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University Avenue Bridge Essay

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At the turn of the 20th century city planners and metropolitan cities were coming to the end of a prolific City Beautiful movement, a movement that promoted beauty in order to create moral and civic virtue among urban populations. Flourishing for a few decades, the movement also influenced major city planning development in the subsequent years. We see examples of the movement in many of Philadelphia’s architecture and civic projects. The University Avenue Bridge is one of those projects. As early as 1918, the City of Philadelphia began planning a new bridge to cross the Schuylkill River, running along South University Avenue and merging onto South 34th Street in Grays Ferry. As a joint project between architect Paul Philippe Cret and engineer …show more content…
Constructed on a Portland cement concrete deck on a steel double leaf bascule span , the bridge sits on four massive stone piers and is anchored by two large stone abutments. The bridge has four lanes, is 546 feet long, 100 feet wide and clears the water by 30 feet. The structure operates as a bascule bridge, or a drawbridge with a counterweight that continuously balances a span throughout its upward swing to provide clearance for boat traffic , which was necessary at a time of industry on the Schuylkill River, a navigable waterway. The bascule bridge is built around the “trunnion,” or short shaft upon which the leaf, so called, i.e., the movable section of the bridge is mounted and about which it rotates. Its load is carried in surface bearing and two or more lines of trusses or girders carry the roadway, with short axles (called trunnions) beneath each truss or girder - a fixed counterweight balances the leaf. The University Avenue bridge is supported by riveted plate girders, which is typically an I-beam made up from separate structural steel plates, and has since been replaced with a concrete-filled open steel

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