Premium Essay

I Learned to Work


Submitted By jahanzeb
Words 512
Pages 3
The point came in my life, when I chose sharing my family responsibilities by doing a job instead of enjoying my leisure time.

Family actually comprises of two main characters that is “Mother” and “Father”. Mother is responsible for caring and looking after the entire house and children. Father is someone who solely has to bear family expenses. It all depends on the father to fulfill their desires, wishes and needs. Same goes for my father, who possess a very hardworking personality. He has always survived hard to fulfill our family needs.
I remember during my school days, I used to be a very unthankful child. At every new academic year I used to demand new bag, shoes, stationaries, uniform etc. My father never refused my wishes. In fact, I do not belong to a very rich family, even my father used to perform overtimes in his office during working seasons. He did all that struggle not for himself, but only for me and my family.
One day I met my school friend, who left school at 6th standard. It was after 7 years that we both met. It was nice talking to him. However, he also told me something that I was not aware of. I was bit depressed after knowing that. It was hardly a 15 minute conversation that actually changed my entire view of life. He told me that his father could not afford him to study, therefore he left school and joined his father in his small business. That was the day I realized how lucky and blessed I am. From that day I decided to compromise on my leisure time, because it is never fruitful to waste time. From that day I started to find a job. I was lucky enough to find one in just few days. Soon I started with my job, I found out that my parents were not happy with my decision. They thought I am going to compromise over my studies, but I convinced them that I would never let go of my studies.
Soon I realized that I have chosen a very tough

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