...Motivation Plan Jonathan Grace LDR/531 September 23, 2014 Edythe McNickle Motivation Plan In today world every business organization has a diverse workforce and each employee has a specific motivation and emotion. Understanding the challengers involved in creating an environment that combines the employees’ motivation, satisfactions, and job performance in an organized and an effective workplace is what a good manager should understand. A manager must create a plan incorporating the employees’ job satisfaction, motivation, and performance. The perception of both managers and employees are ensuring that the viewpoints are incorporated into the plan for optimistic influence. According to Robbins and Judge (2013), “Motivation is the method that accounts for a direction, individual intensify, and persistence of an effort toward a specific goal. Satisfaction is defined as the “fulfillment of a need or want” and performance is defined as “the execution of an action or fulfillment of a clam, promise, or request.” Motivation, satisfaction, and performance are important aspects that a manger must utilize with people and each aspect can be define as a success or failure of the employees or as a team. The manager will be able to increase an employee motivation, satisfaction, and performance, if a manager has a positive influence within his or her span of control. Most manager can influence a variation of tools in increasing and gauging employee motivation, satisfaction...
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...Motivation Methods Brenda Taylor HCS/325 December 21, 2010 Stephanie McCrary Organizations are constantly trying to improve upon employee motivation and several different methods of motivation are available for use. Organizations need to weigh the pros and cons of each method to see which methods will produce the desired goals. Managers and organizations all know that the best motivational method will focus on what the employees believe is important and what will ultimately ensure the desired results of higher productivity and increased revenue. Monetary incentives are the most common motivator, but many organizations are finding that job flexibility and nonmonetary incentives have resulted in less employee turnover rates, improved productivity, and better organizational morale (Encyclopedia of Business, n.d.). The different methods of motivation that will be analyzed are: 1) Empowerment, 2) Creativity and Innovation, 3) Education, 4) Quality of Life, and 5) Monetary and Nonmonetary incentives. Empowerment Empowering employees gives each individual more responsibility, more decision making authority, and more control over the situation and tasks at hand (Encyclopedia of Business, n.d.). Empowerment ensures that each employee takes responsibility for his or her actions and will therefore work harder towards finding perfection within those actions. The energy normally used for self-preservation of the employee’s job will now be diverted toward completing the task at hand...
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...Motivation Plan In today’s business world, each business organization has a diverse workforce and each worker has specific motivations and emotions. An effective manager understands the challenges involved in creating a workplace that combines the employee’s motivations, satisfactions, and performance into a cohesive and effective workforce. A manager must develop a plan encompassing the employee’s motivation, satisfaction and performance. It is essential that the plan includes both the manager’s and employee’s insights to guarantee that all perspectives are merged into the plan for constructive impact. According to Robbins and Judge (2006), “Motivation is the process that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal” (p. 186). Satisfaction is defined by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary as the “fulfillment of a need or want” and performance is defined as “the execution of an action” or “the fulfillment of a claim, promise or request”. Motivation, satisfaction and performance are important aspects that a manager must employ with people and each aspect can define the success or failure the employee has as an individual or a team”. If a manager has a positive influence within their span of control, the manager will be able to increase an employee’s motivation, satisfaction and performance. A manager can leverage a variety of tools in developing and evaluating employee motivation, satisfaction and performance. Some of those tools...
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...Motivation in public management [electronic resource] : the call of public service / edited by James L. Perry and Annie Hondeghem - Pg. 248 performance pay did not work Great motivation secrets of great leaders [electronic resource] / by John Baldoni Sacrifice with Honor • Put the needs of the team first. • Share the pain. • Make the sacrifice count for something. Winning with the employee from Hell [electronic resource] : a guide to coaching and motivation / Shaun Belding Pg. 64 – coaching is important but no one does it well. Development of Achievement Motivation - Pg. 312 – feeling of competence and pride should in turn engender intristic interest and pride. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation : The Search for Optimal Motivation and Performance Public service employees are a diverse group that reflects Canadian society. This diverse group of individuals have different needs that sometimes go unsatisfied due to many factors. In the integrity department of the Public Service I have witnessed both extremes of the traditional paradigm of satisfaction in terms of satisfied and unsatisfied individuals. Individuals on each side of the paradigm can be motivated to perform better whether their needs are satisfied or not satisfied. The motivation process begins with an unsatisfied need and individuals each have a unique set of needs. Identifying common needs among the workforce is a key step in determining how to better motivate the integrity workforce. ...
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...EMPLOYEE BEHAVIOUR AND MOTIVATION CONTENTS Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 4 2.0 Employee Behaviour 5 Performance Behaviour 5 Organisational Citizenship 5 Counterproductive Behaviours 5 3.1 Motivation 6 3.1 Motivation Theories 6 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Teory 6 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory 7 Achievement/Acquired Need Theory 8 4.0 Techniques of Motivation 9 5.0 Conclusion 10 6.0 Annexure 11 7.0 Refernces 12 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this assignment is to understand the Employee behaviour and how the employee gets motivated. Furthermore, Employee behaviour has changed in many years, for an instance, there are different ways an individual handles and responds to a situation, One Individual can handle the stress situation in a calm and quiet way, but another individual would be having a very difficult time facing the challenge and the stress in a working environment. In this assignment the employee behaviour would be explained and the different types of employee behaviour be covered. With that the individual differences among employees such as personality and attitudes, how it affects their jobs would be explained as well. And in this assignment I will be also talking about the People who are suitable for the job, in other words matching people and jobs and with that how an individual is motivated and what can an organization do to motivate employees like providing attractive incentives, recognition, rewards...
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...Jessica Boyd Week 3 Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan April 21, 2014 Susan Mills Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan One of the most important aspects of a supervisor’s job it to ensure that his/her employees are happy and satisfied with their career. Motivation is defined “as the process that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal” (Robbins & Judge, 2011). In the motivation plan that follows there are several different motivational theories that have been chosen for the three employees at Riordan Manufacturing which will be used in the effort to increase performance within the company. Samuel Boyd– Goal Setting Theory After reviewing the self-assessment survey taken by Samuel Boyd, there are many motivational theories that could be used; however the theory that will produce the best results for him is the goal-setting Theory. Samuel’s assessment indicates that he is willing to try new things but allows personal or professional setbacks to keep him from going after his ambitions. In order to motivate him management will use the reward system which will connect to the goal-setting theory and making sure his is setting obtainable, realistic goals. This will motivate him and encourage him to continue to strive for more out of his career. It is management’s understanding that Mr. Boyd has set unrealistic goals in the past which is the main reason for his frustrations and ultimately giving up on...
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...Depot has developed competencies to increase and maintain employee motivation. As stated previously, employee motivation as a direct impact on employee performance and their productivity. Competency 1: Job Performance (Diversity) Office Depot possesses a fundamental and positive responsibility to ensuring workplace diversity. “Globalization is fast changing the demographic mix of workforce in organizations across countries. Therefore the concept of diversity and its management become imperative. Diversity management (DM) is planning and implementing organizational systems and practices to manage people so that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized while its potential disadvantages are minimized” (Preeti, 2016). Diversity promotes employee motivation as it shows employees that Office Depot is committed to the progression and successful of their staff. According to Office Depot, “At Office Depot, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment where all people are valued and respected. Diversity is an important dimension of Inclusion, Innovation, and Customer Focus -- three of our core values -- and keys to our success in a global marketplace.” (Office Depot, 2016) When organizations promote diversity in the workplace, productivity and positive attitudes increases as it allows for different prospective and boost morale within employees. Competency 2: Behavioral (Employee Engagement) Employee engagement is one of the most...
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...Herzberg's Theory of Motivation The motivation of employees is important to organizations since it is one of several factors that significantly affect the productivity of employees. Raising the level of motivation increases profitability through greater creativity and commitment in employees. Herzberg's Two Factor Theory, also known as the Motivation-Hygiene Theory, was derived from a study designed to test the concept that people have two sets of needs: 1. Their needs as animals to avoid pain 2. Their needs as humans to grow psychologically Herzberg's Study There are two hundred engineers and accountants in Pittsburgh were interviewed. To test the hypothesis, engineers and accountants were interviewed to assess events that led to significant changes in their job attitudes and to determine the factors that caused those changes. Herzberg's study consisted of a series of interviews that sought to elicit responses to the questions: (1) Recall a time when you felt exceptionally good about your job. Why did you feel that way about the job? Did this feeling affect your job performance in any way? Did this feeling have an impact on your personal relationships or your well- being? (2) Recall a time on the job that resulted in negative feelings? Describe the sequence of events that resulted in these negative feelings. RESEARCH RESULTS It appeared, from the research, that the things making people happy on the job and those making them unhappy had two separate...
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...The success of the organization is not only about how well the organization is financially doing. Includes employees have motivation enough to put forth his or her best effort and, as a result, being more productive. Motivation requires getting individuals of the team to be able to pull his or her share of the weight, to give his or her loyalty to the team. Including having the ability to carry out accordingly to the purpose of the organization. Most think to improve employee motivation. Is created by giving out some type of monetary reward such as bonus or increase in pay. As noticed through out this course this seems to be a common theme in a lot of the companies. A monetary award of this type may appear to be a logical solution for increasing employee motivation. It seems many employees have complaints that they are over work and under paid. Is this absolutely a comprehensive way of increasing motivation amongst employees? So, employees will continue to be able to perform at his or her optimal in his or her position? One model that Gratton and Truss refer to is what is known as “three-dimensional model of people strategy” The foundation of this model includes three segments. The first segment of the model is the vertical alignment. This part of the model is about people strategy and business goals. The second segment is the horizontal alignment. This section of the model is about individual Human Resource policies. Last is the Action or also known as the implementation dimension...
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...Employee Motivation Motivation can be defined as: the psychological forces that push an individual’s behavior, effort, and level of persistence towards a certain direction. Motivation is, therefore, an important element an organization must consider when it wants to reach high levels of production and efficiency. In order to achieve the mentioned high production and efficiency levels, an organization must first understand what motivation is, how does it work, what are the classic motivational theories and techniques, and to use utilize those various techniques for optimum results. As explained above, motivation involves psychological forces that push employees into a desired direction accompanied with the appropriate level of behavior, effort, and persistence. From the definition, one would understand that motivation can work as an integral tool for goal and objective achievement. Motivation has several theories and techniques a firm must know to apply them on its employees: Motivational Theories: 1) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: this comes as a no surprise since Maslow explained that motivation is based on a sequenced hierarchy of needs. The hierarchy starts with the lowest physiological needs (Food, sleep, sex), followed by safety needs (Job security and environment safety), social needs (feelings of belonging and love), self-esteem needs (feelings of importance, value, and meaningfulness), and ended by the highest need of self-actualization, which is described...
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...Introduction: In the recent years, employers have recognised that the success of business is closely influenced by the motivation and professional capacity of their workforces. Accordingly, companies are faced with the challenge of increasing the level of employee commitment, job satisfaction and motivation (Greene, 2001). In this regard, it is important for companies to take into consideration the impact of employee needs, morale and expectations and to negotiate appropriate work arrangements for motivating employees as part of performance recognition. The following paper presents a discussion on the importance of employee motivation in the workplace. The discussion is mainly based on literature review and points that employee motivation is necessary for improved work performance. The paper has explored the important contributing played by work-life balance and financial incentives in improving employee motivation. The research indicates that the two factors foster loyalty by employees, increased performance and commitment, which are essential indications of motivation. The concept of Employee Motivation and Rewards Most discussions of motivation begin with the concept of individual needs – the unfulfilled physiological or psychological desires of an individual. Content theories of motivation use individual needs to explain the behaviours and attitudes of people at work. The basic logic is straightforward. People have needs. They engage in behaviours to obtain extrinsic...
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...LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY TERMPAPER HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGMENT EMPLOYEE RENTENTION NAME: SOURABH SHARMA REGD: 10903798 ROLL NO: RR1908B31 SUBMMITED TO:MR.RAJEEV GUPTA INTRODUCTION Employee retention refers to the efforts by which employers attempt to retain employees in their workforce. In a business setting, the goal of employers is to decrease employee turnover, training costs, and loss of talent. By implementing lessons learned from key organizational behavior concepts employers can improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover. How To Increase Employee Retention | | | Companies have now realized the importance of retaining their quality workforce. Retaining quality performers contributes to productivity of the organization and increases morale among employees. Four basic factors that play an important role in increasing employee retention include salary and remuneration, providing recognition, benefits and opportunities for individual growth. But are they really positively contributing to the retention rates of a company? Basic salary, these days, hardly reduces turnover. Today, employees look beyond the money factor. | employee retention can be increase by inculcating the following practices: 1. Open Communication: A culture of open communication enforces loyalty among employees. Open communication tends to keep employees...
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...Motivation at work Motivation is the high levels of attempt towards organizational goals, assigned by the effort's ability to satisfy some individual needs. For any organization, employee motivation is a good way to achieve goals and increase the profitability. When people get motivated, they will have a reason to put more effort on what they are doing. There are many different ways to motivate employees. Employers can motivate their workers as individuals, groups, teams, or the organization as a whole. Motivation takes forms like offering rewards, improving working conditions, or employee recognition. In my view, motivation is a crucial management tool in raising the employees’ work performance. I used to work in a marketing company, which was number one for selling sports goods in North America. The reason for the increase in profits and success in the whole organization was that we worked as team and our sales manager had clear goals, which he had a plans how to achieve. For example, he always rewarded our sales efforts as he increased sales commissions and the base pay. Moreover, he attempted to speak with everyone from our team, as to how to better attain our personal goals and how much effort to put in that achievement. Furthermore, the sales manager presented on the meeting that from that moment everyone can write on special board for his or her problem, in order to implement our everyday tasks without any obstacles. One day, one of my coworkers said to the...
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...Motivation in the Workplace According to Stephen P. Robins and Timothy A. Judge (2009), motivation may be defined as "the processes that account for an individual's intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal". Hence, motivation is an important factor in every individual's life because no matter the source, motivation leads to positive lifestyle and it will increase employee's efficiency and effectiveness within the workplace. Moreover, it should be clearly understood that the task of every manger in the workplace should be mainly to motivate their internal customers who are the staff, as managers need to get things done through them in order to deliver high quality to external customers. However, although it seems like a very easy term which may be applied by just increasing employee's benefits, it has been clearly noted that not every employee is motivated by the same factors. Hence, in spite of enormous research, the concept of motivation is yet not well comprehended and is sadly practiced as managers fail or simple do not bother to understand the "human nature itself". An understanding of the human nature should be a prerequisite that should be followed by every manager. Researchers have shown that well motivated employees are more likely to be productive and creative. Hence, it contributes to the reduction of turnover in the workplace which may be defined as "the voluntary and involuntary permanent...
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...3) Critically discuss how knowledge of process theories of motivation should influence managing the performance of diverse teams within global organisations. Introduction Employee performance has commonly been shown as the function of ability, motivation and situational circumstances, with this one equation it can now be seen that although having talent within an organisation is important, without motivation employee performance can never be optimised. Motivation is considered the be the driving force behind the behaviours we carry out to achieve a goal, finding and creating the right motivational triggers for an employee can prove troublesome, but it is of the upmost importance if a business wants to become successful (Burford et al 1995; Nhat et al 2013). Theories surrounding the mechanism as to how motivation is precipitated within an individual or group are known as process theories of motivation (Ashleigh and Mansi, 2012). Process theories have been largely influential for organisations who are considering how they can optimise motivation; however with the growth and development of multinational organisations can they still be effectively applied? Hofstede’s (1980) work surrounding the pertinence of American motivational theories in different cultural settings identified several key cultural dimensions which should be taken into account. Of this the Individualism Dimension (IDV) was highlighted as having a prominent effect on how motivational theories could be applied...
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