...Results The Story of Stuff Project www.storyofstuff.org/ A 20-minute animation of the consumerist society, narrated by Anne Leonard, to view online or download. Includes footnoted script, credits, blog, and resources. Story of Stuff - Movies - Story of Bottled Water - Story of Citizens United v. FEC Stuff.co.nz - Latest New Zealand News & World News, Sports News ... www.stuff.co.nz/ National news, world news, sport, technology, entertainment and business news from Fairfax Media. Dad vows to fight Starship slur - 59 minutes ago FBI says child porn found on Dotcom's Megaupload servers - 59 minutes ago We're sick of wasting time - 59 minutes ago National - Sports News - The Press - Quizzes Stuff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuff A colloquialism whose very generic scope implies imprecise word usage, stuff may refer to items, things, or matter. Stuff may also refer to: Stuff (cloth), woven ... Stuff www.paulgraham.com/stuff.html I have too much stuff. Most people in America do. In fact, the poorer people are, the more stuff they seem to have. Hardly anyone is so poor that they can't afford ... How Stuff Works www.howstuffworks.com/ HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works. George Carlin Talks About "Stuff" - YouTube ► 5:09► 5:09 ...
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...that I was about to turn 15 and wow that movie had a lot of stuff in it. I believe they should have more strict rules about children and teenagers seeing those kinds of movies and television shows. Today many children and teenagers are allowed to see movies that are rated R as long as their parents or guardian are present. Honestly that should not be allowed period. There are many things children shouldn’t see and two of those things are sex and violence. If their raised in a bad environment and their allowed to see stuff like that that could in fact affect them in the long run. There have been many people I know influenced by movies that become very bad people doing all types of wrongs. Now in today’s generation television shows aren’t as bad as the movies but some if not most still have sex and violence and most of them. Now parents have a little more control now than they did back then due to the parental controls most cable companies provide. Though there are some people who just don’t care about what their children watch. Many shows that I know would affect a child would be the walking dead, sons of anarchy, and the breaking bad. I mean really The breaking bad is about a person who cooks meth, the walking dead is about zombies and for sure would give children nightmares, and the sons of anarchy are a motorcycle crew who do all kinds of wrong. If I ever have a child I will not ever show him/her this kinda stuff at such a young age. Now another influence that cases...
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...The Right Stuff Many careers require a special type of person to perform. Other careers require not just for a special person, but a person that can go above and beyond what are considered the normal standards just to not get left behind. This beyond special type of person is considered to have the right stuff. The right stuff is a difficult term to categorize. The right stuff can be physical or it can be mental or it can be anything in between. To be part of the elite some of the qualities of a person that has the right stuff are physical fitness, mental attitude and high ethics. There is no doubt however; to be part of the elite one must have the right stuff. In the military, especially in the special operation forces, physical fitness is not just something you can work up to. Physical fitness in the sense of physical talent is necessary. Having the ability to swim ten thousand meters is something which can be worked up to but being able to swim ten thousand meters while being timed is a different story. Physical fitness is important; being left behind is not an option. Being left behind in the arena of Special Forces can mean certain death to the individual that does not have the right stuff. Hand in hand with physical fitness is mental attitude. Without the proper mental attitude the proper level of physical fitness cannot be met. To be elite the individual most have the heart to run that extra mile, swimming that extra lap and lift that extra pound. Good mental attitude...
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...Well wonder no more I will tell you. Moving to a new country can be fun and exciting adventure but it takes a lot of work and planning. Before you go and experience the new culture make sure you do research on the country. Another is to make sure you have the right paper work and documentation. The last step is to make sure you pack up essentials. It sounds like a lot and hard work but in the end it is all worth it. Doing research about the country you will live in is very important because you will be informed about the cultures and customs of the country. Also researching what cities are safe to live in and what cities are dangerous is good way of keeping yourself safe and out of trouble. Make sure to research living situations is it mostly apartment/condo living or is it houses? Knowing that information is good for when you are packing because you will know how much space you will have. A good way of research is finding a group on a social media website and asking them questions about the country and living situations. This step will be the most important step out of all three. Having the right paperwork and documentation is very important or you can get in serious trouble and or road blocks along the way. Making sure you know what you need is important. For example if you do not already have a passport make sure you apply for one right away because it can take a while to receive it. Next if you plan on working you must apply for a work visa in order to be able to get...
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...taxi driver now. He is 27 years old and he is married with one kid. He did not finish his school and he started to work since he was 15 years old. Interview with [Mr Duckworth Diaz] Question: To begin Mr. Duckworth, do you consider yourself a happy person? Response: Yes, I consider myself a happy person. Even through the tough time, like any others, I am always fine and happy. Question: How do you define happiness sir? Is it contentment, serenity, well-being or something else? Response: For me happiness comes from contentment and accepting everything happening to you in the life. People always facing problems and troubles a lot in the life but it will not stay forever. I believe there is always a bright side comes after the darkness. Question: What experiences have influenced your definition? Response: I think the marriage and then having the kids was a big stage in my life, my definition of happiness started to change by that time. Question: So how has your definition of happiness changed over time? Response: When i was younger my definition of happiness was totally different, was more about money, buying new car, new clothes, camping with my friends and fun in general. But over time I realized that this stuff is not the true happiness! Question: Do you expect your...
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...and banks were all shut down. Now, your probably asking like, “Did everyone went poor?”, “What did they do in order to make money?”, or “How did they pay bills?”. Will lets find out the answers to this questions. Now, we all know that if we need food, we’ll go shopping and get food. But you see, during The Great Depression, they not only shut down the banks but they also shut the stores. When they shut down stores, no one is able to sell or buy anything and all the workers had to quit. So what did they do? If you take a look at Passage 1 by RObert J. Hastings, it gives you an example of what people back then did. Like for example, paragraph three gives you an example of what one of the people did. This paragraph stated “...bought a horse to break gardens, rented an extra lot of garden on the shares, picked peaches…” So this gives you a bit of information on what they did. People would buy stuff from others and others would buy stuff...
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...Stuff I have too much stuff. Most people in America do. In fact, the poorer people are, the more stuff they seem to have. Hardly anyone is so poor that they can't afford a front yard full of old cars. It wasn't always this way. Stuff used to be rare and valuable. You can still see evidence of that if you look for it. For example, in my house in Cambridge, which was built in 1876, the bedrooms don't have closets. In those days people's stuff fit in a chest of drawers. Even as recently as a few decades ago there was a lot less stuff. When I look back at photos from the 1970s, I'm surprised how empty houses look. As a kid I had what I thought was a huge fleet of toy cars, but they'd be dwarfed by the number of toys my nephews have. All together my Matchboxes and Corgis took up about a third of the surface of my bed. In my nephews' rooms the bed is the only clear space. Stuff has gotten a lot cheaper, but our attitudes toward it haven't changed correspondingly. We overvalue stuff. That was a big problem for me when I had no money. I felt poor, and stuff seemed valuable, so almost instinctively I accumulated it. Friends would leave something behind when they moved, or I'd see something as I was walking down the street on trash night (beware of anything you find yourself describing as "perfectly good"), or I'd find something in almost new condition for a tenth its retail price at a garage sale. And pow, more stuff. In fact these free or nearly free things weren't bargains...
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...Lidia Kim Ethics Economics and Ecology The Story of Stuff The Story of Stuff, true to its title, is about stuff: where it comes from, what we do with it, and how we dispose of it when we don't want it anymore. Using a combination of statistical evidence, anecdotes, and case studies, Annie Leonard walks us through the world we are living in in terms of consumption. She breaks the cycle of consumption down into five parts and devotes a chapter of the book to each: extraction, production, distribution, consumption, and disposal. Each section of the book tells of the environmental and health dangers of our current practices. While Leonard does try to tell us about the good things that are going on in each chapter and includes promising laws and possible helpful individual actions in appendices, the overall tone of the book is dark. She highlight’s our countries’ wrongdoings, and offers theoretical Leonard begins her journey of “stuff” with the process of extraction. The first chapter deals with how, where and what resources are collected in order to begin their arduous transformation into everyday consumer items like cell phones, clothing, and paper. Our precious stuff would be nothing without the raw material necessary to create them. Leonard organizes all basic resources into 3 simple categories: tree, water and rock. With each of the categories, The Story of Stuff explores a plethora of environmental and moral concerns in harvesting. She outlines the ecological, economic...
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...1. How is the concept of happiness displayed in the movie? 2. How does the idea of the American Dream come into play in the film? 3. Compare the text “But will it make you happy?” from the compendium, with the movie The Joneses. Account for the different points of view and discus your own opinion. 4. How is the film, and your findings above, related to the idea of consumerism. The Joneses They say that happiness is fleeting. You have to enjoy it for as long as it lasts. But what is true happiness really? And can someone achieve happiness if they’re alone? In the movie “The Joneses” from 2009, we deal with a fake family whose job is to persuade other rich families to buy products. In return they will get paid with money and expensive stuff. This fake family consists of a mother, a husband, a daughter and a son. Personally they do not share anything with each other, except their job of course. Trough out the movie we see how money and marital stuff is not the answer to true happiness. Even though the characters are paid really well, they are all alone, with no family or friends. Meaning that they do not have anyone to share their wealth with. Even those in the movie who are married and have money are not happy. This is because of the fact, that they live in an illusion were money equals happiness. Secretly none of them is happy. We also see how some families do all they can just to look wealthy and happy in front of others, which eventually in the movie led...
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...I is good because I know hows to type stuff and look inside a computer and talk, or whisper, to it. There are many rifles like this one, but this one is mine. I love my computer, it look at me not in a destructive manner, but in a loving manner. For score and seven months ago I began my college career and now I'm here continuing my education and having to type this really long bibliography just to sign up for this site. Awfully odd having to do this.I is good because I know hows to type stuff and look inside a computer and talk, or whisper, to it. There are many rifles like this one, but this one is mine. I love my computer, it look at me not in a destructive manner, but in a loving manner. For score and seven months ago I began my college career and now I'm here continuing my education and having to type this really long bibliography just to sign up for this site. Awfully odd having to do this.I is good because I know hows to type stuff and look inside a computer and talk, or whisper, to it. There are many rifles like this one, but this one is mine. I love my computer, it look at me not in a destructive manner, but in a loving manner. For score and seven months ago I began my college career and now I'm here continuing my education and having to type this really long bibliography just to sign up for this site. Awfully odd having to do this.I is good because I know hows to type stuff and look inside a computer and talk, or whisper, to it. There are many rifles like this one, but...
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...could use some better stuff in this school. If we had more of them we would be good and this would give player some motivation to play better and so they look nice when they play. Pepsi is doing well by supporting us and sponsoring us with our sports that we play. Well the kids that are in sports and Drama, and all the other activities in the school. I think that it’s good that we already have a sponsor because if it wasn’t for them we would not have been able to do all the traveling and spending money on things. The equipment that we have now is pretty good. We could use some better stuff like other school, but we won’t be able to do this because of money. If we had more sponsors then it would be a lot better because that would mean that we have more money coming and we could buy more equipment for our students (Player that are in sports). As an exchange Pepsi would like our school to use some of it sign and logo that Pepsi....
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...Law Enforcement (Police Officer) Something that I wanted to do my whole life is to become a police officer. This is why, half of my parents friends are police officers and they show me what they do and not do. My match for the occupation was a 67% in www.yourfreecareertest.com. The category I was best placed for was Law Enforcement also know as a police officer. Police officer are very caring unless you break the rule or if you do something bad. Police officers make a lot of money when they do well and have a good degree but I found out that the starting salary for a law enforcer is about $33,050, the average salary for law enforcement is $55,770. There are many responsibilities that police officer need to do like Running a county jail, they need to do this to keep people from doing bad stuff like dealing drugs and sneaking stuff in, another thing law enforcers can do are to executing arrest warrants, they do this to tell the person or their lawyer what they did and why...
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...all your messages and I'm trying to figure out exactly what I owe you. See here's the thing when you pulled the money from the rent I had paid you, I asked how much and you said around 1200 total. I made 2 deposits of 500 and gave you the money for Josh's stuff which was 280 and I gave you an extra 120 for you to take the kids around. I ended up giving you 1400 to replace the 1200 that had been spent. The money that had been taken was to pay bills and get some stuff we needed. That's fine but since I replaced it that means I paid for all of it. Then in May you said I owed you for May's rent well how is that since I replaced more than what was taken out. I still gave you the extra money in May for rent I didn't actually owe. I ended up up staying up there with you for 7 1/2 months in which I paid you 7 1/2 months in rent. I also paid my part of the bills for May. I also paid for Josh's stuff again, for what? so he would have it for a month and get out and be a jerk? I have letters saying he would pay me back. Yea ok. So let me get this straight then, you say I owe you for June which I don't. Yes I said I would help pay the extra on the water bill and I will, when I get my check. How did we get to this point? Technically I paid for the rack because it was paid for with the money I had to replace.But I'm not going to do what you're doing. You said you would deduct the freezer from what I owed but you're not are you? well keep it for letting Rob stay even though he watched your...
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...Stuff Shells for the Caribbean Families often pass down favorite recipes from generation to generation or from friend to friend. I took a moment to talk with my wife, Antalaya Israel who of which has a West Indian background (Trinidad). We spoke about her family favorite dish or at least her favorite, and to bring in that recipe to share. Surprisingly for Caribbean women, stuff shells were and still are this Trinidadian favorite dish of all times. Now I get it because being from Bermuda, I tend to lean more to Italian dishes as well but my wife is the oldest of three girls and lived with a mother from my observations, that cooked nothing but soul/Caribbean cuisines. At the end of this interview, I will encourage the reader(s) to try my wife’s recipe for stuff shells. I use my wife as a reliable source for this project because of her family’s background---Trinidadian. There’s no secret that Caribbean women love to cook, and not just love but can actually put great things together in the kitchen. Her mother and I often argue about who is the better cook but to be honest, her mother is a very good cook. From the spices she uses to presentation. As a matter of fact, she has a catering company---she being the mother. Trinidad cuisine is known for a number of dishes that has contributed to the culinary world. I believe it’s the spices that create these dishes to come to life like no other culture; roti, doubles, curries and more---Trinidad's best foods are loaded with...
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...Minimalism Essential Essays Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus Also by The Minimalists Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life Also by Joshua Fields Millburn Falling While Sitting Down: Stories As a Decade Fades: A Novel More Info TheMinimalists.com JoshuaFieldsMillburn.com Published in 2011 by Mins Publishing Copyright © 2011 by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus All rights reserved, though it would be appreciated if youʼd tell other people about this book if you enjoy it, whether you paid for it or not. Let it be known that any profits from this book will most likely be spent on coffee and/or burritos. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Minimalism: essential essays / Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus. — 1st ed. ISBN-10: 1-936-53945-1 ISBN-13: 978-1-9365394-5-1 1. Title. 2. Minimalism. 3. The Minimalists. 4. Simplicity. 5. Self-improvement. Feel free to take pieces of these essays and replicate them online, but please give a link back to www.theminimalists.com along with it. If you want to use more than a few paragraphs, it would be great if you’d email theminimalists@theminimalists.com and let us know what youʼre up to. Contact Information: Joshua Fields Millburn Ryan Nicodemus email: theminimalists@theminimalists.com web: theminimalists.com Cover photo by Mick Evans and Hillary Hopkins Cover design by Colleen McCulla Formatting by Chris O’Byrne at ebook-editor.com Special thanks to four people who helped make this collection appreciably better...
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