...A RESEARCH STUDY OF HOW THE LEADER BUILDS A HEALTHY TEAM [pic] A Research Project Presented to The Faculty of the School of Professional Studies Adult Degree Programs Central Christian College of Kansas [pic] In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business - Organizational Leadership [pic] By Jeff Dugger May 2011 Copyright ( 2011 by Jeffrey Paul Dugger ABSTRACT A RESEARCH STUDY OF HOW THE LEADER BUILDS A HEALTHY TEAM Author First/Last Name This applied leadership study was conducted to …… TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER ONE: Statement and Description of the Leadership Issue 4 Introduction 4 Statement of the Leadership (Thesis Statement) 4 Statement of Purpose 4 The Setting 5 History and Background 5 Scope of the Project 6 Importance of the Project 6 Conclusion 6 CHAPTER TWO: Survey of Secular Literature 8 Introduction 8 Leadership Principle One: Healthy teams are established through skilled communication, personal integrity and enabling of others 8 Leadership Principle Two: Healthy teams grow as they educate, motivate and innovate 10 Leadership Principle Thee: Healthy teams are sustained by strong group dynamics, organized behavior and visionary intuitiveness...
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...recommendation and positive attitude to work. 1 For a job description do you have any essentials criteria in mind? We usually hire only qualified staff but there are few exceptions at times. For example, if a candidate has good work experience instead of formal education. 2 Do you have any person specification in your recruiting process? 3 What kind of advertisement does your company need for recruitment? We would put an ad in the local magazine or at the local church. 4 Do you have any format you follow for a CV? 5 No specific format for a CV is followed. What are your internal and external recruitment processes? 6 What selection procedure do you follow? 7 What kind of test do you give the candidates? 8 What are the formalities you have to perform for recruitment and selection which include your regulatory, ethical and legal aspects as a company? We usually insist on a Police clearance of all employees just to make sure that their paperwork is clear. 9 What kind of retention policies do you have for your employees? 10 The company gives one Monetary bonus a year to...
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...Elizabeth is a leader that possesses many great qualities. She had a vision that earned her people’s love through respect, understanding and being unprejudiced. As a leader, she accepted the opinions of her advisors but at the same time thinks rationally and decides on what is the right thing to do for her people and country. In the beginning, Queen Elizabeth and her ministers were discussing how Mary Stuart, a devoted Catholic, is the Queen of England in waiting. Her ministers advised her that all Catholics are traitors and their loyalty is to the Pope of Rome. It was right for Queen Elizabeth to say that she will not punish her people for their belief but only for their crimes. This showed that she understands that by allowing people to live freely, it creates joy and happiness among the people. This in return will allow her to earn the love from her people. She is able to show that she wants to maintain a good relation with her loyal Protestant supporters and her ministers; she made decisions for the good of her people and country even though some might not agree with her decisions. From this situation, it is clear that the she was able to adopt fairness and transparency. She was able to make practical decisions about issues, and treated everyone equally (Brimacombe 2000). During one of the greatest wars known in history – the English defeat of the Spanish Armada. Queen Elizabeth truly stands out as an organized, brave, honest yet motivating leader. Queen Elizabeth...
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...Visionary Leadership Probably the single most important tasks facing a leader is to develop an understanding of where the organisation needs to be at some future point. Without a future vision, organisations are destined to live in the past, and ultimately die. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18. For the Christian organisation such vision must come from God. A Process for Developing Vision This process combines prayer and reflection on our understanding of where God has already been moving. This process will take time - maybe some months to work through fully - don't feel you need to rush! It can either be used by the leader alone, or preferably with a small leadership group, which may be the formal leadership group of the church, or may be a selected group of people with appropriate skills and gifts. At the end of this process you should have an understanding of what you believe God is calling your church or organisation to do and to be. 1. PREPARATORY PRAYER : This first stage helps us to "tune in", spending time with the Lord. Pray that he will show you clearly over the coming weeks what he is calling the church to do and to be. 2. BUILDING BLOCKS : God speaks to the church in a number of ways: through experience, through the Bible, through words and pictures and in other ways. This process allows us to reflect on what God may have been saying to the church in four different elements. We suggest you take time to reflect on, and pray through each of...
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...University The Traditional Church: Creating a Culture for Change Submitted to Dr. Austin B. Tucker in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Christian Leadership DSMN 605 Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary By Terence McCrimmon Fayetteville, North Carolina August 6, 2013 Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 1 Stagnation within a Traditional Church………………………………….………. 1 Changing the Method does not Mean Changing the Message………………..….. 4 Christ at the Center of Change………………………………………………….…. 5 Change is a Process…………………………………………………………..…….... 8 Conclusion...………………………………………………………………..………… 10 Bibliography...………………………………………………………………………… 12 Introduction Leading a traditional church through change can be a very arduous task for any progressive minded leader who desires to promote growth within his context. Innovation within a traditional context tends to attract opposition from many angles. Resistance may come from the executive board of the church, members who feel they have some control, or from those who do not recognize the varying needs within the local congregation. However, change is an essential and never-ending need in the church because of the constant change in culture and church membership.1 This research paper will address the problem and offer solutions in creating a culture for change within the traditional church. Stagnation within the Traditional Church In a newspaper article...
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...will attempt to describe the opportunities, advantages, and disadvantages of technology in the area of worship and preaching for chaplains. Secondly, this paper will describe the role and functions of chaplains in the healthcare setting when providing worship services. This paper will show that when properly used technology can become a tool that will enhance, promote, and advance the ministry of worship and preaching in the chaplaincy ministry. The Chaplain and the Use of technology in Worship When considering the use of technology such as multimedia, the chaplain has to consider whether the use of such technology will ultimately enhance, fortify, or detrimentally affect the worship service. The question is how technology can be better employed, in order to become a means thru which the people of God are able to worship in a meaningful and spiritually manner. Technology is already defining the way people worship and learn the...
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...life. It is not simply a matter of experiences, though they play a roll. For example, the recent TV series “Undercover Boss” has fascinated me because the leaders of these companies are apparently not well-known in their own companies that they can be recognized by their employees while undercover. How is it possible that these followers do not know their leaders? These leaders should be acting like leaders, expressing leadership qualities and using leadership skills that would be obvious to anyone under them. But belaying all that, a good leader should be seen, heard, understood and known by ALL of their followers, otherwise who‘s leading whom? Someone might say is TV the place to get leadership advice? There is good advice and bad advice and you can learn from either, if you are paying attention. I also watch “The Apprentice” and “Survivor: ‘Whatever Island’” for the same purpose: to see how people lead and follow under varying conditions. Do not businesses do the same when they throw their people “into the fire”, “under the bus”, “to the dogs” and other such terms? “Survivor: WI” shows everyday people, business leaders and characters using their talents [or not] in competition, under extreme duress, and under the worst of all possible circumstances, with very few resources, just their talents, attitude and communication to get things done, win rewards or immunity to stay in the game and win the Grand Prize. While on “The Apprentice [Regular or Celebrity]” participants are...
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...How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity? I have known the applicant since 2006, as his undergraduate degree capstone project and master degree thesis advisor, and also as his supervisor at Accenture. Philip has demonstrated his exceptional attributes in academic as well as professional arena. As a student, he excelled in my Valuation course. His capstone project on estimating the Catholic Church market value and his master degree thesis on the Brazilian short-term interest rate were original, effective and impactful. Certainly, he belongs to the top five percentile among all the students and employees I have already supervised. As a consultant at XXX ( name of company), he demonstrates excellent analytical capabilities and strong leadership skills. Also, he has been responsible for several initiatives under my direct supervision. What characteristics or attributes best describe the applicant? As mentioned before, Philip combines excellent analytical capabilities with strong leadership skills. He is also very self-motivated. In our last project, he was the only full-time consultant allocated to the client, so he kept himself and the client team engaged, managing most of the interaction with the client with minor supervision. Philip has demonstrated strong leadership skills and emotional intelligenceinthe projects we have worked together. He acted as a project leader, coordinating teams composed by Accenture and client team members. He also developed...
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...YEARLY EVALUATION For Staff Member Name: _____________________________________ Position: _______________________________________________ Evaluation Period: _______________________________________ Step 1: Each staff member records their self-assessment along with comments to support the assessment. Upon completion, staff member saves an electronic copy of the form and sends it to the Senior Pastor. The form is to be returned to the Senior Pastor at least 3 days before the scheduled evaluation. Step 2: The Senior Pastor completes the same exercise and documents the “Supervisor Comments” portions of the Staff Evaluation Form. * Please attach a copy of the employee’s job description & go over it briefly after the assessment part. Step 3: The Senior Pastor, a representative from the SPRC and staff member discuss each competency. Additional comments can be recorded in the evaluation table of the document. Step 4: The Senior Pastor will print two copies, then sign and date the completed document. A final copy of the Staff Evaluation Form is submitted to the SPRC Chair and given to the employee. Step 5: Utilize this Staff Evaluation throughout the next 6 months as a tool to continue to grow as an employee. STAFF MEMBER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND SIGNATURE I have reviewed this document and discussed the contents with my supervisor. My signature acknowledges the occurrence of this staff evaluation discussion. _________________________________________________...
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...LDR 531 Entire Course (New) For more course tutorials visit www.ldr531help.com LDR 531 Week 1 Quiz LDR 531 Week 1 Discussion Question 1 LDR 531 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 LDR 531 Week 2 Mentorship Agreement Form LDR 531 Week 2 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet LDR 531 Week 2 Individual Assignment Professional Development Plan LDR 531 Week 2 LT Reflection LDR 531 Week 2 Quiz LDR 531 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 LDR 531 Week 2 Discussion Question 2 LDR 531 Week 3 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet LDR 531 Week 3 Individual Assignment Leadership Style Paper LDR 531 Week 3 LT Reflection LDR 531 Week 3 Quiz LDR 531 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 LDR 531 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 LDR 531 Week 4 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet LDR 531 Week 4 Team Assignment Conflict Resolution LDR 531 Week 4 Quiz LDR 531 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 LDR 531 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 LDR 531 Week 5 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet LDR 531 Week 5 Individual Assignment Motivation Plan Paper LDR 531 Week 5 LT Reflection LDR 531 Week 5 Quiz LDR 531 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 LDR 531 Week 5 Discussion Question 2 LDR 531 Week 6 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet LDR 531 Week 6 Team Assignment Failure Analysis and Change Strategy LDR 531 Week 6 Quiz LDR 531 Week 6 Discussion Question 1 LDR 531 Week 6 Discussion Question 2 LDR 531 Final Exam Guide LDR 531 Entire Course And Final Guide For more course tutorials visit www.ldr531help.com LDR 531 Entire Course And Final Guide ----...
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...“How Personal Can Ethics Get?” Assignment 1: Business 520 How personal differences and preference can impact organizational ethics Individuals’ ethical development is established before entering a company. The influence of family, church, community, and school will determine individual values. Companies are dealing with individuals whose value base has already been established. When choosing a company to work for, one of the things that a person should look for is whether the company has like ethics or values. This makes working for a company a much better fit for your career. Most organizations have a code of conduct which describes its core values and code of ethics. People live in environments that affect them in many ways. They have their own religion, their own point of view toward an issue. While individuals values of are important, the organization has a major impact on the behavior of its members, and can have a positive or negative influence on their values. Business ethics can be defined as written and unwritten codes of principles and values that govern decisions and actions within a company.” For example, for catholic people, when your company forces the staff to work in Christmas day, what are they supposed to do? Work or go to the church? Another example, let’s say that your company harms the environment. As a manager, would you accuse the company? Or keep your work and continue receive salary. There are a lot of situations when your personal preferences...
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...SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Church Manual SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Church Manual ❖ REVISED 201 0 18 TH EDITION Published by the Secretariat General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Copyright © 2010 by the Secretariat, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Texts credited to KJV are from the King James Version. Printed in U.S.A. 15 14 13 12 11 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN ISBN 978-0-8280-2569-0 978-0-8280-2570-6 hardcover paperback Printed and distributed by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 Why a Church Manual? ........................................................................17 Authority and Function of the Church Manual ..................................18 Making Changes ..............................................................................19 Where to Get Advice ......................................................................20 Terms Used in the Church Manual ....................................................20 Church..........................................................................................20 Conference, Mission, Section, Delegation, Field, Union of Churches ....20 Pastor and Minister ........................................................................20 Abbreviations ......................................
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...tcc Commitment and Trust All members of a high-impact team must be fully committed to achieving the team's mission and goals. Each member must devote a reasonable amount of time and energy to advancing the team's mission and must be able to trust that all other team members are doing the same. Mistrust stemming from unbalanced workloads can lead to petty political moves, such as high performers slacking off to close the gap between team member outputs. Communication Effective teams must have open lines of communication. Communication must be honest and flow between all team members equally. Team members who understand each other's unique communication styles, or who agree on a single style of communication from the outset, are more likely to move the team in a productive direction that everyone understands and supports. Team members must never be hesitant to communicate with other members about issues and concerns, as well as new ideas or personal observations. Diversity of Capabilities Teams that possess a wide range of professional competencies can be more fully equipped to meet a wide range of challenges. When building teams, take time to ensure that each team member possesses skills and strengths that complement the skills, strengths and weaknesses of other team members. Bringing together people with common skill-sets can lead to a great deal of discussion with little subsequent action. Ensuring that each team member possesses a unique specialty allows team members to...
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... b. “What were the critical problems in getting started?” c. “What was the basic mission of the group at that time?” d. “Were there specific goals and ways of working that emerged early? 2. “Were there any critical incidents that occurred early in your history?” a. “Tell me how people were feeling about what was happening. Were they anxious or angry or delighted or what?” b. “What was done? Who did anything?” c. “What happened? Did the response work? How did people feel subsequently? Did the response continue?” ** Deal, Terrence E. & Allan A. Kennedy (1982). Corporate Cultures. Cited in Leading Organizations: Perspectives for a New Era (1998). Ed by Hickman, Gill Robinson. 1. Does Company X have one or more visible beliefs? 2. If so, what are they? 3. Do people in the organization know these beliefs? If so, who? And how many? 4. How do these beliefs affect day-to-day business? 5. How are the beliefs communicated to the organization? 6. Are the beliefs reinforced – by formal personnel processes, recognition, rewards? 7. How would you characterize the performance of the company? *** See additional questions by Malphurs, Aubrey (1996). Values–Driven Leadership: Discovering and Developing Your Core Values for Ministry. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. (Core Values Audit 2, pp. 186-187) B. Core Values Audit ...
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...only business of its kind within a 27 mile radius of Bolivar. The 2013 budget for the business was $145,000. There is a current staff of 5, including Rita. MBX provides; packing, shipping, mailing, printing, graphic design, copying, packaging supplies, private mailboxes, and general business services. It is a walk-in, brick and mortar business. Recently added is a real estate title search service, which operates only through telephone, fax, and Email. Bolivar city government and local media have praised MBX for founding, organizing, and executing an annual chili cook-off benefitting several local non-profits. Leadership Practices Rita is always actively involved in collaborative strategy development. She sees her participation as an effective means to help her people connect and buy-in to her organizational vision. She understands the need to ensure that her people understand and remember her vision for the business. She places vision statements throughout the business. Rita has them printed on employee business cards and places them on all computer screen savers. 3 Rita uses tools such as Quick Books to collect and analyze financial data. She then transfers the analyzed financial data to spread sheets...
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