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How Does Writing Affect The Way You Read And Write

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You probably never gave it a thought, but have you ever realized that the way you talk is the way you read and write. When you write, you write as if you were speaking and when you read, you read with that same voice in your head that sounds just like if you were talking. All of it seems natural, as if you have known how to read and write ever since you could comprehend literature. The way you speak may not only influence your reading and writing, but also your environment. All the things you see or say also impacts your reading and writing such as television shows, billboard signs, movies, writings on the wall, to basically anything you can read or hear. So that voice you hear when you read or that writing style you have, it is all a blend of what you have seen or done. From my …show more content…
A major influence to me was a guy name David So. He has a YouTube channel called DavidSoComedy where he makes videos about comedy skits, music, and life stories. I discovered his channel on pure coincidence when one of his video was on YouTube’s “Most Popular” section and there I found that the man was hilarious and so I subscribed to him and have been watching his videos ever since. His comedy and music videos are great in their own right, but what really impacted me and my writing was his life lesson videos. Now I am not too sure whether or not he writes his thoughts down and then say it or just talk straight out of his mind, but either way, it is fluid. Fluid as in everything he says fits together perfectly to where it connects to you, his audience, in a deeper more relatable tone. The way he tells his stories, he describes thing so vividly. An example from his “My First Love” video, he explains a moment where the girl he likes finally

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