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Indoor Tanning Research Paper

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Americans spend an average of 300 dollars per year to tan in indoor tanning beds. This equates to a total U.S. market for tanning of over 9 billion dollars per year, not including the 3 billion dollar tanning products market (Karim, 2007). What some Americans seem to be obsessed with regarding obtaining the perfect skin color is actually unhealthy and potentially dangerous. Indoor tanning causes many skin problems that may worsen over time. It is an unhealthy habit that many people of various ages have. Artificial tanning poses a risk because it causes significant damage to one’s health. Although tanning can be dangerous scientists have discovered that limiting indoor tanning to 20 half hour sessions per year will keep the risks within an acceptable limit. It has been indicated that children under 16 should not expose themselves to tanning beds. Even though there are safe ways to tan indoors, evidence is accumulating that the use of tanning beds may have adverse effects on the skin. There are two types of UV rays: ultraviolet A rays and ultraviolet B rays. The risks of UVB rays are well established, however the UVA rays used in tanning beds may cause a variety of skin problems as well …show more content…
Some people experience more extreme reactions and people with skin conditions, like dermatoses, may find that their condition worsens when using indoor tanning facilities. There is also some indication that the risk of skin cancer may be increased by the use of tanning beds. Many people, especially those who don’t tan well or sunburn easily, expose themselves to risks without even achieving the intended cosmetic effects of a darker tan. It has not been proven, but it is fully expected, that using tanning beds has aging effects on the skin. Ultraviolet A rays should be limited to a small amount of reddening of the skin from 8 to 24 hours after tanning (British Medical

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