...1947 to 1991, was a sustained state of political and military tension between powers in the Western Bloc, dominated by the United States with NATO among its allies, and powers in the Eastern Bloc, dominated by the Soviet Union along with the Warsaw Pact. Role of USSR and USA to the conflicts in the Cold War The Cold War began after World War II. The main enemies were the United States and the Soviet Union. The Cold War got its name because both sides were afraid of fighting each other directly. In a "hot war," nuclear weapons might destroy everything. So, instead, both sides fought each other indirectly. They supported opposing sides in conflicts in different parts of the world. They also used words as weapons. They threatened and denounced each other. Or they tried to make each other look foolish. Over the years, leaders on both sides changed. Yet the Cold War continued. It was the major force in world politics for most of the second half of the twentieth century. The Cold War world was separated into three groups. The United States led the West, including countries with democratic political systems. The Soviet Union led the East. This including countries with communist political systems. The non-aligned group included countries that did not want to be tied to either the West or the East. Harry Truman was the first American president to fight the Cold War. He used several policies. One was the Truman Doctrine. This was a plan to give money and military aid to countries threatened...
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...Canada And The Cold War By Bryce Churchill Canada surprisingly had a lot more of a impact on the Cold War than you would expect. Whenever most people think about the Cold War, it usually comes down to two different things. The first one being a non-direct fight between the U.S.S.R and the U.S.A. The second being a war fought way up north. Canada as a country was actually a middle power during the events of the Cold War which means that Canada was not quite as large or powerful as the U.S.A during the Cold War but Canada still had some influence on a international level. This is most apparent in their involvement in the Korean War, involvement in peacekeeping operations around the world, and Lester B. Pearson actions that stopped a nuclear war around the world (the Suez...
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...principals most notably: destroying the enemy’s ability to make retaliatory strikes against American interests and only attacking the cities along with other population centers as a last resort. (Cohen, 1986, pp. 55 – 56) This is significant, because this new approach was a dramatic shift that was embraced by many previous administrations. To fully understand how this doctrine was used to solve foreign policy issues requires examining: US diplomatic efforts during Kennedy’s time in office, the instances that this approach was utilized, the effects of these efforts on the US along with other countries and the advantages / disadvantages of this doctrine. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights as to how this approach was utilized by the Kennedy Administration to deal with a number of different challenges that they were facing. Summarize a Situation that Required US Diplomatic Efforts during the President’s Time in Office. In 1961, the Soviet Union demanded that NATO withdraw its forces from Berlin. The reason why, is because there were mass defections from the Soviet side of East Berlin and the Warsaw Pact wanted to have entire control of the city. At the time, it appeared as if some kind of showdown would take place between the Allied forces located in West Berlin and those of Soviet Union....
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...The Division of Germany was tragic, yet necessary. Germany was split into east and west. On May 7,1945 Germany surrendered to the allied forces. The Berlin Walls construction started at midnight on August 12, 1961. The building of the wall was a disaster for Khrushchev. Stalin tried to negotiate with the East Germans, but did not sign the treaty. The soviets were not gentle and were not inclined to be gentle with anyone. It was more peaceful for the Germans than it ever was during the war for them. Some germans speak of regret that the Berlin Wall was not still standing. The allied forces divided Berlin at the end of 1945, creating a period of peace for Germany. At the end of the war Germany was split into East Germany and West Germany. The Germans surrendered on May 7, 1945. The allied forces decided that Germany had to much power. The allies decided that they could not give power back to Germany immediately, because the war might flare up again. At...
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...awareness of major events, individuals and ideas. 1. The seeds of conflict 2. Emergence of Cold War, 1944-53 3. The ‘Thaw’ & ‘Peaceful Co-existence’ 4. The arms impact of the arms race 5. Sin-Soviet relations 6. Détente 7. End of Cold War Reminder of the structure of Unit 3 • Unit 3 = 25% of total marks • Written exam: 2 hours • Answer ONE question from Section A (30 marks), and ONE from Section B (40 marks) - choice of 2 questions in both sections • Section A – discuss an historical issue • Section B – use source material & knowledge to discuss an historical event Section A – themes to explore in your revision: 1. The post-Stalin thaw and the bid for peaceful coexistence in 1950s: a) USSR: Khrushchev b) USA: the responses of Dulles, Eisenhower and Kennedy. • the continuation of the Cold War in the 1950s following the retirement of Truman & death of Stalin, despite the bid for improved relations on the part of the USSR in the form of unilateral cuts in the size of the Red Army and withdrawal from Austria and Finland. • the concept of peaceful coexistence & what motivated Khrushchev & the Soviet leadership, & why the USA under Eisenhower & his Secretary of State, Dulles, and later Kennedy and his staff, responded in the way they did. • the role of personality, particularly that of Khrushchev, in shaping relations in these years should be addressed & students should be aware of the Paris Summit, the U2...
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...GCE History |Contents |Page | | | | |Unit A2 1: Option 1, Anglo–Spanish Relations 1509–1609 |5 | |Unit A2 1: Option 2, Crown and Parliament in England 1600–1702 The Changing Role and |17 | |Status of Parliament | | | |37 | |Unit A2 1: Option 3, Liberalism and Nationalism 1815–1914 | | |Unit A2 1: Option 4, Nationalism and Unionism in Ireland 1800–1900 |51 | |Unit A2 1: Option 5, The Clash of Ideologies in Europe 1900–2000 |67 | Introduction CCEA has developed new GCE specifications for first teaching from September 2008. This scheme of work has been designed to support...
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...War therefore there were some hostile feelings towards them even after the war. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (March 1918) was a result of Russia withdrawing from the war, leading to a feeling of betrayal amongst the allies who were left to fight Germany alone. Communist groups in Spain and France grew in strength in the 1930s in response to the hardships of the Great Depression which placed strains on the USA. Britain’s appeasement policy towards Germany under Hitler’s leadership led to Stalin seeing it as an attempt to placate Hitler and a sign of Britain’s lack of enthusiasm for halting Nazi foreign policy. This meant mutual mistrust and hostility remained between the countries. The strains that existed in the Grand Alliance during World War 2 Despite the meeting at Tehran in November 1943 there were divisions amongst the Big Three. The opening of...
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...Which did more to cause the collapse of the Soviet Communism by 1991, developments inside or outside the USSR? 1991 marks the end of Soviet Communism. Leading to 1991, USSR started to lose support from the Eastern European as USSR was in a situation that provided them with undesirable economic situations, low living standards, political instability and lack of freedom. As a whole, the cause for these situations, thereby leading to the fall of Soviet Communism, can be categorized in two main reasons – developments inside of USSR, and developments outside the USSR. While the external developments such as role of Ronald Reagan & his policies, the Pope’s involvement, rise of non communist movements in Eastern Europe and price of oil and effects on USSR did played a significant role in breaking the Soviet Communism, it is still undeniable that the internal developments, mainly the USSR leaders’ (Brezhnev and Gorbachev) policies, made larger and more tangible impacts that raises the resentment and opposition to Soviet domination, causing it to fall apart. The developments inside the USSR therefore did more to cause the collapse of the Soviet Communism. To begin with, one of the early causes of the fall of communism is due to the stagnation period under Brezhnev where economy did not improve, or rather, declined (which can be seen from USSR’s continuous importing of grain from US). This stagnation was due to expanded military and neglected domestic economy. As a whole, this period...
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...recalling his words in 1946 “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.” (History.com 2010). With the beginning of the War, came one of the first indirect fights between U.S and the Soviet Union thought the Berlin Blockade. After World War II, Berlin was already divided into two. West Berlin the “federal republic” that was supported by the U.S, France, and Great Britain; and in the other side, the East Berlin “German democratic republic” supported by the Soviet Union. While in the Cold War the Soviet Union in 1948 created a blockade of the West with the purpose of stopping the U.S and their Allies from trespass their territory. Consequently, the East limited the West with the opportunities of a job, access to food and many other supplies. This action eventually leads to starvation, but the “United States and its allies supplied their sectors of the city from the air… delivered more than 2.3 million tons of food, fuel, and other goods to West Berlin.” (History.com 2009). By 1949 the Soviet Union had notice than to end the blockade because it was a failure, and because of the help that the West was receiving from the U.S it did not cause a separation between them. By 1949 there was tension build with the Berlin Blockade and the Airlifts. Therefore, the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was created. This organization was a military alliance between the U.S and the Western European nations, the organization was...
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...How did the Cold War develop between 1944-53? 1947 – Truman Doctrine (March) Marshall Plan (June) 1948 – Communist regime established in Czechoslovakia (Feb) Berlin blockade begins (June) US relationship with Europe after WWII: * Truman was under pressure to adopt a more hard-line approach towards communism following Kennan’s Telegram and Churchill’s ‘Iron Curtain’ speech and the threat of communist takeover in Greece. * No suggestion that the US envisaged any long-term military or political entanglement in Europe beyond the time it took to establish political and economic reconstruction there. * Each side regarded the other as a threat to national security and being expansionist and a global strategic threat. * By September 1946 the emergence of the Cold War was seemingly irreversible. Why Truman introduced his Doctrine (first step containment?) * Keep the SU from aiding the Greek communist movement * Protect democracy and freedom in response to Soviet aggression and ideological expansionism in Eastern Europe * Demonise SU and Communism * Threaten and provoke USSR * Truman wanted a Cold War because that would justify the US’s role as a defender of the freedom and function as world power * Develop the US’s global economic power – if the US is protector, other sates would be militarily and economically dependent of the US – close trade relations. Truman emphasised in his doctrine the differences between Capitalism...
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...EnrichmEnt GuidE – A true story School Dates: September 14 – OctOber 5, 2007 Adapted by Emil Sher Based on the book by Karen Levine Originally published by Second Story Press Media Sponsor: nal dditiovisit For a rials, mate tage.org! FirstS Please be sure to share this guide with all teachers who are taking their students to see this production. Photocopy or download additional copies from FirstStage.org INSIDE THE GUIDE preparing for the play A NOTE TO TEACHERS AND PARENTS HANA’S SUITCASE is the true story of Jewish girl who died at Auschwitz at the age of thirteen and how, although her life was taken at such a young age, her memory and spirit continue to live on today. Adapted from the book of the same title by Karen Levine, HANA’S SUITCASE explores the journey of teacher and children at the Tokyo Holocaust Education Center take to find out who Hana Brady is—all from a suitcase the Center received with Hana’s name, birth date, and the word waisenkind (orphan) written on it. The children at the Center are captivated by this suitcase, and the girl who once owned it, and they begin flooding Fumiko Ishioka, the Center’s Director, with question after question about Hana. Fumiko recognizes the importance of uncovering Hana’s story for her students. This tragic event cannot be summed up in numbers or facts— it affected individuals, young and old, who each had a story, families, and hopes and dreams. As Fumiko slowly but determinedly reveals Hana’s story...
Words: 15786 - Pages: 64
...strengthen and protect Jews and the State o What problems faced Palestine in 1945 Civil disruption.‘ * Large numbers of Jews wanted to go to Palestine.’ * ‘The US was supporting a state of Israel.’ * ‘Should immigration be allowed?’ * ‘Campaigns of violence by the Irgun.’ Why did Britain decide to hand Palestine over to the United Nations * ‘It did not want to stay.’ * ‘Because of the cost.’ * ‘There was violence.’ * ‘Because of its view of Zionism.’ * ‘The pressure from the Irgun.’ * ‘Because of the guerrilla campaign. Explains why * ‘At the end of the war Britain was under great pressure to change its policy and allow in survivors of the holocaust. They refused and this brought about violent protest.’ * ‘The Irgun deliberately attacked and killed British soldiers including the explosion at the King David Hotel. The violence from the Irgun was intended to persuade the British to leave.’ * ‘Because the Arabs continued to block any proposals regarding partition.’ * ‘The British were finding it too expensive to keep large numbers of troops there, especially having just fought a costly war.’ How far was the war of 1948-49 a success for Israel * It was as the Arab armies were forced to accept defeat.’ * ‘A Jewish state was established.’...
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...Skimmerva@aol.com (home) Office Hours: 4:30-5:30 p.m. M (Rm 947 Templin Hall), 6-7 p.m. T (Rm 131A Diggs Hall), 5:00-5:30 p.m. W (Rm 947 Templin Hall) and by appointment INTRODUCTION COURSE DESCRIPTION: (from VCCS Master Course file): Focuses on the relationship between culture and geography. Presents a survey of modern demographics, landscape modification, material and non-material culture, language, race and ethnicity, religion, politics, and economic activities. Introduces the student to types and uses of maps. COURSE CONTENT: Cultural geography entails the study of spatial variations among cultural groups and the spatial functioning of society. The course provides an introduction to the manner in which humans have modified the world, emphasizing patterns of migration, livelihoods of man, and environments in which these modifications have taken place and continue to occur. It focuses on describing and analyzing the ways population, religion, language, ethnicity and race, political factors, economy, agriculture, industry, the urban setting, and other cultural phenomena vary or remain constant from one place to another. The framework of geographic location of significant countries, regions, and physical features is also addressed in order to provide the necessary context in which the spatial aspects of cultural geography may be understood. MATERIALS: Texts: Domash, Mona at al., The Human Mosaic: A Cultural Approach to Human Geography, 12th edition, NY: Freeman, 2013 ...
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...Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics STUDENT’S HANDBOOK 2011/2012 Lazarski University Warsaw, June 2011 1 Lazarski School of Commerce and Law Student’s Handbook- Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics Content Page 4 6 8 13 15 15 15 17 17 18 19 21 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 37 39 41 43 44 46 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 62 63 63 64 66 67 69 72 74 75 76 77 79 80 82 The Programme The Degree Assessment Quality Assurance Admission Procedures Erasmus Study in BABE Programme Administrative Issues Course Descriptors Mathematics Introductory Microeconomics Introduction to Sociology Current Issues of the European and Global Economy Academic Writing Introduction into Business Introductory Macroeconomics Introduction into Economic Analysis Economics of Integration Information Technology Intermediate Microeconomics Issues in Macroeconomic Policy Mathematical Economics Statistics Regional Economics Introduction to Strategic Management Banking and Finance International Business Law Research Proseminar Accounting Managerial Economics International Economics Intermediate Macroeconomics Econometrics Research Methods Social Policy Game Theory Public Finance Investment Analysis BA Seminar Electives Financial Accounting Monetary Theory and Policy - The Impact of Global Crisis Principles of Marketing The World Economy – Retrospective View The Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Sector Economics of Telecommunication Demography and Economics of Contemporary European Migration Personal...
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...in 415, the Athenians planned to attack Sicily, make it a naval base, and continue to gain power in the Mediterranean. This ultimately did not end well. The Athenians lost two hundred ships, forty-five hundred of their men, and even more of their allies. This defeat was disastrous for Athens. They lost power, started many rebellions, and brought Persia into the war on Sparta’s side. Athens continued to fight, however, and began to win many sea battles. Money eventually ran out and Athens could not afford to rebuild their fleet. The Spartans, under the command of Lysander, cut off the food supply to Athens. In 404 Athens was forced to surrender and they lost their empire (Kagan, 2009). COLD WAR Thucydides is well known for his political realism expressed throughout his works. Throughout the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides was able to discern a pattern of relations between the city-states. He concluded that the disruption of order among the larger and more powerful states such as Athens, would lead to instability of the system in weaker states. The systematic change in the rising power of Athens is what caused the war and what led Sparta to become uneasy. Thucydides’ realism not only impacted temporary analysis’ views on international politics and relations but it also played a major role in the Cold War. Thucydides was the first to talk about how immoral international relations are. The basis of his argument was that the powers that are strong will do whatever they please and those...
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