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Import Cars History

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For over one hundred years, the automobile has become the most popular form of transportation. Starting in 1908, with one car company, Ford, the automobile slowly dominated the American economy, becoming a standard in American life with 55 well-known brands today. Throughout the 20th century that car became something every family must have, it was a way for teens and families to get out of the house and explore the world. Throughout the 80s, 90s, and 2000s, the three biggest car companies were Ford, Holden, and Chrysler. Many other companies started to import cars such as Honda, and Toyota, and they all had unique aspects and selling points.

During the 1980s, American cars were becoming less and less popular and the big three American automobile …show more content…
In 1982, Ford had revamped the Mustang GT with a 5.0L engine, 160 hp, and more interior and exterior modifications making customers incredibly happy. ("1990-93 Ford Mustang | Consumer Guide Auto." ) Throughout the decade Ford continued to add more and more to the Mustang mainly with bigger and better engines.
Even though the Mustang saved the Ford company it had a few setbacks. During the release of the Mustang GT the price was outrageous and out of reach for many consumers at $15,585 dollars. Another setback was the V8 engine which consumed more gas than any other engine and the bigger they made the engine the more gas that it consumed. One last setback was the noise the Mustang when it started up worrying many buyers and also making some customers upset. (Lamas, Johathan. "Third Generation Mustang …show more content…
In 1985, the first all American Honda engine was made and put on a motorcycle, and just one year later the first all American Honda Accord rolled off the assembly line. The company kept producing vehicles and in 1985 they produced their one millionth vehicle. They began producing other Honda cars and three more state-of-the-art plants were created and are still operating today. ("A Driving Force in Ohio.")

The Japanese car company Honda was booming in automotive and motorcycle industries, and their next move was to expand into America, and that is exactly what they did. In 1977 they announced plans to build a motorcycle plant in Ohio. With sales continuing to boom, Honda released plans to construct an automobile plant next to the motorcycle plant in 1982. On November 1 1982, the plant rolled its first Accord off the assembly line. ("A Driving Force in Ohio." ) Two years later with sales increasing the company began construction on a second plant focused on motorcycle and automobile

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