...DAVIS Major of the Confederate States Army, the Confederate States of America Caleb Huse, a major in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War, is best known for his successful obtainment of arms and weaponry for the Confederate States of America throughout the war. As one of the purchasing agents of the army, he negotiated primarily with the United Kingdom and Austria to obtain the artillery that the South desperately required during its fight against the Union.12 Huse was also able to forge contacts with other European nations such as France, Prussia, and Bohemia in order to gain additional supplies. Born in Newburyport, Massachusetts on February th, 1831, Huse attended the United States Military 11 Academy from age 16 until his graduation in 1851. He returned to West Point to instruct chemistry, mineralogy, and geology after attending the artillery corps for one year.34 Before the Civil War, Huse also served in several ordnance boards before teaching in the University of Alabama, which aided in increasing his knowledge in military arms. 5 Following his resignation from the Union army in 1861, Huse was immediately recruited into the Confederate Army by Jefferson Davis and was assigned as a purchasing agent in London, England. Because the Confederacy did not have the ability to manufacture its own artillery, purchasing agents were needed to secure supplies for the army. Huse was deployed to London by the Confederate Government to serve as a purchasing agent for...
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...Running head: LEADERSHIP & SYSTEMATIC CHANGE ESSAY Leadership & Systematic Change Essay Grand Canyon University: EDA 575 April 18, 2012 Leadership & Systematic Change Essay This essay will discuss the current leadership of French Ford Middle School (FFMS) and his characteristics toward school leadership. Also discussed will be what has been learned about change within the educational system. Lastly the possible changes that could be made to FFMS are presented. CURRENT LEADERSHIP The current leadership of French Ford Middle School (FFMS) is held by a single principal. His educational career began receiving an undergraduate secondary educational degree from Fairmont State College in West Virginia with an emphasis in history. He taught social studies at the high school level for 9 years before receiving his Master’s Degree in administration from University of Nevada Reno. He began his administrative career at FFMS as the vice principal combined with responsibility of rural schools principal for three K-8 grade level schools. After four years of being the vice principle at FFMS he took the position as principal at FFMS and has been in that position for ten years. The characteristics of FFMS’s principal are generally not well liked and cause difficulty for the schools operation. A few of his characteristics as principal are effective for the school community and he has been a great asset. FFMS has only been open for 17 years the principle has been a part...
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...(Abor and Adjasi, 2007). Quality and existence of the business could be determined by well-implemented corporate governance. In the practice, good corporate governance is an issue of big businesses, not for small medium enterprises (SMEs). But the fact said, SMEs contributed about more than 90% of the economic development. It is contradictory with the other fact that most SMEs could only last for ten years, before they went bankrupt. Most of the studies about corporate governance focused more on the implication of corporate governance in the big businesses (Memili, 2011; Culasso et al., 2012). There are still relatively less researches talking about corporate governance’s implementation in SMEs comparing to in the big ones (Johannison dan Huse, 2000; van den Heuvel et al., 2006). Therefore, this research aims to study the implementations of corporate governance in SMEs, and specifically comparing those implementations in family business and in nonfamily business. Aspects that would be used in analyzing the implementation are five aspects contained in Indonesia Code of Good Corporate Governance 2006, which are transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency, and fairness. To strengthen the analysis, basic characteristics of both type of business would be also used, which are ownership structure, business structure, rewards, returns, and career-path. The result shows that both businesses have already applied...
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...Motivation, as explained, is "those factors that cause, channel, and sustain people's behavior" (Stoner & Freeman, p. 425). The job of a manager in a workplace is to get the things that need to be done done through their employees. Managers must motivate employees in order to do this. The needs of the employees must be fulfilled in order for them to accurately and effective do their work. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shows that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs such as food and water before moving onto other more complex needs such as personal esteem and feelings of accomplishment. With that being said, if a manager wants to motivate his employee, they will need to know where on Maslow’s pyramid the employee is. Edgar Huse & James Bowditch (1983, p 95) elaborated that an individual is most likely to be motivated when he or she has an opportunity to perform moderately challenging tasks in competitive situations in which performance depends on an important skill and feedback is given regarding performance. In this paper I will discuss three motivational methods and how they can affect an organization. The first motivational method that I will be discussing is goal-setting. It is pertinent that individuals and businesses have a set of goals that they want to accomplish, whether it is short-term or long-term goals. No matter what type of goal it is, it should be clear and precise. The acronym SMART should help with goal setting. According to “Setting Smart...
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...ID-nummer: xxxxxx ID-nummer: xxxxxx ID-nummer: xxxxxx Prosjektoppgave ved Handelshøyskolen BI Hvordan styresammensetningen påvirker suksessen til IKT gründerselskaper som har startet opp i 2005 og 2006 og har mottatt FoU-midler fra SkatteFUNN i 2007 og 2008. Eksamenskode og navn: MAN 31071 – Det Verdiskapende Styret Utlevert dato: 21.09.2010, kl 09:00 Innleveringsdato: 05.05.2011, kl 12:00 Studiested: BI Nydalen Innholdsfortegnelse 1 Sammendrag 3 2 Innledning 4 2.1 Problemstilling 5 3 Teori 6 3.1 Legalistisk teori 8 3.2 Ressursbasert teori 9 3.3 Ressursavhengighets teori 11 3.4 Forventninger til teoriene 11 4 Metode 13 5 Resultat 16 5.1 Generell informasjon om styret og bruk av eksterne styremedlemmer 16 5.2 Eksterne styremedlemmers bakgrunn og kompensasjon 17 5.2.1 Bakgrunn 17 5.2.2 Kompensasjon 18 5.3 Styrets bidrag 18 5.3.1 Internt 18 5.3.2 Eksternt 19 5.4 Suksess faktorer 19 5.4.1 Visjon og planlegging 19 5.4.2 Mennesker 19 5.4.3 Teknologi 19 5.4.4 Ekspansjon 20 5.4.5 Kapitalsituasjon 20 5.4.6 Kunder 20 5.5 Styrets kjennetegn 20 6 Drøfting av resultater 21 6.1 Hypoteser 21 6.2 Selskapets milepæler 30 7 Konklusjon 33 7.1 Mulige forbedringer av studien og forslag til videre forskning 34 8 Litteraturliste 35 9 Vedleggsliste 35 Sammendrag Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å undersøke om det er en sammenheng mellom styresammensetning og suksess for IKT...
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...Research Question Why do directors serve on board? The article explores and tries to understand why top executives agree to serve on board and what factors influences their decisions whether to stay or leave. Theoretical Background The author explores the reasons why directors choose to stay or leave boards. He identifies that a combination of two factors that affect director decision, intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors. These two formulate self-determination theory in which the author relies on and start building arguments explaining why directors serve on board. On the other hand, the author challenge the assumption that major reason for directors exit is involuntary while instead its completely voluntary.(Boivie, Graffin and Pollock, 2012). The author identifies key motivational and de-motivational factors and developed five hypotheses that he explored and tested. 1- Prestige hypothesis that is key motivational factor that affects directors’ decision, since company prestige is generated from company performance, media visibility, and firm size contributed to directors’ self-esteem. 2- The author continues to explore the second motivational hypothesis that is related to directors’ contribution to the firm which gives them the ultimate pride to be part of something big. (Boivie, Graffin and Pollock, 2012). The remaining three hypotheses identify de-motivational factors. 3- Busyness hypothesis is one of these factors since the required time, effort and commitment...
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...dWord is word is word is how we use words can you use words words words are cool word are ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I use wird hey you use words that are cool word word word word word word word word word word word word wrd word can you are the me we can we shall use the word for paper school we use word use we paper we can use the word for paper use the me and I we are use the in th house we are the best school and I use work like yesterday we can use word are you me and how high the cat use word worak sux then five you are the best I know of a house word then eord word word then the are you me and I we can use the woerd how are you me and you bu I use the hosue phone in the huse word cell book make me use the word book school school school the house living I hate word are the car we can use the house breatg the house are the same as the cow mad house cry cat can you I I I I the got you the same house fire the use same how can make me fun scare the butt use we at the same time I saw the car the car we use we we we we...
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...IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CORPORATE BOARDS The primary purpose of for-profit companies is to maximize the return on shareholder’s investment. In instances where ownership of a company and control of said company are separate, shareholders employ directors as the primary monitoring mechanism. In other words, the role of corporate boards is to monitor executive management to make sure that they manage the company in a way that maximizes shareholder value by managing the company with their best interests in mind. The scandals of Enron, Tyco International, WorldCom, and others cost investors billions of dollars and shook investor confidence in the nation’s stock markets. The global economy plunged into a recession in 2008 partly because large banks took unprecedented risks and overleveraged themselves when they invested in collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and credit default swaps - the repayment of which was only possible if the housing market continued to increase in value. As a result of the high profile corporate scandals at the beginning of the millennium and the economic recession, experts are beginning to explore new ways to improve the effectiveness of corporate boards. According to Nicola Faith Sharpe, Associate Professor of Law at The University of Illinois College of Law, “history has shown that the scholarly and regulatory focus on board composition and structure is a dangerously incomplete solution to the problems that have caused recent corporate failures...
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...år - Meningsmåling fra 1949 viser at en fjerdedel af landets befolkning havde lyst til at immigrere. - Tegn på befolkningens håb og forventninger til efterkrigstiden. - USA, som det store drømmeland. Intet er rationeret. Flere varer. Alle kunne få bil - Danmark var et halvfattigt mangelsamfund - I 1950 søgte 39.800 om at købe bil. 1/10 fik lov til at bruge fremmedvaluta på dette. I 1949 måtte man kun bruge den 3 uger om året til at køre over hele landet, eller kun lokalt. Først i 1950 fik man lov til at bruge den frit. - 1945 Boligbyggeriet gået i stå under krigen, derved mangel på boliger. Unge boede hos forældrene eller i kolonihaver. Resten var hjemløse. Indkvarterede af kommunen havde værre forhold. (Barakker eller huse der var uegnet til bolig) Vanskeligt for unge at få en læreplads Vanskeligt at få et arbejde - Høj arbejdsløshed Lå på 10% i 1950’erne. Højere end i 30’erne Valutaproblemets spændetrøje Grunde til Danmarks langsomme økonomiske udvikling: Næsten alle investeringer ophørte under besættelsen Det eksisterende produktionsapparat var nedslidt og outdated da krigen sluttede. Eksportmarkedet Tyskland var ikke aktuelt længere, og det var det næststørste. England var i en økonomisk krise. Danmark accepterede lave priser for varer når de handlede med England. Derved svært at skaffe fremmedvaluta. - 1948 USA startede Marshallhjælp til Vesteuropa. Marshallhjælp var dollar gave til brug i USA. Danmark fik del i dette. Marshallhjælpen...
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...Det først man lægger mærke til: Jeg vil jo mene at det første vi lægger mærke til i film er det gyldne snit, s-kurver og trekants kompositioner, hvor vi her ser de meget harmoniske og rolige billeder, men også de ting som instruktøren vil have os til at lægge mærke til. Bevægelse er det som skaber stemningen, er det action så er der masser af bevægelse, men er det derimod romantik er der meget lidt bevægelse, og en mere rolige og harmoniske farver, hvor man der i mod i nogen af de ældre slet ikke havde farver til at skabe den rigtige stemning. Natur bevægelser: Men en ting som de ikke havde i baggrunden i fortidens film er fx. eksplosioner, huse der falder fra hinanden, tornadoer og en masse andre filmiske virkemidler som i dag, giver film en meget mere dramatisk og spænende oplevelse, og jeg vil derfor mene at man i dag har taget de forskellige bevægelser og opgraderet dem til noget som ingen nogensinde havde set kunne blive muligt. Individet: bevægelser Og hvis man kigger på nutidens individ bevægelser i film, kan man se et stort fremskridt hvor man fx i nutidens film får First person views, altså hvor man ser tingene fra hovedpersons synpunkt, og det giver en meget mere livlig og bevægelsesrig film, som folk elsker. Og hvis en person bliver rasende i nutidens film, vil de for det meste begynde at kaste eller ødelægger ting for at vise deres aggressioner Grupper bevægelser: Her er jer så enig med dig i at jo større en gruppe er, desto mere ekstremt og meget mere...
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...og fordi de er børn af rige mennesker er børnene kloge. Kon hedder den ene søn, som er god til at læse runer, og som kan snakke med fugle. 3. I digtet møder vi 3 samfundsklasser: hvilke? Trælle, bonder, adelige. 4. Hvordan beskrives de 3 samfundsgrupper mht.: bolig, mad, udseende, navne, arbejde osv.? Trællene - De bor i et småt hus, de spiser grovbrød, suppe og kalvekød, de har tykke fingre, rynket hud og kroede knor, de får navne der har grim betydning, de bærer ris og gør sig byrder. Bonder - En bondegård, ved ikke med mad, skægget var plejet, pandehåret var klippet og han bar en velsiddende klædning, navne som betyder fri bonde og smed/fri håndværker, konen sidder ved spinderokken, han tæmmer okser, passer marken og bygger huse. Adelige - Det mest fornemme hus, hvedekage og finbrød, brystet var lyst, og halsen...
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...a written mission statement (MS)? Why? Why not? Who did write it? How is it used? For which purpose? Do you have recommendations on the MS content or use? In case of absence of MS, do the stakeholders wish to have one? Why? Is there an implicit one? Which one? Write the MS you propose? Reference for question 3: Paulus O., “Museums, serigraphies or unique masterpieces? Do American Art museums assert a differentiation in their mission statement?”, International Journal of Arts Management, vol. 13, n° 1, automne 2010. 3. Board: (3 points) Does your organization have a board? Or is there another similar group? Who are the members? Which role does it have? How does it work? Do you have recommendations? References for question 5: Huse M., Minichilli A., Schoning M. [2005], Corporate Boards as Assets for Operating in the New Europe, Organizational Dynamics, vol.34, n°3, p.285-297. Hillman A.J. & T. Dalziel [2003], “Boards of directors and firm performance: integrating agency and resource dependence perspectives”, Academy of Management Review, vol. 28, n°3, p.383-396. 4. Standard strategic analysis: (12 points) Implement the standard strategy tools to your case referring to the book: Johnson, Scholes, Whittington, Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall. For the underlined concepts, copy the definition of the concept and then implement it in your case. A. Imagine several scenarios. Refer to the example developed in class and follow the steps distinguished...
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...Virksomheds økonomi, aflevering 5 LEGO Koncernen 1.1 LEGO er i solid fremgang, med en forbedring på halvanden milliard. Fremgangen skyldes bl.a. væksten på de nye markeder i udelandet. Især de amerikanske forbruger er meget begejstret for Lego. I øjeblikket er der en trend, ved at købe kvalitets og langvarige produkter, med en vedvarende værdi, hvis man altså kan stole på kvaliteten og værdien. Derudover har Lego også haft problemer med de store detailhandlere i udelandene, hvor de har et fremragende samarbejde nu. Også sygefravær og ulykke frekvensen er faldet, da LEGO har haft fokus på at skabe en tryg kultur omkring Lego som arbejdsplads. 1.2 LEGO koncernen vil tjene på divisionen Lego education, som er Lego man bruger til undervisning. Lego har haft Lego divisionen i længere tid, men divisionen har levet et stille liv uden vækst. Den nye unge direktør vil nu satse på denne division, og vil tjene milliarder på det, da innovation og kreativ udvikling bliver mere og mere efterspurgt i uddannelsessystemet. LEGO koncernen benytter derfor strategien Markedsindtrængning, da de allerede er på markedet, og vil bearbejde dette marked med handelsparametrene Price og promotion. Derudover er LEGO koncernen, en virksomheder der er præget af, at de hele tiden skal produktudvikle, så dette er selvfølgelig også en vækststrategi LEGO bruger. Flügger A/S 1.1 Flügger A/S omsætning i år 2010/11 er blevet opgjort til 1.5 milliarder kr. hvor ikke engang halvdelen stammer fra Danmark. Flügger A/S...
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...Garrett Lundry AS 101 Homeopathy Homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine which involves treating individuals with “natural” substances at an attempt to trigger the body’s natural method of healing. There are three basic principles of Homeopathy. First, Homeopaths believe in the idea that you can treat “like with like.” Homeopathy contends that substances that produce symptoms in healthy people can cure those symptoms in sick people. The second is the principle of minimum dose which says that extreme dilution enhances the curative properties of a substance, while eliminating any possible side effects. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by highly diluting the substance in water or alcohol, often until none of the original substance remains. Last is the idea that when prescribing a remedy a doctor must study the person as whole. Basically your emotional characteristics and personality might match you with a different treatment then someone is exhibiting identical symptoms. This means there could be countless possible remedies for each person. (ICBS, Inc) The idea of Homeopathy has been around for around 200 years and the supporting evidence is continued to be tested and analyzed. The theory that you can treat “like with like”, or Law of Similars, was developed by Samueal Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy. Hahnemann based this idea off of his study of cinchona bark, which is used to treat malaria. Upon ingesting the substance he experienced symptoms...
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...Skulle det nu være kunst? Begrebet kunst er i den tid vi lever i i dag et omdiskuteret emne, for vi lever i en verden hvor kunst ses overalt, der malerier på væggene, skulpturer på gaden, graffiti på bygninger og huse, men spørgsmålet er hvad er kunst og hvad er det ikke? og hvornår kan det kaldes kunst? for når lort på dåse og blendede guldfisk hører under denne kategori kan vi alle blive enige om at begrebet om kunst er meget bredt. Karsten Ohrt, direktør for statens museum for kunst siger med citatet fra den franske filosof Diderot at kunst udtrykker det, samfundet endnu ikke har formuleret. Han mener altså ikke at kunst bliver skabt for at provokere og forarge men mere fordi der er behov for det, altså af nødvendighed. Han bruger eksemplet ”hesteofring” af Bjørn Nørgaard, et kunststykke jeg umiddelbart ville beskrive som latterligt og provokerende, ligesom jeg tænkte med en guldfisk i en blender, men når man tænker efter, siger det egentlig mere om de mennesker der vælger at trykke på blenderen, det er dem der provokerende og forargende, og ikke kunstneren i så høj grad. Kunstværket skelner egentlig bare nogle personer fra andre, og det er det kunstneren ønsker, nemlig at skabe debat. Siden kunstneren Piero Manzoni for ca. 50 år siden konverserede sin egen afføring og kaldte det kunst, har der været meget andet kunst som har sat folks pis i kog, som f.eks. parterede heste, udstoppede hundehvalpe og guldfiskene i blendere. Jeg må indrømme jeg egentlig også bliver...
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