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Imperialism In Japan Research Paper

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Japan’s imperialism is arguably supported by strong nationalistic sentiments prevalent in Japanese society. (Gordon, 2003) The Japanese’s extreme sense of nationalism which some may even categorize as fanaticism, can be embodied in sacrifices made by the Kamikaze pilots. (Ohnuki-Tierney, 2006) Kamikaze pilots, despite being highly educated students, ‘chose’ to sacrifice themselves in this suicidal mission under the name of loyalty and love for the country.
However, I argue that this is simply a glamorized and glorified image of chivalry fabricated for the consumption of the Japanese population. (Fulford, 2006) Berry further supports this, as she espouses that “military service…was dictated by coercion”. (Berry, 2005) By this, she refers to …show more content…
(Ohnuki-Tierney, 2006) The Meiji government indoctrinated the Japanese into subscribing their motto, “Thou shall fall like beautiful cherry blossoms after a short life,” where the pilots and soldiers were likened to the cherry blossom. This justification for sacrifice was advocated through use of the cherry blossom in education, music, geographical landscapes and the military. The state aestheticized this act of sacrifice (Ohnuki-Tierney, 2006), garnering greater support for their war efforts through aligning propaganda with learned values (Kushner, 2007). For example, in 1892, elementary school students had to pledge their absolute loyalty to the Emperor, which even entails giving their lives up for this cause. (Wolferen, 1989) In addition, this omnipotent and coercive image of the state is further reinforced by the despairing voices of the student pilots that did not embody imperial nationalism. This is quoted from the diary of a graduate that was conscripted as a kamikaze pilot, “I cannot say that the wish to die for the emperor is genuine, coming from my heart. However, it is decided for me that I die for the emperor…” (Ohnuki-Tierney,

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