...INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT AND REVIEW FORM Name of Employee: CARLITA P. CURADA Name of Rater: FERDINAND A. LAGRADA, Ph.D. Position: Teacher I Position: PRINCIPAL III Review Period: ______________________ Date of Review:_______________________ Division: PUERTO PRINCESA CITY TO BE FILLED IN DURING PLANNING | TO BE FILLED DURING EVALUATION | MFOs | KRAs | OBJECTIVES | TIMELINE | WEIGHT per KRA | OUTPUT | PERFORMANCE INDICATORS(Quality, Efficiency, timeliness) | ACTUAL RESULTS | RATING | SCORE | ten | Teaching-Learning Process(40%) | 1.Prepared 40 appropriate instructional materials for 48 kindergarten pupils within the rating period.2. Delivered and Completed 80% of learning competencies through having functional daily work period plan within the rating period3. Formulated 10 classroom rules and guidelines from June to March4. Monitored attendances, diversity appreciation, safe, clean and motivating environment. | June, 2014 to March, 2015June, 2014 to March, 2015June, 2014 to March 2015June, 2014 to March, 2015 | 15%5%5%15% | Instructional MaterialsDaily Lesson LogsWritten Rules and GuidelinespicturesSchool Form 2 Segregated Garbage, Clean EnvironmentPictures | 5- 130% and above of the target was attained4-115-129% of the target was attained3- 100% -114% of the target was attained2- 51-99% of the target was attained1- 50% of the target was attained5- 130% and above of the measurable learning...
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... | | |In pairs or small groups, research and discuss answers to the following. Then provide written individual responses, | | |in your own words, to each question. | | | |1.1 | |Explain at least 2 purposes of performance management and its relationship to business objectives. | | |Identify 3 components of performance management systems. |1.2 | |Explain the relationship between motivation and performance management, referring to at least 2 motivational theories.|1.3 | |Identify 2 purposes of reward within a performance management system. | | |Describe at least 3 components of a total reward system, 1 of which should be non-financial. |2.1 | |Explain the factors that should be considered when managing good and poor performance. |2.2 | |Describe at least 2 items of data, including 1 external to the organisation. |...
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...HOW DO 360 DEGREE PERFORMANCE REVIEWS AFFECT EMPLOYEE ATTITUDES, EFFECTIVENESS AND PERFORMANCE? DIANE M. ALEXANDER University of Rhode Island Organizational leaders clearly have many choices when selecting performance evaluation and development tools. One tool that has gained popularity and has become a growing trend in Corporate America in recent years is the 360 degree performance review. This popularity is based on the perceptions of organizational leader’s that 360 degree reviews establish a culture for continuous learning and provide more global feedback for employees, which leads to improved performance. According to Human Resource Consultant, William M. Mercer, forty percent of American companies used 360 degree feedback in1995; by 2000 this number had jumped to sixty-five percent. In 2002, 90% of Fortune 500 companies were using a 360 degree performance review process. (Linman, 2006) Conducting performance reviews in general, provides a number of valuable functions for organizations. They allow an organization to: • Translate department/organization’s mission into specific achievable goals • Manage performance rather than react to it • Reduce overlap of job duties and ineffective, inefficient use of employee skills • Provide written acknowledgment of completed work • Gain new information and ideas from staff • Discuss skill and career development • Protect organization from unfounded charges of discrimination • Reduce stress for the supervisor -managing rather than...
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...effective but eliminated safety hazards for the plant. The engineer often has personality conflicts with his co-workers and they are often playing practical jokes on him. Although he is good at his job he finds that the annual performance reviews do not accurately reflect the position and the work. The plant manager gives the performance review, which is a scoring system, based on a series of questions. These questions include friendliness, neatness and attitude along with a few additional questions. During the last annual review the engineer became upset, as he does not believe that the review questions accurately pertain to the job or reflect how he performs. Because of the conflict at the review last year the plant manager has considered skipping this review. The manager begins to go through the Performance review form and begins to score the engineer. After a few questions he pauses and decides that he must reflect on these questions to determine how to rate the engineer. The areas of concern that are found with the current evaluation form are the focus on behavior and relationships and leaves out other areas of importance. The current form does not include his performance on individual tasks, in which he was proven to receive high remarks. The engineer’s skill level and ability to perform is also omitted when he has shown initiative and innovation in the workplace when trying to improve the work achieved at the...
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...Performance Management System Assignment – PMS System of Indian industry.. (Mahindra & Mahindra) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Performance management system Performance management is a much broader and a complicated function of HR, as it encompasses activities such as joint goal setting, continuous progress review and frequent communication, feedback and coaching for improved performance, implementation of employee development programmes and rewarding achievements. Performance management system includes the following actions. * Developing clear job descriptions and employee performance plans which includes the key result areas (KRA') and performance indicators. * Selection of right set of people by implementing an appropriate selection process. * Negotiating requirements and performance standards for measuring the outcome and overall productivity against the predefined benchmarks. * Providing continuous coaching and feedback during the period of delivery of performance. * Identifying the training and development needs by measuring the outcomes achieved against the set standards and implementing effective development programs for improvement. * Holding quarterly performance development discussions and evaluating employee performance on the basis of performance plans. * Designing effective compensation and reward systems for recognizing those employees who excel in their jobs by achieving the set standards in accordance...
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...Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook Agree or disagree with this statement and provide reasons for your response. “If you have regular conversations with people, and they know where they stand, then the performance evaluation is maybe unnecessary.” I would have to disagree with the above statement. In my opinion and experience, I have seen some individuals who have a wonderful relationship with their supervisor or boss, but their work performance was a totally different story. I have also seen instances where individuals have poor work performance, but because of their availability and the fact that they are the only one who is willing to do a certain job they get away with a lot. I think that a performance evaluation is necessary and it needs to be written or typed out, dated, and signed. There are so many things happening as far as lawsuits that you can never be too vulnerable. I understand that a few companies have the social sites, but a standard evaluation record would not hurt. Sometimes supervisors or managers do not communicate an individual’s performance in regular conversations. Some people really do believe that if they have a good relationship with their supervisor then they have nothing to worry about and when an evaluation is done they are shocked at the scores or recommendations for improvement. I remember when I worked as an assistant store manager, I had some excellent workers and we had good relationships with one another. As the manager...
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...Explain at least 2 purposes of performance management and its relationship to business objectives. Performance management is a repetitive process, established by organisations to help them in accomplishing their objectives (goals, as listed in the organisation’s vision) by maximizing the performance of an individual, team or whole organisation and ensure that the objectives are achieved. 1. The Performance Management Process is a key component of organisation’s overall approach to the management of its people. As part of the performance management system, Performance Management Process aims to achieve the following: • To enable an individual employee to know exactly what is expected both in terms of outputs (the delivery of agreed objectives) and the relevant, appropriate behavioural style (role-related competency models), which will underpin the delivery of the agreed objectives. • To enable individual and team effort to be focused on the delivery of the departmental business plan. • To enable an individual to identify and meet personal development needs which will facilitate the delivery of agreed objectives. • To enable individual employees to feel motivated and valued for their contribution to the on-going success of organisation. • To enable individuals to identify and achieve realistic career goals over time. • To enable the organisation to reward individuals fairly based on an objective assessment of their contribution. • To enable the organisation to audit...
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...Performance management: an overview Revised April 2011 What is performance management? Fully realised, performance management is a holistic process bringing together many of the elements that make up the successful practice of people management including, in particular, learning and development. But for this very reason, it is complex and capable of being misunderstood. In their CIPD textbook, Armstrong and Baron1 define performance management as ‘a process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational performance. As such, it establishes shared understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which will ensure that it is achieved.’ They stress that performance management is ‘a strategy which relates to every activity of the organisation set in the context of its human resource policies, culture, style and communications systems. The nature of the strategy depends on the organisational context and can vary from organisation to organisation.' In other words performance management should be: • Strategic – it is about broad issues and long-term goals. • Integrated – it should link various aspects of the business, people management, individuals and teams. Performance management should incorporate: • Performance improvement - throughout the organisation, in respect of individual, team and organisational effectiveness •...
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...Problem Statements 4. Review of Literature 5. Recommendation 6. References Executive Summary Rebecca Fernando was completed her degree at a prestigious Indian University and worked one year in a Multinational Company. She had just returned to the country and she became the Head of Marketing at the “Global Travel Group”, a leading travel Company in Colombo. The company opened five new branches within the last three months. Hence, Rebecca’s team had numerous challenge and unusually heavy workload. The main objective of the case study is to find, describe and analyze problems effectively. Problems can be found easily in this case study. Problem 01, No proper understanding about Culture & No proper qualification -Marketing depends on customer & customer behavior. Definitely Rebecca should know the culture of Sri Lanka. It helps her to understand the customers & customer behavior in Sri Lanka. I suggest to do an Induction programme for her to understand the culture of Sri Lanka & culture of the company. She is not suitable for the position, Head of marketing. According to her qualifications she suits for the position Assistant marketing manager. Problem 02, Heavy work scheduled & Not enough time limits have given for the Performance Appraisal- According to this case study we can see Rebecca don’t know how to do a performance appraisals. She had completed the 30 performance appraisal forms of the entire Marketing...
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...as a performance appraisal to help shape the careers of future managers. Whether the manager likes it or not at least once a year he or she will need to do appraisals for the staff he or she is in direct responsibility for. Doing appraisals should be looked upon as a tool that can help all involved. Performance reviews are stressful for both managers and employees. Criticism is usually hard for the giver and the receiver. A performance appraisal needs not be stressful or critical. The tool should be looked upon as a way to improve one’s skills and career. Most individuals want to do the best job one can do therefore, by learning and improving from using the appraisal tool the sky should be the limit for the individuals involved. The appraisal form attached offers both the manager and the employee the opportunity to answer the same questions prior to the actual appointment. By giving everyone involved a voice there will be less chance for feeling unimportant and lead to the possibility of open communication between the two. The appraisal form has a section after the two come together to compare and come up with a mutual plan for success in the coming year. This particular type of appraisal method can be used for individual and teamwork type settings. When employees are hired initially with the company part of the new orientation process will include discussion of the yearly appraisal system in play. The discussion of what the appraisal review is for...
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...employees and review their performance and then go on to see how they manage them. This is so carried out so they can get the best performance out of the employees because different employees within the business need different ways of managing them. This leads on to the performance improvement of the employee, the measures leading companies use to effectively manage employee development, rewards/recognition, recruitment/selection, and employee satisfaction and morale amongst employees. Case Study on how Tesco Measure and Manage a performance of an employee Tesco is an international expanding retail company and for them to remain one of the best they must manage their staff successfully. Also they need to measure how well they are performing as an employee, this not only benefits Tesco with their sales but also the employee can see what areas they are exceeding at and where they are not exceeding in. There are many methods in performance management that Tesco take upon the development of a succcessful performance management system with the employees. Tesco believes that an employee must have a clear work plan of objectives that are linked with the goals of the company. Measurements and targets are used to assure whether an objective has been achieved for example; has the employee reached their sales total of the day. The outcome of this method is a positive one and mostly serves to deliver a range of value to both Tesco the business itself and the individual employee whose...
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...the growing demands of business sustainability and maintain a competitive advantage over the competition, businesses are encouraged to take a hard look at their talent pool (Urlaub, 2011). This process aims to retain employees and foster their continuing development of skills and competencies to achieve the organization’s immediate performance goals and long-term strategic objectives. This often requires managers to incorporate a wide variety of perspectives in their talent appraisals. The ability for an organization to identify, select, develop, and retain highly valued skill sets can set a company apart. Talent Management Strategy is defined as an organizations commitment to recruit, retain, and develop the most talented and superior employees available in the job market through goal-setting, performance management, assessment, compensation management, learning, career planning and succession planning processes. This paper will discuss a few topics surrounding sustainable talent management which will include; determining which performance management process can be used to measure employee talent, analyze key concepts related to the talent review process, develop appropriate talent management objectives to measure functional expertise, asses key elements of global talent management as they apply to my organization, and recommend a process that optimizes a sustainable talent management process. Here is a little background on the organization that this will be done on. The organization...
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...Analyze the Performance Evaluation Practices, Compensation and Reward Practices of Merchant Credit of Sri Lanka Ltd | Human Resources Management | Group Assignment March 13, 2011 | ANURUDDHA M W R BSC-I14-011 10113704 MENDIS A D M BSC-I14-096 10295313 KUMARAGE L K N S BSC-I14- 087 10296549 LIYANAGE K L C BSC-I14- 090 10295615 RABEL T D BSC-I14-126 10296662 SUBASINGHE D P M BSC-I14-156 10296441 WIJERATNE D D BSC-114-185 10295674 National Institute of Business Management Colombo 07 What is Performance Management? Performance Management is the systematic process by which an organization involves employees in improving organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of organization’s goals and objectives. In other words, performance management is a strategic approach to managing the business. Its aim is to improve organizational effectiveness and add value by enhancing existing capabilities and building new ones. It is largely concerned with the continuous development of the organization’s broad strategic capabilities and the specific capabilities of individuals and teams. It is a strategic in the sense that it deals with: * The broader issues that the business has to face in its changing environment. * The general direction in which the business intends to go to achieve long term goals. Introduction of Merchant Credit of Sri Lanka (MCSL) Merchant Credit of Sri Lanka (PVT) Ltd is basically...
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...360 review is a professional feedback opportunity that enables a group of coworkers to provide feedback on an employee’s performance. The feedback is generally asked for by the manager to whom the employee reports. Coworkers who participate in the 360 review usually include the boss, several peers, reporting staff, and functional managers with whom the employee works regularly. Hence, the name of the feedback opportunity comes from the fact that performance feedback is solicited from all directions in the organization. Problems with 360º evaluations It takes a significant amount of time for a group of individuals to evaluate one person if we use a 360° format. By using up so much organizational time, it obviously also costs us a significant amount of money. If we multiply the numbers based on the time required to evaluate one individual to count everyone in the organization, the costs can quickly become massive. 8.8 Common problems with the performance appraisal process 8.9 The major steps we can take to avoid problems with the appraisal process Develop Accurate Performance Measures * Use multiple criteria. * Minimize the use of trait-based evaluations. Train Evaluators * Train evaluators to overcome the common problems of assessment. * Train evaluators to use the measurement methods and forms. Use Multiple Raters 8.10 Differences between evaluative performance reviews and developmental performance reviews Evaluative performance review - review...
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...| 2014 | RHuman Resources Management | [DGE Performance management System] | | ------------------------------------------------- Overview Dana Gas is the Middle East’s leading private sector natural gas company producing some 65,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day of oil, gas and natural gas liquids from its operations in Egypt and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Dana Gas Egypt We are 100% operator of production, exploration and developments in the Nile Delta and 50% joint operator in Upper Egypt. Dana Gas, via its subsidiary Dana Gas Egypt, owns a 100% interest in three concessions onshore Nile Delta, the El Manzala, West El Manzala and West El Qantara concessions. And 50% in Komombo ------------------------------------------------- Dana Gas Egypt Manpower Resourcing, Attraction and Retention Philosophies Our success derives from the competence and dedication of our Employees. Dana Gas was able to continue its success in building capacity and capability at all levels, combining global and regional searches to identify and attract skilled people. It is part of our evolving culture to value expertise in a way that will generate the necessary proficiency that we require across the Group now and for the future. Talent Development Developing our people and helping them to reach their full potential are key elements to deliver our Group’s business strategy. This continues to be one of our main priorities. We recognize that the success of our strategy...
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