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How Has Technology Changed Over The Years

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Technology has significantly changed over the course of different generations. Over the years we have seen new creations and brilliant ideas exposed. We have also seen technology become an important part in people’s everyday lives. As technology advanced, new ideas were created and introduced a whole new world of technology. Technology started very small with a telephone created by Alexander Graham Bell.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical telephone. In 1876, and before, he tested many sound transmitters and receivers. On May 10, 1876 Bell spoke the words, “Mr.
Watson, come here, I want to see you,” into the device. Watson answered. Bell's telephone transmitter (microphone) consisted of a double electromagnet, in front of which a membrane, stretched on …show more content…
The improvement from previous devices to this one was that it was a smaller size.
In 2000, the world’s first touchscreen phone came out. The technology wasn’t that advanced, but it was huge news to the population. The touchscreen phone was a Motorola phone, which was black with a white touchscreen. The touchscreen allowed easier access to various features.
In 2007, Apple revealed the Apple iPhone. This was the world’s first advanced touchscreen smartphone. It’s the first phone to have an operating system, the iOS. The iPhone allowed you to download apps for personal use and you could use the internet without a cellular connection. According to, having an iPhone became a source of pride.
On September 17,2013 Apple announced the iPhone 5s. The iPhone 5s was when technology really took a toll. The home button was now a touchscreen. It allowed you to scan your finger for your iPhone passcode instead of typing in numbers/ letters. The phone also had a variety of new colors like “space-grey”, white with silver trim, and white with gold trim. There is a laser-cut sapphire crystal surrounded by a stainless steel finger detection ring using Touch ID
(the finger

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