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How Is Ronald Reagan Conservative

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Ronald Reagan
On Februray 6, 1911 Ronald Wilson Reagan has born into this world. His parents were Nelle and John Reagan who lived in Tampico, Illinois at the time. As Ronald grew up he attended nearby Dixon for high school and furthered his education at Eureka College. While attending college he played on the football team, acted in plays, and studied economics and sociology. After graduation he became an actor and appeared in 53 films, this was due to a screen test he passed and signed a contract with Hollywood.
Ronald’s first marriage was to actress Jane Wyman. They had two children and there names were Maureen and Michael, Maureen passed away in 2001. His second marriage was to Nancy Davis in 1952, who was his wife during his presidency. …show more content…
As a well known actor he traveled the country, becoming a television host, expressing his conservative views. During world war 2 reagan was not cleared for combat so he stayed in and made training videos. In 1966 he became governer of California, winning the election by a landside and also winning the re-election in 1970. After being governer of California for 8 years, Reagan wanted more. In 1980 Reagan won the Republican Nominee for President and chose his running mate to be Texas Congressman, George Bush. Reagan was a huge success winning 489 of the 538 total electoral votes along with 50.5% of the popular vote and becoming the 40th president of the United States of America. He became the oldest president ever at age …show more content…
and the Soviet Union, President Reagan took time to buildup the military and weapon systems. The Soviet Union which Reagan called “the evil empire” caused him to create the Reagan Doctrine. The Reagan Doctrine was American aid provided for anticommunist movements in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The buildup of space based defense systems or SDI was to protect America from nuclear missiles.There were also problems in Lebanon and Grenada. During his second term President Reagan signed an agreement with the Soviet Union to eliminate nuclear missiles. When Ronald became president America was inflated and the unemployment rate was high. In his second term he revised the income tax code, allowing deductions to be cut and millions of low income Americans were exempted. During his last years in presidency America saw record high employment rates and longest time without a resession or depression. Reagans domestic policies were based on limiting the government. He is most known for cutting taxes, which became known as reaganomics. Some critics say that his policies led to increasing the national debt and tax cuts that favored the rich. Thoughout Reagans presidency he issued a total of 381 executive orders covering a wide range of ideas and

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