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How Trauma Affects The Brain

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What Effect Does Early Trauma Have On the Brain? Traumatic stress is a common problem in children and adults. Studying traumatic stress can help psychologists understand how to better treat trauma victims. When a typical person experiences a trauma, he needs to learn how to manage his stress. Injury, including one-time or more repetitive symptoms, affects everyone differently. How an event affects an individual depends on many factors, including characteristics of the individual, the type and characteristics of the events, developmental processes, the meaning of the trauma, and sociocultural factors. The reason that I picked The Article “Trauma Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services,” is because it discusses how self-inflicted injuries are common for trauma victims and how they react to abnormal circumstances. Traumatic experiences affect the brain therefore …show more content…
“New brain imaging resources including, quantitative and math studies, combined with tomography and functional show us that throughout life, the brain remains capable of renewing its structure and function and does so as a result of experience social experience.” A child’s brain is so that communication shapes its development to a social environment. The brain is amazing at this stage of development sets a lifelong template for thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Moreover, because the brain remains flexible throughout life, communication retains the capacity to change. Studies in people over age ninety show us images of mature brains that continue to produce new neural pathways at a time when old channels are dying. The same social factors that profoundly shape the brain initially can also be instrumental in repairing the causes and symptoms of stress related

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