horse racing is viewed as both an opportunity to gamble as well as the opportunity to experience all the pageantry that comes from the "Sport of Kings."

Horse Racing is Suitable for Everyone
Don't let the term "Sport of Kings" confuse you, the fact is horse racing has a little something for anyone and everyone including the entire family. For the gamblers at heart, you get the opportunity to win big dollars with a reasonable investment. Each track has 8-12 live races plus a complete menu of racing being simulated from all over the world. That comes out to approximately 60 racing events and hundreds …show more content…
They are ridden by talented horsemen wearing brilliant colored silks (jockey uniforms) for dedicated horse-owners at tracks that usually look out of place among the concrete communities everyone lives in these days. On special racing days, the race track rolls out the red carpet to present a wonderful festive atmosphere for everyone involved. The best horses and jockeys in the area show up to present an event to remember. If you have never been to a Kentucky Derby or Breeders Cup day, it should be a must do before your time runs …show more content…
Instead of 90 minutes of questionable entertainment for your investment, you would be better served to enjoy a full 4-hour day at the races for roughly the same price. That includes the adults betting $2 apiece per live race. Best of all, fate might shine on you and make you a big winner. Where else can you take the family for entertainment and get paid to to so?

If you want to learn in advance how to do odds comparisons and find the best odds for your investment, you should pick up a racing form at one of many convenient locations. While learning about the sport, you will begin to understand how and where to get the best odds and how odds comparisons can help you identify real wagering value. Most importantly, all this exposure might be enough to get you to your local race track where you might end up falling in love with the "Sport of

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