Free Essay

I Think It Good


Submitted By Killuaboom
Words 450
Pages 2
Part 1: before 2009
Chrysler is an American automobile manufacturer founded by Walter Chrysler in 1924. Since 1928, the company has introduced two low and medium price brands- Plymouth and DeSoto. The company became popular in America. These are the car brands that Chrysler makes such as Dodge Ram, Chrysler 300, Dodge Avenger, Grand Caravan, Charger, Sebring, and Ram. Some of these vehicles/brands have given Chrysler some success within the auto manufacturing market of the United States. However, the company has consistently been behind both General Motors and Ford Motor Company in regards to their reputation. Therefore, Chrysler has been called the “number three” auto manufacturing company in the U.S. due to their mediocre product quality and lack of technology compared to their competitors. Chrysler mainly focused on producing full sized cars, which required a lot of oil. In the 1970s, their sales declined significantly as a result of the oil embargo of 1973, where the price of oil increased; therefore, consumer demand decreased.
In 1998, Chrysler merged with Daimer-Benz and was called DaimlerChrysler AG. In 2006, Chrysler Group reported a net loss of $1.5 billion because of competition and changing markets. In 2007, Daimler sold its 80 percent stake in the company to Cerberus Capital Management LP. Daimler paid 36 billion dollars to acquire Chrysler, but sold its stake to Cerberus for only 7.4 billion dollars. So, at that time, Daimler lost 29 billion dollars in this deal. Although Cerberus acquired Chrysler to make profit, they did not gain any tangible benefits because of the global financial crisis at the time and general cost problems in the industry. The high oil prices and the recession in the U.S. put Chrysler in a fatal situation. Throughout Chrysler’s period of operation, the company faced many hardships and didn’t succeed as they should.
Fiat is an Italy auto manufacture company founded in 1899. Fait acquired Alfa Romeo from Italian government and became the largest automaker in Europe Fiat Company also met many problems; such as attributed to Italian labor laws, business environment and cost issue. Fiat’s growth and survival had encountered problems in the areas of technology and quality standard. In 2002
Developing a strategic alliance with Fiat was part of Chrysler’s long term viability..
In order for Chrysler to receive the government loan they had to show a long term viability plan which included possible mergers.

-What did Chrysler gain? Chrysler and fiat resources and knowledge.
-What did Fiat gain?
-What challenges do they have by being “together?”
Part 2: 2013

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