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How Can Career Services Help Me


Submitted By ca1234
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How can Career Services help me in my job search?

Career Services helps you with any employment-related needs. While there is no guarantee of placement, since it is essentially up to the job seeker, it is through this partnership that we hope to lead you towards your career goals. It is important to remember to be proactive while you are a student in networking, volunteering, and interning. Often times it is not only what you know, but also who you know.
Here are some of the ways your Career Services Advisor can assist you: * Assist you with finding networking groups within your field of study, either online or on-campus * Demonstrate the importance of social media while you are career searching * Instruct you how to use Optimal Resume for your career search needs * Help you customize your resume and cover letter specific to your situation * Coordinate Career Fairs on our campuses * Offer workshops, either virtually or residentially, on a variety of different career search topic * Provide samples and tips sheets covering a wide range of job related questions * Work on refining your interviewing skills * Teach you how to manage anxiety and fears related around career development * Provide you resources to assist you with finding volunteer opportunities in your field. * Show you how to enroll and use JobConnect * Advise you of employment opportunities * Provide employment resources you can use (such as company names, job searching websites, etc.) * Direct you to other external resources (such as state workforce centers, job support groups, and non-profit organizations) * Distribute and collect paperwork that is required for graduation * Inform you on commencement ceremony details and information * Provide you with information regarding Rasmussen College’s Alumni Network
Our Career Services Advisors are employment professionals dedicated to helping you move along in your career development process, regardless of your situation. Remember to reach out to your Career Services Advisor early and often while you are a student for networking and volunteering information, this will ultimately benefit your career search when you are nearing graduation.

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