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How Has Terrorism Changed Over Time

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Terrorism, the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes; according to It goes all the way back to the 13th century and has increased dramatically throughout the years. There are many infamous terrorist events such as 9/11, and the Boston Marathon bombings. Terrorism has changed throughout the years especially from 1793, 1990's-2000's, and even now. In 1793, the world was introduced to modern terrorism. It was a time in the French Revolution called the Reign of Terror. An eleven month period of mass executions leaving 40,000 people dead. This was held by the French state (Jacobins), just to intimidate enemies. The Jacobins targeted speculators, monarchists, left-wing agitators, Hébertists, and traitors, and led to many beheadings. Although this was run by the French state, it is still a form …show more content…
Such as in 1972, when a Palestinian group kidnapped and killed 17 people, six Israeli coaches, five Israeli athletes, five of the eight terrorists and one West German policeman. They were preparing for the 1972 Munich Olympics. This terrorist attack was very important because for the first time ever an act of terrorism was reported and broadcasted live, throughout the whole world. Giving the world a glimpse of modern terrorism, showing them that these things do not just happen in movies but, in real life. September 11, 2001 a scary day for all of America. The event that showed us that we were not so almighty and powerful as we thought. A total of four suicidal terrorist attacks on U.S landmarks caused by infamous Islamic terrorist group, al-Qaeda. Two planes were hijacked to hit The World Trade Center, another crashed into The Pentagon, and the last plane was heading towards Washington D.C but, crashed in Pennsylvania. Claiming the lives of 2,996 people. But, America grew stronger, making security a lot more thorough everywhere and passing anti-terrorism

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