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Input Control


Submitted By tommy19748
Words 1241
Pages 5
Input controls are an integral part to any form. Input controls allow users to perform a variety of functions to ensure that input data is correct complete and secure. “Data input controls ensure the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of data during its conversion from its original source into computer data, or into a computer application. Data can be entered into a computer application from either manual online input or by scheduled automated processing. The input control reviewer should determine the adequacy of both manual and automated controls over data input to ensure that data is input accurately with optimum use of computerized validation and editing and that error handling procedures facilitate the timely and accurate resubmission of all corrected data.” (Audit and Management Advisory Services, 2012) also instruct users that input edits should be used with a form or computer application, these input edits range from checks for invalid field lengths, invalid characters, missing or erroneous data, and corrected dates, or the use of check digits. Input data should also be controlled by the use of record counts, control totals, and event logs. The duties of input controls are to ensure data entry through authorization; in addition, these duties should be separate to ensure that no one individual input control performs multiple critical tasks.
User interface (UI) design is the first task in the systems design phase of the SCLD. One element of the UI design process is input technology. (Shelly & Rosenblatt, 2012) states that Input and data entry methods should be cost efficient, timely, and simple as possible. In addition to the traditional methods of data entry, there has been a rapid development of new hardware in ways to capture and enter data into a system.
Data entry requires a lot of time and effort to reduce excessive labor it is

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