...Hospitality Management program of Victoria University of Bangladesh, this report is prepared under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Arif Hasan and submitted to Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management for evaluation. Zahirul Islam Batch No: 24th Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management Victoria University of Bangladesh 58/11/A, Panthapath, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Date: 17/09/2015 Letter of Transmittal 17 September 2015 To Arif Hasan The supervisor Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management Victoria University of Bangladesh 58/11/A, Panthapath, Dhaka- 1205 Subject: Submission of the Internship Report Dear Sir, With due respect and humble submission to state that I am Zahirul Islam submitting my Internship Report on “Evaluation of Food and Beverage Service of the Westin Dhaka”. For your kind consideration as a part of requirement in completing my Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management program. The report contains general information about the food and beverage service operation at The Westin Dhaka and my personal findings during my internship period. I would like to express my heartiest gratitude for your kind cooperation and guidance in making this report informative and time oriented. There may have some unintentional mistakes. I am requesting you to consider my mistakes. Sincerely Yours, ………………….. Zahirul Islam ID: 151124081 Student declaration I declare that the entire report is submitted...
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... and technology has on feedback. Analyzing Three Messages The first message (Appendix A) is from the United States Department of Education. The purpose of this message is to inform the recipient to reapply for financial aid. The technology and environment in which this message takes place is via e-mail, which is an appropriate manner. The purpose of e-mail gives the recipient the most efficient way to complete the reapplication process. The message provides a link allowing easy access the government website and gives directions needed to complete the process. There was no noise related to the message it was direct with specific instructions. The message requested no feedback through email, but it did give directions to frequently asked question, if questions occur. The second message (Appendix B) is from Iliff School of Theology. This message was a reply from a request for information from Iliff’s website. The sender of this message is an admissions representative for Iliff, and the recipient is a potential student looking for a seminary to attend. The technology used in this reply was an e-mail, which is an effective response method for an inquiry about a school or business looking to fill vacancies. A limited amount of noise was present in the e-mail, although the message...
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...and the clutch sizes for the finches increased by 4 eggs in size? Would the finches still have similar populations and beak sizes? Materials The material used for this experiment was my home computer and the Evolution Lab web link on the University of Phoenix Student Website. Methods and Procedures The first step in my methods and procedures was to login to the University of Phoenix Student Website. Next, I went into the materials link of my classroom and clicked on the web link for the Evolution Lab. Finally, once I am on the Evolution Lab website, I clicked “start lab.” After clicking start, the first step in understanding the natural selection and evolution process was to read the background information. Next, was to run a control experiment to see where the finches on “Darwin Island” and “Wallace Island” would be if nothing out of the ordinary happened. Once the control experiment was completed and the data recorded, the next step was to increase the size of “Darwin Island” 0.2km, decrease the size of “Wallace Island” 0.2km, and clutch sizes of the finches. Therefore, I clicked “change input” and made the necessary changes. I increased the island size for “Darwin Island” to 0.7km and decreased the island size of “Wallace Island” to 0.3km. I also increased the clutch sizes of the finches on both...
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...of the ‘Onglyza’ through diet & exercise. A link is posted on the bottom; www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/. 2. In the following scenario identify the type of statistical study that was conducted. A Gallop poll surveyed 1,018 adults by telephone, and 22% of them reported that they smoked cigarettes within the past week. Answer: An observational study because the sample population that was studied was not influenced by the researcher themselves, & it involved research in work to do. 3. In the following scenario what is the statistic and the parameter it would estimate. A recent study of 460 drivers age 70 and over by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 75% of those drivers had uncorrected vision problems. Answer: The report of the ‘traffic safety administration’ reported that 75% (345 people) was the reported statistic from the 460 drivers of 70 or older drivers. I feel the assumed parameter would be the population of drivers that had uncorrected vision that were 70 years old or older. 4. What type of sampling procedure was used to collect the data in the MM207 Student Data Set? Answer: The sampling procedure used, believe was the ‘Conveyance’ sampling because this was a population which was readily available. STATISTICS, MM207, ‘Midterm Project’ Andre Bergman, 4-20-2014 Page, 2 of 3 5. From the MM207 Student Data Set identify one...
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...This article was downloaded by: [La Trobe University] On: 16 January 2013, At: 18:29 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Computers in the Schools Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/wcis20 Instruments for Assessing the Impact of Technology in Education Rhonda Christensen & Gerald Knezek a a b Institute for the Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning (IITTL), University of North Texas, P.O. Box 311337, Denton, TX, 76203, USA b University of North Texas, P.O. Box 311337, Denton, TX, 76203, USA Version of record first published: 11 Oct 2008. To cite this article: Rhonda Christensen & Gerald Knezek (2001): Instruments for Assessing the Impact of Technology in Education, Computers in the Schools, 18:2-3, 5-25 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J025v18n02_02 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/termsand-conditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will...
Words: 7331 - Pages: 30
...ruling document. Copyright Copyright ©2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix© is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft©, Windows©, and Windows NT© are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix© editorial standards and practices. Facilitator Information Carol Ward, MBA, DBA cward123@email.phoenix.edu (University of Phoenix) ciward123@yahoo.com (Personal) (901) 270-9434 (Central Standard Time) Facilitator Availability Dr. Ward is available from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Central Time on most days, but I attempt to reserve Sunday for my family. During the week, I am online most of the time during that 9 a.m.-9 p.m. time frame. On Saturdays, I tend to be online in the afternoon and evening. If these times are not convenient for you, please let me know. I will be happy to accommodate your schedule, if possible. I will provide you with these times to make it easier to communicate with me, and not to limit our contact. I want you to know that, should you need to contact me outside...
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...Assignment 1 link on your student website. Save this document so you can reference it as you work on building your career plan in your future University of Phoenix courses. Section 1: Career Research 1. Go to http://www.phoenix.edu and browse the available degrees, then complete the following table. 2. List the degree programs you are interested in and potential careers that might require these degrees. Careers and degrees I’m interested in | What I know about these careers and degrees | What I need to know about these careers and degrees | Case/Social Worker | Great job opportunities available in every city, especially for bilinguals. Salary paying job with benefits, normal work hours; I get to help people. The University of Phoenix offers an Associates of Arts degree with a concentration in Human Services Management. I know that with this degree I can seek a job with the government and it has a rapid growth as Health Care is also growing. | I need to know how likely I am to get a job with this Associates degree or if I need to continue my education to a Bachelor’s level.I also need to know where there are the higher paying job locations (with the most rapid employment growth and low living costs).Are there scholarship programs/employers that will help pay for this type of degree I am seeking? | Teaching Assistant | Always a relevant position available as there will always be teachers. University of Phoenix offers degrees in Education. | I need to know...
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...Sections 1-4 are to be completed by the student; Sections 5 / 6 are to be completed by the tutor / supervisor. Section 1 Briefly outline your research questions or aims I observed in my bi-lingual kindergarten classroom that students are not aware of the significance of literacy skills. Students do not show an understanding of a constructed writing lesson and cannot relate what is being learned to everyday life. Therefore I believe that young children’s understanding of literacy as meaningful and purposeful, and not merely an abstract skill to be learned, is a critically important part of learning to communicate, read and write. For my case study I have decided to look at the following questions and observe these through different role play and teacher lead activities in the classroom. What types of scaffolding techniques enhances emergent literacy skills in a bi lingual environment? How can a positive attitude towards writing be encouraged? Section 2 Briefly outline your proposed methods and sites of data generation and your proposed methods of sampling During this case study project participants will be expected to answer a series of questions about their feelings and understanding of literacy. Participants will also be expected to take part in role play activities and literacy exercises during the course of the study. During the study, participants will also be asked to complete and partake in specific writing exercises. At the end of the study participants will be asked...
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...A Community Assessment of 71601 Kiona Okoro Arkansas State University Pine Bluff, Arkansas is the second oldest city in Arkansas. It is also the largest city and county seat of Jefferson County. The city of Pine Bluff was founded by Europeans on a high bank of the Arkansas River heavily forested with tall pine trees. The high ground furnished settlers a safe haven from annual flooding. Joseph Bonne, a fur trader and trapper of French and Quapaw ancestry, settled on this bluff in 1819. In 1829, Thomas Phillips claimed a half section of land where Pine Bluff is located. Jefferson County was established by the Territorial Legislature, November 2, 1829 and began functioning as a county April 19, 1830 (Wikipedia, 2014). The city prospered due to cotton production in 1860 and had one of the largest slave populations in the state. The city was devastated by the Great Flood of 1927 and the severe drought of 1930. The Army built the Pine Bluff arsenal and Grider Field in 1945. Major construction projects during the 1960s and 1970s were Jefferson Hospital (now Jefferson Regional Medical Center), a Federal Building, the Pine Bluff Convention Center complex including The Royal Arkansas Hotel & Suites, Pine Bluff Regional Park, two industrial parks and several large churches. In the late 1980s, The Pines, the first large, enclosed shopping center, was constructed on the east side of the city. The mall attracted increased...
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...Ram is the most experienced of the lot, and who has been working for the company for the past ten years. He works 8 hours a week for 6 days a week. 2. Shyam is the most skilled dressmaker you have, and hence, is the specialist. He works 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. 3. Chander is the dressmaker who works the fastest. He works 1.25 times faster than either Ram or Shyam. He works for 8 hours a day for 6 days a week. a) On the basis of the above data, what would be the most effective work schedule for all the three dressmakers, customer satisfaction being of foremost importance? (15 minutes) b) Provide a clear theoretical explanation of the challenges and problems associated with customized dress making. What factors need to be kept in mind for planning and scheduling production to ensure a smooth service delivery? (This is an essay question and should be answered from a broader business management perspective, rather than the data provided above). (15 minutes) Q2 (a) Rajeev is a student who enrolls for Admissions Counseling Service with Manya Education. He has a very weak academic profile but is extremely ambitious. You had sent him a...
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...(identify focus, describe theoretical positions and provide evidence for the data production in line with research question) in preparing a small-scale-practitioner led investigation and provide justification for the choices. The report will be divided into three parts. . The first part will delineate the purpose of the research, provide contextual information, and propose an initial research question. The second part will focus on the paradigmatic approach, define ontological and epistemological orientations, and discuss methodology. The third part will provide an account of the design frame, discuss the data production, and define what comprises as evidence to support the research question. The report will end with a conclusion. Research Focus The research process begins with identifying a problem (The Open University, 2014a). In my previous post as a...
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...Queen Mary, University of London MSc Investment and Finance Welcome Dear Applicant, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Queen Mary, University of London, and in particular to the MSc in Investment and Finance. The Master’s degree was founded five years ago with the intention of equipping students with the necessary skills to meet a constantly changing financial environment. Our graduates have entered the job market as successful assets managers, risk managers, traders, analysts and financial advisors in various parts of the world. The degree programme is built around the principles of academic rigor and market practice. Students gain practical exposure through case studies and empirical training using market data. There is a large amount of practitioner content, without compromise to academic standards, and we constantly update the teaching to reflect recent market activity. This means you will acquire modern investment techniques based on sound theoretical knowledge. The School welcomes several visiting professors, who are also practitioners, and therefore well-placed to lecture on how to trade using live data. Thanks to our close proximity to the City of London, we have well- developed links with many financial institutions, and students pay them regular visits, helping to further bond the link between theory and practice. We maintain an active alumni group and we organise regular meetings with former students, often at their work place...
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...Nationality : Zambian Marital Status : Single Sex : Male NRC : 308578/16/1 Postal Address : Private Bag 84 Woodlands Lusaka Cell No : +260 977 626078 Email : eddielocho@gmail.com PROFILE I have achieved experience and skills from research related activities. I have excellent interpersonal communication and presentation skills. I am also goal oriented, a strong team player, disciplined and committed to achieving the desired results with minimum or no supervision at all. I am also sociable, a fast learner, and possess the ability to adapt and adjust to the changing working cultures and environments. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND YEAR INSTITUTION QUALIFICATIONS 2007-2012 University of Zambia Bachelor of Mineral Sciences 1997-2001 St Pauls Secondary School G.C.E. Certificate WORK EXPERIENCE DURATION COMPANY POSITION 12 Months Universal Mining and Chemicals Industries Ltd Safety...
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...skills and to be proficient in my chosen field of career. PERSONAL DATA: Nickname : Faith Date of Birth : November 20, 1991 Place of Birth : Sta Barbara Pangasinan Age : 23 Religion : Roman Catholic Height : 4’11 Weight : 49 kilos Civil Status : Single Nationality : Filipino Language : English, Tagalog, Ilocano Parents : Mr. & Mrs. Juanito P. Montemayor EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: TERTIARY : University of Luzon Bachelor of Science Hotel and Restaurant Management S.Y.: 2011-2015 SECONDARY : Urdaneta City, National Highschool Urdaneta City S.Y.: 2007-2008 PRIMARY : Minien Tebag Elementary School Sta Barbara Pangasinan S.Y: 2003-2004 CHARACTER REFERENCES: Prof Danica S. Paragas OJT Coordinator University of Luzon Ma. Cristina L. Garcia Sanguniang Bayan Secretary of Sison Pangasinan SEMINAR ATTAINMENT: February 12-February 16, 2015 Actual Shipboard Training APEX Program Ocean Link Institute Inc August 27, 2014 The 5th National Young Hoteliers March 13, 2012 Seminar on costumers service Orientation and event management Alaminos Pangasinan UNIVERSITY OF LUZON Perez Blvd, Dagupan City Pangasinan College of Hotel...
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...further study of a justification in question, is what I find most appealing about computer science. Since my childhood, I have an ardor towards problem solving, cracking puzzles and brain gam es. Later on that transformed to zeal towards Computer programming. This motivates me to learn more in the field of computers. My choice to pursue graduate study in the United States is emphasized by my aspiration to excel in my field of interest. My fascination for science and technology and extreme interest in the ever-growing world of technology stimulated me to take up engineering. I opted for major in Electronics and Communication engineering with a passionate urge to research into the challenging field .All through the course of my undergraduate study ,I was exposed to diverse courses with applications like C Programming and data structures,Control systems, Operating systems, Computer networks, Computer organization, Digital Signal Processing and Architecture, Pulse and Digital circuits, Micro processors and Micro controllers, Digital Communications, Integrated Circuit Applications enhanced my subject knowledge and I secured first-class results in my engineering. I was well versed in Programming languages like C and Data Structures, Java. The Computer networking course has fascinated me in particular. I have done comprehensive reading and attained good knowledge of OSI and TCP/IP reference models, The Transportation layer, Data link layer including MAC sub layer the Network layer, a variety...
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