...RUNNING HEAD: CULTURE AND PARENTING Culture and parenting Introduction Parenting is the first and likely most important mechanism through which culture is reproduced (Cauce, 2008). Every child is born into a certain circumstance and learns through interactions with the surroundings. Parents are generally the first and key people in a child’s life, so it should come as no surprise that parenting has influences on the development of children’s temperament, which later impacts their school performance. This article is going to explore how parenting varies among different ethnic groups including Asian Americans, African American, Latinos, and European Americans. More specifically, what factors should be included when considering the parenting characteristics of a unique ethnic group and what implications might they have for schooling today. Theories Two of the modern theories that are concerned with cultural influences on human development are Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and Ecological Systems Theory proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner. First, Vygotsky’s theory defined culture as the values, beliefs, customs, and skills of a social group. His Sociocultural Theory focuses on how culture is transmitted to the next generation. According to Vygotsky, social interaction – in particular, cooperative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society – is necessary for children to acquire the ways of thinking...
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...Child and adolescent psychology Name Institutional affiliation Children who, for many reasons are at a risk of losing their parents, or are living without their parents are exposed to discrimination and poverty. This makes them vulnerable to neglect, abuse and exploitation. Parenting can be defined as a dynamic process that depends on communication that takes place between children and their parents, families and environment. Parenting practices are vital in the development of a child, and are different for different generations. A study was conducted by (Frick, Barry, & Kamphaus, 2010), and provided the parenting practices across three different generations described in the table below. | | Generation 1 years children were raised (1950-1979) | Generation 2Years (1980-1989) | Generation 3Years ( 2000 to date) | Parenting practice 1Education | Monitoring | Yes | To some extend | No | Parenting practice 2Extracurricular activities | Child rearing | high extend | Higher than in G3 | To some extend | Parenting practice 3Discipline | Harsh discipline | To high extend | To some extend | No | Parenting practice 4Religious involvement | Positive parenting | To high extend | To high extend | To high extend | Discussion In terms of parenting practices that include monitoring, positive parenting, harsh discipline and child rearing, parents in these generations responded differently. From the table above, it is evident that child rearing is a complete development...
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...Various components influence the overall development of children. It is not simply the society in which each child is born and lives but certain and identifiable parts of the society. Although every aspect of child development involves genetics, environmental factors contribute significantly in the personality development of children. Subcultures of race/ethnicity, economic status, faiths/religion, and locality/region, in addition to particular groups such as friends and family distinctly affect each child. Throughout the lifespan, people constantly confront new or varying situations—both individual and societal—and need to understand how to adjust to these conditions. The most significant time of acculturation occurs during infancy and childhood, which establishes the foundation of every child’s future personality. However, whether one becomes an extrovert or introvert, a genius or average, enthusiastic or passive is contingent upon many unique effects and is not easy to foresee when a child is first born. Familial, associative, academic, and communal influence impacts one’s worldview—how one reasons, socializes and develops a sense of self. This research examines environmental influences—such as parenting styles and attachment; social economic status and parent stability; sibling positions and relations; neighborhood and peer groups, including school and mass media—on the personality development of children. The Role of the Environment in Personality Development of Children ...
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...In the first two years, a child’s main Influences derive from his or her immediate environment. This system includes influences from parents, siblings, immediate family, caregivers, close family friends, and the limited exposure outside the home environment. As a child progresses from infancy to young childhood, his or her environment expands to include the child’s ecosystem (community, schools, church, and neighbors). Slowly through life, new influences add to the child’s history, but the most influential during these two stages are the family and early education. The main contextual influences in infancy and early childhood include parents, siblings, grandparents, and often surrogates (nannies, foster parents, adopted parents, and routine caretakers). These individual’s influence language, socialization, emotional development, temperament, attachments, and they provide the first cultural context. The family is the foundation for psychosocial, cognitive, and biosocial development. An infant is completely dependent on the parent, caretaker, or surrogate. Early experiences that mold psychosocial and cognitive development are dependent on socialization within the child’s family. A newborn quickly learns to associate a mother’s smell to comfort and nourishment. A few months later, a child delights in the faces of his or her family. Gradually, the child will begin to sort through the speech stream and learn the language spoken by his or her parents. Arranz, Oliva...
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...Janet Michelle Lewis Parenting Practices April 12, 2014 PARENTING PRACTICES Parenting a child is a very important role. Parents teach a child how to behave and they provide the needs for the child. Parenting practices varies from generation to generation. In the chart below I have described parenting practices over generations in my family. | Generation 1: Years (1960-1970) | Generation 2: Years(1980-2000) | Generation 3: Years(2000-2014) | Parenting Practice 1: Education | Medium standards | Medium standards | High standards | Parenting Practice 2:Religious Involvement | High standards | High standards | High standards | Parenting Practice 3:Breastfeeding | High standards | Medium standards | Low standards | Parenting Practice 4:Extra curriculum activities | Low standards | Medium standards | Medium standards | Similarities and differences in these styles between three generations Each generation of parent practicing, expressed and viewed the importance of education among all generation of children. As a child we were made to go to school and we enjoyed going as well. Parents would express how important it was to finish high school, and afterwards go to college or get a trade. The encouragement of going to college became more intense over generations. Early on it was about completing high school. Parents seem to have an understanding and significance of institution of the church in earlier years (Cozby, 2009). Among generations, parents...
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...BEHAVIOUR: INFLUENTIAL FACTORS 2.1) CULTURTAL FACTORS 2.2) SOCIALISATION OF PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOUR WITHIN THE FAMILY 2.3) THE CHILD’S INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS 3. CONCLUSION 4. REFERENCES 5 6 7 8 3 3 4 2 PYC4805 ASSIGNMENT 02 1.) Introduction According to Berk (2013, p. 417) prosocial behaviour can be defined as follows: “Actions that benefit another person without any expectation of reward for the self.” Prosocial development in early childhood is of great importance for promoting positive and healthy relationships later on in life (Scrimgeour, Blandon, Stifter & Buss 2013). In can start emerging within the first two years of life and it includes helpfulness, sharing, comforting etc. (Dunfield, Kuhlmeier, O’Connell & Kelley, 2011). In this assignment some of the factors that have an influence on the prosocial behaviour of young children will be discussed. They are as follows: cultural factors, socialisation of prosocial behaviour within the family, and the individual characteristics of children. These are only 3 of many factors that play a role in the development of prosocial behaviour. 2.) Prosocial behaviour: influential factors. There are a number of theories and perspectives that aim to explain prosocial behaviour. There are philosophical perspectives, psychological theories and empirical literature. These theories and perspectives are all of equal importance in explaining prosocial behaviour. The foundations of philosophical perspectives of prosocial behaviour tend to...
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...Parenting and the different ways it can affect children’s lives: research evidence Policy-makers and commentators often blame ‘bad parenting’ for children’s and young people’s troublesome behaviour. What can research tell us about the influence of parenting, especially the parent-child relationships in millions of ‘ordinary’ families? This paper: ■ Summarises findings from seven reviews of existing research that were commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to inform its own Parenting Research and Development programme. ■ Considers parenting from the perspectives of mothers, fathers and children themselves, as well as those of black and minority ethnic parents and families living in poverty with restricted access to support services Editor: David Utting August 2007 www.jrf.org.uk Key points ■ Differences in child temperament, among other factors, demonstrate that flexible, adaptable parenting is more likely to be effective than a ‘one size fits all’ approach. ■ The quality of parent-child relationships shows considerable stability over time. Some dimensions of parenting are important in children’s lives irrespective of age, especially whether relationships are warm and supportive or marked by conflict. ■ Warm, authoritative and responsive parenting is usually crucial in building resilience. Parents who develop open, participative communication, problemcentred coping, confidence and flexibility tend to manage stress well and help their families...
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...Comparison of Child Rearing Practices Donna Sarvis ANT 101 – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Instructor – David Jenkins September 2, 2013 Comparison of Child Rearing Practices The purpose of this paper is to express the different ways culture affects child-rearing practices. Culture and child rearing are both essential in child development. Culture and ethnicity can have a deciding effect on the child-rearing techniques that families implement throughout the world. Differences such as methods of discipline, expectations regarding acceptance of responsibilities and transmission of religious instruction will vary among different cultures. The paper will include facts and information from three very different cultures about child-rearing practices. Culture is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group (Greenwood, 2013). Child rearing practices are ways in which children in a society are raised (Greenwood, 2013).. Regardless of their cultural orientation, parents play a significant role in helping their children become honorable and contributing members of society. They accomplish this by nurturing their children, engaging in problem solving with them, and modeling by example of culturally acceptable ways of living and solving problems. A culturally evaluative theory called neo-Freudianism focuses on personal development in that it puts much importance on early childhood experiences being crucial to the development of the...
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...http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0102-79722010000200002 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY The influence of gender and birth order on parenting practices Gender and birth order the moderators parenting Izabela Tissot Sampaio Antunes Federal University of Santa Catarina * , Mauro Luís Vieira ABSTRACT This study evaluated gender and birth order as moderating variables of parenting practices and perception of parental preference from the point of view of the children. Participated in the survey 322 adolescents between 13 and 17 years. Parenting Styles Inventory (ESI) and a questionnaire developed by the authors: two instruments for data collection were used. Data were analyzed by non-parametric statistics (MannWhitney and Kruskal-Wallis). By analyzing the results, it was found that: (a) the gender of the children interferes significantly in rates of parenting style, (b) the first-born had significantly higher risk of suffering from negative parenting practices, and (c) the perception of preference parenting is influenced by gender and birth order of the children. Keywords: Gender, Birth Order, Parental Educational Practices. ABSTRACT This study Aimed at Assessing gender and birth order influence on parenting and Perceived parental favoritism from the children perspective. The participants were 322 adolescents aged between 13 and 17 years old. Two instruments were used to collect data - Parenting Styles Inventory and a questionnaire developed by the authors. Nonparametrical...
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...Cienna Hernandez 1. Is your virtual child likely to have any health problems during middle childhood? If your child does not have any health problems, to what do you attribute this? How has your culture influenced your child’s health? (8 points for describing health problems or lack of, 8 points – discusses culture and its influence on child’s health, 4 points for textbook support). Gemma has not had any health problems so far. She doesn’t seem to gain weight even when she eats a lot. Since she does have a bigger appetite growing up, we did keep in mind that children need a wel-balanced, plentiful diet to provide energy for successful learning in school (416). Gemma even has a strong immunity and dodged off the major flu that was going around school. I think Gemma’s immunity is very strong considering that she is an active child and is in sports. 2. How might your child's development have been different if s/he was raised by people with a different...
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...Early Childhood Development Paper By: Pamela Smith March 8, 2014 PSY 375 Life Span Human Development Introduction While researching this topic I found it to be interesting that there is a controversy about this topic. When Judith Rich Harris published her book in 1998 "The Nurture Assumption" which in the book Harris revels that parents have little to no influence over the long-term development of their child's development. Therefore, developmental psychologist have found themselves on the defense about this topic. Harris believed that the child developed more by the people around them and the surrounding around them outside the home. Her ideas went widespread and gained media attention and therefore the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation sponsored a conference on parentingr." The fruit of this conference is a book, "Parenting and the Child's World: Influences on Academic, Intellectual and Socio emotional Development," to be published next year by Erlbaum. Chapters by Harris and behavioral geneticist David Rowe, PhD, present data to support Harris's view, while a cadre of developmental psychologists detail decades of research that they feel demonstrates the role parents play in influencing children's development" (Azar, pg. 62). Parents do matter, from the way they parent, to the foods they let the children eat, academics, socially, and personality development in a child. When looking...
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...Differences in parental influence on adolescent academic achievement in American and Asian societies (Taiwan, China, & Japan) A lot of attention has been paid to the roles parents play in influencing adolescent academic achievement. The purpose of this project is to compare differences in parental influence on adolescent academic achievement between American and Asian societies. The Asian countries focus on Taiwan, China, and Japan. The project also offers some explanations for why Asian adolescent students outdistance American students in academic achievement. If we give a definition of achievement or achievement motivation, we can define it as people wanting to develop a competent self, or individuals having the motivation to succeed, to be good at something, to be independent and competitive, and to do well at whatever they may attempt. We can analyze Weinerís attribution theory of achievement into three dimensions: the locus of control, stability, and controllability. (Weiner, 1986) What students attribute their academic achievement to is a big issue. If students believe a failure is controllable - the result of low effort ñ they may be spurred on by that failure to do better next time. And a significant and important factor that affects studentsí attribution might be parental influence. In different countries, parents have totally different attitudes toward their childrenís academic performance. This article provides possible reasons for why Asian students outdistance...
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...American vs. Chinese Child Rearing Krystle Hawkins July 13, 2014 ANT 101 Introductions to Cultural Anthropology Christopher Deere In different cultures, there are different styles of child rearing practices. “Child rearing practice is the process of promoting and supporting the philosophy, emotional, social, and intellectual development along with the educational experiences of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child aside from the biological relationship” (Webster, n.d.) Parenting is rooted in not only where the child grows up and lives in but also it has a lot to do with the child’s childhood experiences. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention cultures can have a Hugh affect on the practices and parenting styles. For example, culture that both parents that share parenting responsibilities and work full time are really different from a culture that has a stern disciplinarian father in which he is the breadwinner of the family will actually have different types of affects on child- rearing practices. Child rearing is broken down into four categories, which are Behavioral Expectations, Affection, Education and Physical Punishment. In this paper, I will be comparing Chinese and American child- rearing. I find after researching the both of them, they are quite different in a lot of ways. Chinese child rearing philosophy are to have a very organized system where the government take on the responsibility of...
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...you have your child, it is time to cover the parenting “bases” which are: 1. Self-esteem development 2. The importance of culture and ethnicity in the development of self-concept 3. Healthy parenting styles and discipline for the adoptive child 4. Childcare Options 5. Children and the effects of media and technology 6. Understanding the importance of socialization and child development 7. Positive peer interaction and influence Getting or having a new child can be different. You as a parent have to learn right along with the child. The very first thing is that children learn from their environment and the people in that environment. Everything they see and hear will contribute to their development. They are little sponges absorbing everything around them. You, as the parent(s), play the most important role in your child’s world. Other people, including teachers, peers, extended family, and friends will also have a role but you must remember that you are the most important! Ecological Systems Theory of Development is written by Urie Bronfenbrenner, who is a renowned human development psychologist. In his writing, he stated the impact of the parent’s involvement as well as the surrounding environment’s influences on a child’s development. Bojczyk, Shriner & Shriner said, “Bronfenbrenner explained children’s development within a series of interacting systems in his ecological model. In the center of this model is the individual child, whose experiences...
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...INFLUENCE OF PARENTING STYLES ON SOCIAL SKILLS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM INTRODUCTION There is a great agreement among developmental psychologists that parenting styles have important implications for child development (Darling, et al, 1993). Child rearing or commonly known as parenting is a complex activity that includes many specific behaviours that work individually or together to influence child outcomes. The relationship between a student and his or her parents has been noted to have an influential impact on not only the student performance in school but also in his/her life generally. Parenting styles have been analysed and grouped by educationists. Numerous studies such as Baumrind, (1991), Maccoby & Martin, (1983), Mandara, (2006) and Micki, (2008), have shown that the parenting style experienced by children contribute in no small measure to the moulding of the behavioral pattern generally and specifically, the social skills and academic performance of the children. Miki (2008) noted that the relationship between parenting styles and their children's social skills and academic performance has shown that parents can have a dramatic impact on their children’s performance, often resulting in a vast improvement. Also, though; not as preventing, it is also shown that parents can have a powerful impact on their children's behaviour in the classroom and at other...
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