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Duty To Warn

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Duty to warn was first established in 1976 in the state of California which set a precedent ruling that psychotherapists have a duty to warn a victim when they are in a life threating situation. Over the years most states have adopted such laws for social workers, therapists, psychiatrist to act upon in situations to prevent a person from doing harm to another such as bodily injury or homicide to another individual. Duty to warn supersedes a client’s privacy and the helping professional would not be held accountable for any ethical violations. However, duty to warn is sometimes seen as a gray area when it comes to values and social work. “An ethical dilemma often occurs when two or more social work values are in conflict. The clients right to privacy and the social worker’s obligation to warn a third party of the possibility of harm” (Gaskill, E. 1996). I would imagine in some cases there would not be an ethical dilemma. However, there may be a …show more content…
In other words, there may be differences between oral and a behavioral threat. Motivation, intention and the means to fulfill a threat are all things that must be considered when taking action on duty to warn. I do think that mandatory reporting laws are a fantastic thing that can help save lives. But it’s also important to point out that overzealous social workers can also prevent clients from seeking professional help for fear of disclosure when it comes to mental health issues. On the other side, social workers may also be reluctant from taking on new potentially violent clients as they fear liability or to properly exercise the duty to warn. As I mentioned, it could be a very gray area when it comes to duty to warn in certain cases, and the best approach is to consult a supervisor or legal consultation when uncertain about the state

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