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How to Achieve Weight Loss


Submitted By RRWIFE
Words 797
Pages 4
How to Achieve Weight Loss

Losing weight is a battle that most people have struggled with at some point in their lives.
Weight loss is not only a physical process, but a mental process as well. Most people lack the motivation to start a diet and exercise plan and stick to it. That is the number one reason why people do not succeed when they try to lose weight. In order to successfully achieve weight loss people should begin by making a commitment to themselves, changing their diet, and become more physically active.
The first step in achieving weight loss should begin with people making a commitment to themselves. This is a very important step when trying to lose weight. People should lose weight because they want too, not because they are trying to please or impress someone else. Being overweight does not only affect people’s health, but their self image as well. They must motivate themselves and set realistic goals that are obtainable. When they meet these goals they should reward themselves with that new shirt, new pair of shoes, or that new hairstyle they have been wanting. They should stay focused and understand that losing weight is not easy for anyone. There will be times that goals are not met and that should be an incentive for them to push themselves harder.
The second step in achieving weight loss should involve people changing their diet. This is probably the most challenging step in the weight loss process. Counting calories has proven to be one of the most successful weight loss plans there is. Not only does it involve successful weight loss, but it is proven to maintain a healthy weight. When people count calories they should not view it as a diet, but as a step they have taken to improve their health. Most people do not realize, but for every 3500 calories they take in is a pound they will gain. A few easy ways for people to reduce the

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