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Information Flow Within an Organization


Submitted By elliottaw
Words 729
Pages 3
Information Flow in an Organization
, information is created for meaning, decision making and sharing of knowledge. Just like a river flowing information flows from one place to another, into every house, school or organization. The flow begins with the creation of the data at a terminal; this is the beginning of the information flow. From there the information flows down the pipeline through the network which is like a pipeline. Within this network of pipes you have the switching and routing of the information flow, like the valves used to push water from one location to another. From there the information flows to storage facilities like large storage facilities, these facilities in a data network are the servers, mainframes are used in conjunction with software to store, collate, and share the data just waiting to be accessed and shared. Once a person turns on the faucet or access the information the flow starts again, from the storage facility to another set of switches/routers or valves. This information is accessed like getting a drink of water. Information flow within an organization is an ever evolving process; it is circular in nature according to its activities.

Chesapeake Energy’s information flow starts with the design of the information network or pipeline, network circuits include cell modems, T1 and fiber circuits. From here the routers and switches are put in place to send the information to the right storage facility or server. Software is created to determine what level of data is needed, like the collection of natural gas output. This input of data starts at the lowest level with the Well Tender who constantly checks the output of the well and ensures that the production rates on old analog paper and ink graphs match with the monitoring device. From the monitoring device and well tender Billions of Cubic feet of gas is measured for its water, oil, liquid and dry natural gas. Once the data is verified from hundreds of wells at the same time, the data is then sent to the servers that store the data and collate it into a readable database by production engineers who determine if a well is producing at its capacity. IT Field Specialists within the area are responsible for programing and maintaining all the digital components from the well to the Servers. The data is then sent at prescribed times to the home office in Oklahoma where it is stored in data mainframes that are accessed by a multitude of departments within the organization. Accounting access the production data to determine how much a landowner will receive in royalties based on the production of the well on their property. Geological engineers access the data to determine if the strata is staying open based on flow rates, water production, oil production, and calculated flow rates. Some of the data that is collected at one well helps drillers and geological engineers determine how far to drill on other wells, by looking at the data from one well to another it gives the drilling crew an idea of where the gas pockets are and how far to drill before expecting blowback from a gas pocket. Input from the drilling of the well, like depth, water levels, geological formations Changes within the data from engineers is stored within the multitude of databases and accessed by the crews that FRAC wells this tells them what type of material to use to keep the layers of the strata open for gas flow.
The flow of data within an organization starts from the top where the concept of the database is created, this is then shared and input is added from the lowest level and distributed throughout the organization. This sharing or access of information within the organization allows people to input information and it can then be viewed and acted upon by anyone, anywhere at anytime. The information flow of an organization can change at anytime based upon a company’s needs and future goals. Most organizations create flow charts to identify how the flow of information is working within the organization. This flow chart is used to determine if enough information is being shared, to much is being shared or if the information being shared is creating economical waste. Information management and the organizational information flow are go hand in hand in creating an economical and valuable information network.

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