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Intellectual Disability Case Scenarios

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Ac is a 21-year-old, white male, who was referred to Goodwill’s Supported Employment Services by Arkansas Rehabilitation Services. Ac reported that he had heard about Goodwill’s disability program from a counselor at his high school before he graduated. Now that Ac has graduated he desires to find employment but expresses that he needs help doing so. Ac’s presenting problem is that he has a primary impairment of Intellectual Disability as well as a history of seizures. He has always been in special education classes growing up but only has experienced having seizures 3 months ago. Ac is currently taking medication for his seizures and has not had any occur since begging the medication 3 months ago. Due to Ac’s intellectual disability he has difficulty with working at a fast pace, following multiple directions/instructions; and demonstrates limited academic skills. He also has no job experience or form of dependent transportation. These are all things that he would need assistance with so that he can be successful at gaining competitive employment. Description of the Client and his/her Environment:
• Client (micro) System: Ac was dressed casually and was visually well groomed at the time of our interview. He appeared to be calm and collective throughout the entire interview and willing to answer any questions. He was very friendly and …show more content…
Ac reported that he is very close to his family (grandparents and younger brother) and that they have been very supportive of the idea of him getting a job. He stated that although he doesn’t have transportation his Pops will take him wherever needs to go if he is able to. Ac has a great social outlet through church and is very involved with the youth but outside of that he doesn’t do much since he is no longer in school. Now that Ac is in the Supportive Employment Program he is able to get one on one assistance with a job coach, acquire direct job experience, and learn new skills in class that will help him gain

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