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Submitted By Gmoney69
Words 319
Pages 2
Stanozol 10 is typically used for

In a cutting cycle
For lowering SHBG
Contents per box:

4 blister each containing 14 blue/white capsules totaling 56 capsules.

Recommended dose

Always take Stanozol 10 exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If you are unsure,ask your pharmacist. Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, the normal dose is:


First time users
Take a 10mg dose twice a day as follows:10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening for 2 weeks. Then increase daily dosage by 10 mg as follows: one 10mg dose three time per day spread evenly throughout the day.

Advanced users
Take one 20mg dose three time per day spread evenly throughout the day. For lowering SHBG The use of 0,2mg/kg body weight per day dramatically lowers SHBG which in turn increases the amount of free testosterone circulating in the body.

Do not exceed 20mg per dose or 60mg per 24 hour period.


First time users
Take 5mg once per day in the morning. Then increase daily dosage by 5mg as follows: one 5mg dose twice a day, 5mg in the morning and 5mg in the evening.

As Stanozol 10 only comes in 10mg capsules, it’s advised that the capsule is opened and the powder that is poured out be divided into 2 equal doses.

Advanced users
Take 5mg doses 3 times per day at 8 hourly intervals. Do not exceed 5mg per dose or 15mg per 24 hour period.

Stanozol 10 may be taken with or without food to avoid stomach irritability. This may however diminish bio-availablity so fatty foods, specifically, should be avoided 1 hour prior to dose administration..

Increase water intake so as to avoid kidney related side effects.


Minimum recommended duration is 4 weeks and maximum duration is 8 weeks. There are however reports of people using Stanozol 10 for up to 12 weeks without complication.

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